
diào xìnɡ
  • tonality
  1. 钢琴即兴演奏中五声调式的调性发展问题与教学研究

    Study of Pentonic Tonality Development and Teaching in Piano Improvisation

  2. 调、调式和调性概念辨析

    To Discriminate the Conceptions of Tune , Modes and Tonality

  3. 复合陶瓷材料,并对其相结构、介电以及可调性和微波特性进行了研究。

    In addition , bst-mt composite ceramics have higher tunability and better microwave .

  4. 那时,人们还不接受无调性音乐。

    People did not accept atonal music at that time .

  5. 体操是一项需要高协调性的运动。

    Gymnastics is a sport that requires a considerable level of coordination .

  6. 一类n阶4-正则图的强协调性

    Strong harmonicity for some kind of 4 - regular graph of order n

  7. 基于三次均匀B样条曲线的扩展调配函数提出一种具有可调性的细分曲线算法。

    An algorithm for subdivision curves with the extension of the cubic uniform B-spline curve is presented .

  8. 塔图Tn的强协调性

    Strong harmony of tower graphs

  9. 结合应用WorkingModel3D软件,研究了双摇杆的运动变化规律,结果表明双输出脉冲发生机构具有脉动输出运动的一致性与较好的可调性。

    The motion law of two rockers was studied with Working Model 3D software . The results of calculation indicated that two ?

  10. 花伞图FU(2n)的强协调性

    The Powerful Harmony of FU_ ( 2n ) Diagraphs

  11. 设计并分析了一套在SD-006EDM上使用的专用夹具,该夹具具有很高的可调性。

    This text designed and analysed the special jig which applied on SD-006EDM , this jig possesses very highsuiatbility .

  12. 它不仅具有三次Ball曲线的特性,并且具有更好的形状可调性和更好的逼近性。

    This curve not only inherits the outstanding properties of cubic Ball curve , but also is adjustable in shape and fit close to the control polygon .

  13. 基于三次非均匀有理B样条函数的局部单调性和一种保单调性的准则,给出了所给插值曲线的保单调性的条件。

    Based upon the local monotonicity of the cubic non-uniform rational B-spline curves and a criterion of mono-tonicity preserving , the condition for the monotonicity preserving of the given interpolation curves is given .

  14. 基于该系统开发出了简单、可靠、可调性好并具有较高精度的PZT铁电薄膜介电性能测试系统。

    PZT film is one of the most useful functional materials and has been very widely used in MEMS .

  15. 水滑石(LDH)因其特殊的层状结构、层间距可调性和层间阴离子可交换性,近年来受到人们的广泛关注。

    In recent years , LDH is being paid more and more attention for special samdwich , controllability of layers interval and anionic exchanging .

  16. SiO2气凝胶具有纳米多孔结构,较好的疏水、亲水特性可调性,很强的吸附能力,具有广阔的应用前景。

    These silica aerogels with nano-porous structure , good adsorption properties , and adjustable hydrophobic and hydrophilic property are suitable for different adsorptive applications .

  17. 该PLC控制系统已在塞拉利昂等10余个国内外项目应用,焊机的自动化集成化程度高,控制系统对环境适应能力强且焊接质量稳定,焊接规范可调性好,工艺调试方便简洁,获得好评。

    The welder has the ability of high integration and automation . The control system has Environmental adaptability , the welding quality , welding specification adjustability , good debugging process and has been well received .

  18. Beltrami方程组弱解分量函数的弱单调性

    Weak Monotonicity for the Component Functions of Weak Solutions of Beltrami System

  19. (Pb,Sr)TiO3(PST)铁电薄膜由于具有很好的介电可调性,是当前介电可调薄膜的研究热点之一。

    ( Pb , Sr ) TiO3 ( PST ) ferroelectric thin film is a hot research material because it has great dielectric tunability .

  20. 引进了关于H和G的强单调性概念,在Hilbert空间中研究了新的一类关于(H,η)单调算子的非线性集值算子包含。

    The concept of strongly monotonicity with respect to H and G and a new kind of nonlinear set-valued operator inclusions ( NSVOI ) with ( H , η) - monotone operators are introduced in Hilbert space .

  21. 结果表明:SiO2气凝胶具有纳米多孔结构、较好的疏水和亲水可调性,是一种极好的高吸附材料。

    The results show that the silica aerogels with nano - ( porous ) structure , good adsorption properties , and adjustable hydrophobic and hydrophilic property are suitable for different adsorptive applications .

  22. 与Loop引入扭相容条件的求解法相比,所得曲面的次数低2次,更重要的是增加了形状局部可调性。

    Compared with the method proposed by Loop , in which twisting compatibility condition has been introduced , the new method can obtain such good surfaces , their degree is two less than Loop 's surface , and their form can be locally adjusted .

  23. 本文论述了与给定切线多边形相切的有理二次Bézier曲线,构造曲线是曲率连续的,具有局部可调性,且对切线多边形是保形的;

    This paper proposes an approach of constructing rational quadratic B é zier curves with all edges tangent to a given control polygon . The curve is joined by piecewise as G ~ 2-continuity and shape-preserving to the tangent polygon .

  24. 当Ni的加入量在10%(摩尔分数)时,薄膜的介电常数、介电损耗、可调性和FOM分别为230.25、0.015、30.8%、20.53。

    As the content of Ni-doped reaches 10 % , the dielectric constant , dielectric loss , tunability and the value of FOM are 230.25 、 0.015 、 30.8 % 、 20.53 , respectively .

  25. 其次,它还有一些更吸引人的性能,比如非常小的偏振态依赖性,色度色散的机械可调性和小封装的可行性等,适合于下一代密集波分复用(DWDM)高速光通信系统。

    It has further attractive features such as very small polarization dependence , mechanically variable chromatic dispersion , and possibilities for packaging , which is very useful to the next generation DWDM system .

  26. 分析结果表明Lyot双折射调谐滤光片具有较好的可调性,可调范围较宽;

    The results show that Lyot birefrigent tunable filter has such properties as favorable tunability , wide tunable range and so on .

  27. 鉴于复杂性参数具有算法成熟、计算方便、可调性参数少等特点,本文选用了算法复杂性C(n)、涨落复杂性Cf和香农熵Entropy这三个复杂性参数作为指示流型的参数。

    Since complexity analysis has simple but effective algorithm with few changeable parameters , complexity parameters , including algorithm complexity ( C ( n )), fluctuate complexity ( Cf ) and Shannon entropy ( Entropy ), are adopted to indicate the flow regimes in the gas-solid fluidized beds .

  28. 此外,还构造了一种新的单变量Multiquadric拟插值,该拟插值在插值区间具有线性再生性及保单调性。

    Furthermore , we construct a new univariate MQ quasi-interpolation which possesses the properties of the linear reproducing and preserving monotonicity .

  29. 本文以LTM1050型全路面起重机为例,对其油气悬挂系统的可调性进行了分析。

    The adjustability of the oil-air suspension system is analyzed with Model LTM1050 all terrain crane as an example .

  30. 《赫尔姆斯&伯顿法》引起的美加冲突文中给出了舵轮图helms的强协调标号。从而解决了该图类的协调性和强协调性。

    The U.S. - Canada Conflict Evoked by the Helms - Burton Act Strongly harmonious labeling of helms is given in this paper , and therefore , helms are harmonious and strongly harmonious .