
shí zì jiào xué
  • Literacy teaching;teaching of learning characters
  1. 目前的识字教学中,部首的名称较混乱

    In the present Chinese characters teaching , the radicals ' appellations cause much confusion .

  2. 我国小学语文识字教学的反思

    The Reflection on the Teaching of Chinese Literacy in Primary School

  3. 识字教学必须遵循汉字本身的构造规律。

    Literacy teaching must follow the structural rules of Chinese characters .

  4. 谈预科汉语的识字教学

    Discussing Teaching the Chinese Language to Uygur Students in the Preparatory Stage

  5. 于是应运而生的是多种识字教学方法的出现。

    Thus there came into being a variety of literacy teaching methods .

  6. 在中国,自从有了汉字,便有了识字教学。

    In China , literacy teaching evolves with Chinese characters .

  7. 汉字科学与识字教学改革

    On the Study of Chinese Characters and the Reform of Characters Teaching

  8. 关于小学识字教学的思考

    The Thinking of Knowing Teaching about the Primary School

  9. 情境识字教学法刍议识字教学中的心理学问题

    On the Situated Chinese Character Teaching-learning Method Psychological Issues on the Literacy Education

  10. 科学的识字教学对阅读与写作的促进作用

    The Positive Effects of Scientific Teaching of Chinese Characters upon Reading and Writing

  11. 利用造字规律进行识字教学的方法探析

    The exploration for the ways of Chinese character teaching under Chinese character-maken law

  12. 多元智能统整小学识字教学研究

    Research on Multiple Intelligence Integrated in the Teaching of Chinese Characters of Primary School

  13. 为教师识字教学提供可操作性的方法。

    For teachers teaching can provide operational method .

  14. 传统六书说可为实施语文课程标准的识字教学所用

    Traditional Six-form Theory could be Applied in Character Teaching Which Takes Chinese Course Standard

  15. 识字教学与儿童认知发展

    Teaching of literacy and children 's cognition development

  16. 语文识字教学方法评述

    Comment on methods of Chinese language literacy teaching

  17. 几种汉语识字教学方法的比较

    A Comparison of Several Chinese Literacy Methods

  18. 建国以来我国小学识字教学方法已经形成多样化格局。

    Since the founding of our primary school teaching method has been formed diversified literacy .

  19. 情境识字教学法刍议

    On the Situated Chinese Character Teaching-learning Method

  20. 识字教学软件制作中的汉字学理念

    A View of the Conception of Chinese Lexigraphy in the Processing of Character Learning Soft Wares

  21. 古代识字教学与小学语文新课程识字教学对比研究

    Comparative Study on Ancient Literacy Teaching and Literacy Teaching in Primary School in the New Curriculum

  22. 识字教学中的心理学问题

    Psychological Issues on the Literacy Education

  23. 论汉字形义联想识字教学法

    Discussion on the Method of Teaching Chinese Character Literacy Through Association of the Form and Meaning

  24. 自然拼读法是国外广泛应用于阅读教学扣识字教学的教学方法。

    Phonics Teaching Method is a broad applicability for reading and vocabulary lesson in foreign country .

  25. 基于字形对比的对日本学生的集中识字教学研究

    The Study on Focus-Chinese Character Teaching to Japanese Students Based on the Structural Contrast of Chinese Characters

  26. 然后介绍了识字教学的相关研究人员所提出的新观点和新思路。

    And then , the author introduces new perspectives and new ideas proposed by literacy teaching researchers .

  27. 浅谈广东人如何学普通话汉字难学论与识字教学创新论

    " Difficult to Learn Chinese Characters Opinion " and " Creation of Chinese Character Recognition Teaching "

  28. 然后对两岸三地识字教学的方法进行介绍,分析彼此之间存在的相通之处和差异性。

    Then it introduces their literacy teaching methods and analyze the similarities and differences between each other .

  29. 论文对目前信息技术与识字教学的整合起到了充实的作用。

    The paper is of great realistic significance for the integration of information technology and literacy teaching .

  30. 识字教学效率低的根本原因分析《说文解字》可为小学部首教学所用

    Origin of Chinese Characters Can Be Used to Serve the Teaching of Character Radicals in Primary Schools