
  • 网络debugger;debuger;Debug;GdB
  1. 第一种方法十分简单,它将返回与调试器可执行文件相对应的Process对象。

    The first of these methods is straightforward and returns a Process object corresponding to the debugger executable .

  2. 如果支持,它将检查以确保当前的启动模式受调试器的mode元素支持。

    If so , it checks to make sure the current launch mode is supported by the debugger 's mode element .

  3. 如果服务器为n,将尝试连接到该地址上的调试器应用程序。

    If the server is n , attempt to attach to a debugger application at this address .

  4. Eclipse是一个图形化Java调试器前端。

    Eclipse is a graphical Java debugger front end .

  5. 然而时曰不久,C编译器变得更快,并具有优秀的内置编辑器和调试器。

    The momentum , however , did not stay . C compilers became faster and got nice built-in editors and debuggers .

  6. CPU中可伸缩低开销的硬件调试器设计

    Low Cost and Extensible On-Chip Debugger Design for Embedded CPU

  7. 下面是用调试器在PHP中设置断点。

    Next up is setting breakpoints in PHP using the debugger .

  8. 还需要PHP的调试器扩展模块。

    You also need the debugger module extension for PHP .

  9. 在产生core文件的目录中启动gdb调试器

    Start the gdb debugger in the directory where the core file was created

  10. Unix进程文件系统及其在调试器设计中的应用

    Process File System of Unix and Its Application in Debugger 's Design

  11. Eclipse调试器本身是作为Eclipse二进制文件中包含的标准插件而存在的。

    The Eclipse debugger itself exists as a standard set of plug-ins included within Eclipse .

  12. 当然,PHP调试器的真正价值在于实时探察Web应用程序。

    Of course , the real value of a PHP debugger is peering into your Web application in real time .

  13. 点击Debug进入Debug视角,同时启动调试器。

    Click Debug to enter the Debug perspective and to launch the debugger .

  14. 飞思卡尔HCS08/HCS12系列MCU编程调试器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Programmer and Debugger for Freescale HCS08 / HCS12 Family MCUs

  15. Ruby的自带调试器使用Ruby实现,包含一个通过settracefunc设置的Ruby块。

    Ruby debugger is implemented in Ruby , with a Ruby block simply set with set_trace_func .

  16. CDT调试MI(CDTDebugMI)是用于与MI兼容的调试器的应用程序连接器。

    CDT Debug MI is the application connector for MI-compatible debuggers .

  17. ARM调试系统主要包括调试器、协议转换器以及位于它们之间的远程调试协议。

    The ARM debug systems include the host debugger , the Protocol Converter , and the remote debug protocol between them .

  18. 某些语言的默认ide设置可能会隐藏某些调试器命令。

    Default ide settings for some languages may hide certain debugger commands .

  19. 有了集成的i调试器,您就可以调试在IBMi系统上运行的程序了。

    With the Integrated I Debugger , you can debug an application that is running on an IBM I system .

  20. 调试器可以通过Debug视图底部的按钮或Run菜单进行控制。

    The debugger can be controlled via the buttons at the top of the Debug view or via the Run menu .

  21. 当为Web应用程序排除故障,特别是像这里那样查看变量时,JSP调试器极为有用。

    The JSP debugger can be extremely useful when troubleshooting Web applications , and in particular in examining variables as shown here .

  22. 一个常见的错误是您在调试器会话中使用了Debug或Run而不是Resume。

    A common mistake is to use Debug or Run instead of Resume while you 're in a debugger session .

  23. 我们增加了请求观测器工具,一个“时间机器调试器(TimeMachineDebugger)”,它直观地呈现出逻辑资源请求和他们所映射到的物理代码。

    We added the Request Visualizer tool , a " Time Machine Debugger ", which visually presents logical resource requests and their mapping to physical code .

  24. Linux内核调试器(KDB)允许您调试Linux内核。

    The Linux kernel debugger ( KDB ) allows you to debug the Linux kernel .

  25. UNIX系统源级调试器设计

    Designing source level debugger for UNIX

  26. MessageBrokerToolkit中的流调试器用于跟踪消息并捕捉任何安全性异常。

    The flow debugger in the Message Broker Toolkit is used to track messages and catch any security exceptions .

  27. IDE生产力增强:格式化、动态的错误标记,和调试器热交换

    IDE productivity enhancements : formatting , dynamic error markers , and debugger hot swapping

  28. 因此借助调试器,如windbg.exe,可以把它附在进程上,等待EPR被抛出异常,做一个memorydump。

    We can attach to the process , wait for epr to be thrown and take a memory dump .

  29. 当你以交互的方式使用CommonLisp时,条件的默认处理器会将你带到调试器中。

    When you use Common Lisp interactively , the default handling of a condition is to dump you into a debugger .

  30. 本文还介绍了一种基于JTAG协议的嵌入式DSP处理器的集成仿真调试器的设计方法。

    A design of simulator / debugger based on JTAG for DSP processor is also proposed .