- future delivery
Third it tries to design the delivery institution of hog future and presents innovatively that it is suitable for hog future to execute physical delivery and cash settlement by cash price index .
The Innovation Study of the Wheat Futures Delivery Manner of Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange
Literature Review of Delivery Theory Evolution and China 's Choice in Futures Market
Which manner to choose is the most important content of wheat futures delivery management .
Exchange for Physicals is Effective Form of Delivery of A Large Amount of Commodity Futures
How reasonable the manner device of delivery is directly affects the wheat futures markets ' function and efficiency .
As the last link of futures trading , delivery has attracted more and more attention because most of the manipulations in China 's futures markets are closely related to delivery .
The Changes of Delivery Methods in Foreign Futures Market and Corresponding Inspirations
The Futures Delivery System of China Grain Research
A document used to effect delivery on a futures contract , such as a warehouse receipt or shipping certificate .
The month in which futures contracts may be satisfied by making or accepting delivery . Also called the delivery month .
Cushing is the delivery point for US oil futures and , thus , the most crucial point in US oil trading .
The standard grades of commodities or instruments listed in the rules of the exchanges that must be met when delivering cash commodities against futures contracts .
Investors yesterday rushed to buy oil futures contracts as far forward as December 2016 , pushing prices as high as $ 139.30 a barrel , up $ 9 on the day .
On demand is normally for settlement , two days ahead , value spot . prompt note
This thesis takes the process of the futures delivery as the object of the research , analyzes and investigates the physical delivery system .
The widening gap between the two benchmarks is due to a build-up of inventories at Cushing , Oklahoma , the landlocked delivery point for the WTI contract .
However , it is uncertain that weather the calendar effects exist in the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index or weather the delivery of stock index futures impacts the spot market .
The Empirical Study of Futures Trading and Practical Delivery Relationships and the Trading Positions Control Model
A fee charged by the exchange for each futures or options contract cleared or delivered on the Exchange .
Firstly , this article rectifies the widespread fallacies on the relationship between futures trading and practical delivery , points out the limitations of classical study methods .
Secondly , the optimal hedge ratio and hedge effectiveness are generally larger and better by buying a futures contract with near delivery date than those by buying a distant futures contract .
Point to futures and common commodity futures besides in expire outside differring somewhat when complete a business transaction , basically do not have the distinction of what essence .
As the links between wheat futures and actual markets , the sector of delivery is very important in the whole trading process .
The different character of futures trading varieties , the feature of actual markets circulation , the development of transportation and communication , the process of urbanization , and the like , are decisive factors to the choice of wheat futures delivery manner .