
  • 网络conditioning period;adjustment
  1. 婚姻破裂后,她熬过了一段感情调整期。

    She went through a period of emotional adjustment after her marriage broke up .

  2. 他只是需要一段调整期。

    He just needs a period of adjustment .

  3. 然后会经历一段痛苦的经济调整期。

    And then a period of painful economic adjustment .

  4. MsYao认为在未来6个月内房产市场必将迎来一段调整期。

    Ms Yao herself thinks a " correction " in the next six months is inevitable .

  5. 建立开放的适应WTO的市场经济体制的过渡期和调整期只有五年左右时间,我们需要加强推进改革。

    As there are only five years for transition and readjustment to establish an open market economic system to conform WTO , China has to speed up her reform ;

  6. HanFeng是国家国际战略研究所的一名教授,他表示鉴于两国目前都在经历调整期,中国和澳大利亚需要举行会谈,讨论如何处理战略层面的问题。

    Han Feng , a professor at the National Institute of International Strategies , says China and Australia need to hold talks on dealing with problems on a strategic level , since the both sides are both undergoing a period of adjustment .

  7. 再进行Granger因果检验,得到上涨期和下跌期内沪深300股指期货仿真交易均领先于沪深300指数。而在调整期两者没有因果关系。

    Then I Granger causality test again , get that during the fall period and rise period 300 index futures are leading to 300 index , and during the stable period the two are no causality .

  8. 结果表明,在混合培养基中,粘红酵母优先将葡萄糖消耗完毕,经过约24h的胞内代谢系统调整期开始利用木糖,最终总糖利用率可达99%以上。

    As to the mixed medium , glucose consumption took priority , and after a certain delayed phase about 24h , the strain began to use xylose . The final total sugar utilization could reach 99 % .

  9. 离婚后她熬过了一段感情调整期。

    She went through a period of adjustment after the divorce .

  10. 中国电信业迈入稳定调整期&2003年中国电信业走势展望

    China Telecom Industry : Striding into a Stable Stage of Adjustment

  11. 国际关系当前处于深刻调整期。

    The international relations at present are undergoing profound changes .

  12. 一九九八年,香港进入痛苦的调整期。

    1998 has been a year of painful adjustment for Hong kong .

  13. 否认出现艰难调整期的可能性毫无历史意义。

    Denying the possibility of difficult adjustment periods makes no historical sense .

  14. 紫光:二次创业的调整期

    A Period of Adjustment for the Second Pioneering Work

  15. 中国吸引外资进入调整期

    China attracting foreign investment entered an adjustment period

  16. 调整期报告文学的文体尴尬有赖于相关理论建构的有效纠正。

    Adjustment period reportage style awkward effectively correct depends on the relevant theory construction .

  17. 1998-2003年为冲淤调整期;

    1998-2003 is the period of coastal adjustment ;

  18. 我认为,世界经济增长已进入一个新的调整期。

    In my view , worldwide economic growth has entered a new period of regulation .

  19. 很多因为光脚跑步受伤的人也是因为调整期太短了,脱了鞋就马上进行和以前一样强度的训练。

    Foot specialists said many injuries resulted from switching from trainers to barefoot too quickly .

  20. 神话时代是人类信仰的调整期,神话英雄的所作所为折射出人类的意志与愿望。

    The era of mythology serves as a period for adjustment of human religious conviction .

  21. 现时,我们进入了调整期,调整的过程正在进行中。

    In the meantime the adjustment period , the adjustment process , is now in hand .

  22. 以此为标志,我国煤炭经济进入理性调整期,2007年煤炭经济运行将在理性调整中取得新成效。

    The year of 2007 will achieve new progress in the economic operation of coal industry .

  23. 在这个调整期,会有很多变化发生在你们现在地表的家园。

    This time of adjustment will take place when Mother Earth restores your former surface home .

  24. 事实上,调整期可能还会持续好一段时间。

    This adjustment has been painful to many and indeed it may go on for some time .

  25. 调整期内大腿相对躯干转动的运动学分析

    Kinematic Analysis of the Rotations of Two Thighs Relative to Trunk during the Adjustment Period in Ski jumping

  26. 我们曾经设想过会有一段调整期,感谢上帝,我们只用了一场比赛的时间就适应了陌生联赛。

    A period of adjustment was only to be expected , but thankfully it only lasted one game .

  27. 首先,婚姻制度进入密集调整期,多项婚姻法律法规先后修订出台。

    First , the marriage institution stepped into intensive adjustment . Several marriage laws and regulations have issued .

  28. 处于经济调整期的国家在国际货币基金组织协助下,正尽力工作。

    The adjusting economies , with the help of the IMF are already doing the best they can .

  29. 基于此模型,山西省每年商品房销售面积的规律被刻画为四个周期,即:增长期、衰退期、调整期、以及结束期。

    Based on such a model , we classify Shanxi commercial apartment yearly sales trend into four different periods .

  30. 与过去的快速增长相比,世界经济进入了调整期。

    Compared with the rapid growth of the past , the world economy has entered a period of adjustment .