• designated time;a period of time;phase;stage
  • issue;number;term
  • make an appointment;expect
  • 规定的时间,或一段时间:定~。限~。~限。学~。

  • 量词,用于刊物或其他分期的事物:第五~。

  • 盼望,希望:~望。~冀。~盼。~待。

  • 限度:“征敛无~求索无度”。

  • 必,决定:“~死,非勇也”。

  • 〔~颐〕指人活到一百岁。

  • 地质学上指在一个国境内或一个大区域内,小于“世”的地质年代单位。

  • 一周年,一整月:~年。~月。~服(古代丧服名,要穿一年)。


(预定的时日)designated [scheduled] time:

  • 到期

    fall due;

  • 改期

    change the date;

  • 如期

    by the scheduled time; on schedule;

  • 限期

    set a time limit [deadline];

  • 过期

    be overdue;

  • 约期会晤

    appoint a date for interview


(一段时间) a period of time; phase; stage:

  • 第一期工程

    the first phase of the project;

  • 服役期

    term of military service;

  • 假期

    vacation; holiday time;

  • 潜伏期

    incubation period;

  • 危险期

    critical phase;

  • 学期

    school term


(用于分期的事物) issue; number; term:

  • 最近一期的 《北京周报》

    the current issue of Bei-jing Review;

  • 短训班办了三期。

    The short-term training class has been run three times.

  • 今天我们的报纸出版第10000期。

    Today our paper publishes its 10000th number.


(约定时日) make an appointment:

  • 不期而遇

    meet unexpectedly; meet by chance


(等待; 盼望) expect:

  • 指日可期

    can be expected soon;The day is not far off.

  1. 波德莱尔处于浪漫主义退潮期,必须开拓新的诗歌领域。

    Baudelaire lived in a period of time when romanticism was on the ebb and new fields of poetry were cried for .

  2. 本文认为:19世纪80年代是外国在华银行金融实力的扩张期,这一时期最主要的特征是金融网的扩张;

    Abstract This article holds that the 1880s is a period of time when foreign banks expanded their strength in China by means of spreading their finance network .

  3. 经过六个月的试用期后,她获准正式担任该职。

    After a six-month probationary period , her position was confirmed .

  4. 这笔钱无限期借出。

    The money was lent for an undefined period of time .

  5. 一些儿童进入少年期会完全变成另一个人。

    Some children undergo a complete transformation when they become teenagers .

  6. 妊娠期服用的药物可能引起婴儿身体畸形。

    Drugs taken during pregnancy may cause physical deformity in babies .

  7. 贷款的最后一期付款下个星期到期。

    The final instalment on the loan is due next week .

  8. 我签订的三年期合同已于上周期满。

    I was on a three-year contract that expired last week .

  9. 马的怀孕期大约为十一个月。

    The gestation period of a horse is about eleven months .

  10. 这个杀人犯被判处三项无期徒刑,同时执行。

    The murderer was given three life sentences , to run concurrently .

  11. 本协议的有效期已过。

    The period of validity of the agreement has expired .

  12. 这届政府的蜜月期现在已经过去了。

    The honeymoon period for the government is now over .

  13. 这篇故事我们将在下一期里继续刊载。

    The story will be continued in our next issue .

  14. 另外唯一可行的办法就是推迟会期。

    The only practicable alternative is to postpone the meeting .

  15. 这期月刊概述了他的工作生涯。

    His career is profiled in this month 's journal .

  16. 债券市场通常在夏天萧条期后开始复苏。

    The bond market normally revives after the summer doldrums .

  17. 现在好像是自由评论教师的开放期。

    It seems to be open season on teachers now .

  18. 在一个月的赦免期中交出了2000把刀。

    2 000 knives have been handed in during the month-long amnesty .

  19. 在经济衰退期,制造业有很多人失业了。

    Many jobs in manufacturing were lost during the recession .

  20. 此签证有效期为14天,可延期到一个月。

    The visa is for 14 days , extendable to one month .

  21. 节期从9月13日星期一开始。

    The festival kicks off on Monday , September 13 .

  22. 所有要在五月这一期发表的稿件必须在星期五以前寄到。

    All contributions for the May issue must be received by Friday .

  23. 这酸奶的有效期到11月20日。

    The expiration date on this yogurt was November 20 .

  24. 这家公司勉强渡过了衰退期。

    The company just managed to weather the recession .

  25. 大多数青少年都要经历一段叛逆期。

    Most teenagers go through a period of rebelling .

  26. 法官判处他有期徒刑九个月,缓期执行。

    The judge gave him a nine-month suspended sentence .

  27. 这电视机有一年的保修期。

    The television comes with a year 's guarantee .

  28. 工会谈判代表拖延着,以期达成较优厚的薪酬协议。

    The union negotiators are holding out for a more generous pay settlement .

  29. 他们好像一心要把谈判无限期地拖下去。

    They seem determined to string the talks out for an indefinite period .

  30. 你需要四至六个星期的康复期。

    You need four to six weeks ' convalescence .