
  1. 教学中一些识字方法,虽然对科学识字进行了积极的探索,但这些识字方法又存在一定的不足。

    Although there have been some methods of literacy in teaching , they still have some shortcomings .

  2. 通过分析提出商榷的问题,主要是:1.识字方法:要不要集中识字;2.写字训练:要不要练写行楷;3.学习方式:要不要自主、合作、探究。

    Literacy methods : concentrated literacy or not ; 2 . Write training : practice writing xingkai or not ; 3 . Study way : independent cooperation explored or not .

  3. 于是应运而生的是多种识字教学方法的出现。

    Thus there came into being a variety of literacy teaching methods .

  4. 语文识字教学方法评述

    Comment on methods of Chinese language literacy teaching

  5. 几种汉语识字教学方法的比较

    A Comparison of Several Chinese Literacy Methods

  6. 建国以来我国小学识字教学方法已经形成多样化格局。

    Since the founding of our primary school teaching method has been formed diversified literacy .

  7. 采用字源识字的方法可以帮助轻度智障学生将抽象的汉字形象化。

    Etymological literacy can help mild mental retardation students abstract Chinese characters to " visualization " .

  8. 前辈各种识字教学方法需要发展,汉字能力概念赋予了现实意义。

    Senior each kind is literate the teaching method to need to develop , has entrusted with the practical significance for the Chinese character ability concept .

  9. 利用造字规律进行识字教学的方法探析

    The exploration for the ways of Chinese character teaching under Chinese character-maken law

  10. 然后对两岸三地识字教学的方法进行介绍,分析彼此之间存在的相通之处和差异性。

    Then it introduces their literacy teaching methods and analyze the similarities and differences between each other .

  11. 随文识字的教学方法固然不符合汉字教学的规律,但汉字独立设课也不是解决汉字教学问题的最佳选择。

    Neither the text-dependent Chinese character teaching nor the independent one has been effective to solve the problem of Chinese character learning .

  12. 自然拼读法是国外广泛应用于阅读教学扣识字教学的教学方法。

    Phonics Teaching Method is a broad applicability for reading and vocabulary lesson in foreign country .

  13. 激发孩子识字兴趣,教给孩子识字方法,培养孩子识字能力。

    Stimulates the child to be literate the interest , teaches the child to be literate the method , trains the child to be literate ability .

  14. 从历史来看,专门进行小学语文识字教材研究的论著较少,且大多集中于研究识字量和识字方法上。

    From the historical perspective , there were only a few specialized study of Chinese characters textbooks , and most of them researched the quantity and teaching methods of Chinese characters .

  15. 为低年级识字教材进行字种及字量的选择,汉语拼音的编排,识字方法以及练习的编排等提供理论和实践依据。

    It provides the theoretical and practical foundation for the selection of the species and quantity of Chinese characters , the arrangement of Hanyu Pinyin and the design of teaching methods and exercises of Chinese characters textbooks .