
qī huì
  • meet at a time fixed in advance
期会 [qī huì]
  • [gathering appointed a time]约期聚集

  • 发征期会。--《史记.货殖列传》

  1. 一些儿童进入少年期会完全变成另一个人。

    Some children undergo a complete transformation when they become teenagers .

  2. 国防规划人员预计开支紧缩期会延长。

    Defense planners predict an extended period of retrenchment .

  3. 尽管存在新的竞争对手,但他相信,安联已融入德国的dna客户在购买有效期会持续几十年的金融产品时,本能地会信赖该公司。

    In spite of new rivals , he believes the company is " part of the DNA " in Germany - instinctively trusted when customers buy financial products that will hold for decades .

  4. 关于或相信充满和平和幸福的盛世期会到来。

    Relating to or believing in the millennium of peace and happiness .

  5. 他有时认为老师留给他安全期会不会怀孕们的作业实在是太多了。

    He sometimes finds his teachers leave them too much work to do .

  6. 我的实习期会持续一个礼拜。

    And my internship will last 1 week .

  7. 一二其他证期会为保护公益认有必要者。

    12 Where the SFC believes it is necessary to protect the public interest .

  8. 那么,生理期会影响运动表现吗?

    So can menstrual cycles affect sporting performance ?

  9. 若发生在春季耕种期会延误农时;

    If the drought took place in Spring 's cultivation , the farming season would be missed .

  10. 成骨部位的周围神经必然会受到损伤,但是在DO的矿化期会自发得到修复,究其恢复机制如何,相关参考文献极少。

    The peripheral nerve surrounding the distracted site must be damaged during DO , but spontaneously recovery during consolidation .

  11. 因此一个业务在其生命期会遭遇三种中断:阻塞、切换掉线、并发掉线。

    So a user service may suffer three kinds of interruption - blocking , hand-off dropping and concurrent dropping .

  12. 我们预料会出现很多新的(和旧的)缺陷和古怪的行为,因此稳定期会更长。

    Quite many new ( and old ) bugs and quirks are expected , so stabilization period is longer .

  13. 本保证卡内所列明的机器在下列情况下,保修期会自动失效。

    The guarantee period of the machines listed in this guarantee card will automatically lose effectiveness under the following conditions .

  14. 身处危机之中,没有人会知道经济究竟会下降多少,也没有人知道下降期会有多长。

    In the midst of a crisis , no one knows how far an economy will drop or for how long .

  15. 但是据宾西法尼亚大学科学家的研究,这段储存期会对未来的婴儿造成很大的伤害。

    But this storage period could ultimately harm the baby , according to the study by scientists at the University of Pennsylvania .

  16. 而且一般说来,债务减持期会持续七年左右,美国要想摆脱这一状况,需要等到2014年。

    Typically , this period of debt reduction lasts around seven years , which means America would emerge from it in 2014 .

  17. 通常,冬天它们会飞到温暖的地方,繁殖期会向北飞到食物充足的地方。

    They are usually winter in warmer areas and migrate north to breed in areas where there are lots of good food resources .

  18. 融资与刑罚预付费用及关闭它是搞清楚回收期会、医师顿河。

    Refinancing with a prepayment penalty Treat it like a closing cost and figure out what the payback period would be , says Dr.

  19. 当人们对他们之前那一份工作特别不满意的时候,新工作刚开始的新鲜期会变得更为强烈。

    The honeymoon period at the start of a new job tends to be stronger when people were particularly dissatisfied with their previous job .

  20. 四其他有违反本办法规定或证期会于核准申请时之限制或禁止规定者。

    4 other violations of these regulations or any other restrictions and prohibitions imposed by the SFC at the time of granting the approval .

  21. 仅根据一项指标判断牡蛎货架期会产生偏差,要是综合运用各项指标会更好。

    Only according to an index to judge the oyster shelf life will produce deviation , if the integrated use of indicators will be better .

  22. 技术更新速度加快和消费者多样化需求,缩短了产品的生命周期,也意味着产品的衰退期会更快到来。

    Technology updating and diversified demand from consumers shortened the product lifecycles . It also means that the recession of the product appears in advance .

  23. 证券投资信商业同业公会得对证券投资信契约拟订定型化契约,报经证期会核定。

    The securities investment trust association may establish a standardized agreement for the securities investment trust contract , and report to the SFC for approval .

  24. 具体的日期和时间由客户双方商定。误期会导致严重的问题。

    The scheduled date and time is agreed to between the customer and services provider , and deviations from this schedule can cause serious problems .

  25. 雇主们是否就是不擅长制定雇佣计划?还是有其它原因能解释,为什么我的求职干旱期会以一场突如其来的暴雨告终?

    Are employers just bad at planning or is there another reason why my dry spell has come to such a sudden and inflationary end ?

  26. 在国外使用信用卡,由于欠款常常需要很长时间才入账,无息的赊欠期会更长。

    Using the card abroad , where items frequently take a long time to be included on your account , can extend this period even longer .

  27. 不过他们认为,与直接投资相比,更重要的是免税期会对市场产生推动作用,从而对经济形成新的刺激,进而增加消费者的信心。

    But chambers and Catz argue on top of direct investments , the holiday would spur a new stimulus by boosting markets , thereby increasing consumer confidence .

  28. 一些研究人员提出,大脑在快速动眼睡眠期会产生并巩固形成记忆和认知的神经元。

    Some researchers theorize that the REM , or rapid eye movement , phase of sleep is when the brain produces and consolidates neural networks for memory and cognition .

  29. 这样,在步行中着地时和足跟抬升期会产生过量的局部压力,可能造成在骨突起部位的皮损或角质增生。

    Excessive focal pressure developed during the midstance and heel-rise parts of the gait cycle may cause skin loss or hypertrophy of the stratum corneum ( callus ) over bony prominences .

  30. 他们也明白,延长行期会需要更多的资金,超出他们之前在Kickmaster上面的集资、存款,以及行前卖旧货的收入总和。

    But they knew that extending the trip would require more funding beyond what they had from the Kickstarter campaign , personal savings and the yard sales they held before they left .