
tiáo jiě xié yì
  • mediation agreement;conciliation agreement
  1. 另一方面,调解协议达成后,除非当事人有证据证明调解过程存在违反自愿原则或其他违法行为才可申请再审。

    On the other hand , the conciliation agreement , unless the parties have evidence that mediation process existence violate voluntarily or other illegal behavior just can apply for a retrial .

  2. 此外,在介绍了我国和东盟主要国家在该制度下调解协议执行状况后,进一步为我国在相关方面的执行提出了立法建议。

    In addition , this part present the implementation status of conciliation agreement under the combined system in China and ASEAN major states , and then give suggestions to further improve those enforcement problems in our country .

  3. 他们被迫与叛乱分子达成调解协议。

    They were forced to reach an accommodation with the rebels .

  4. 论人民调解协议的性质与效力

    On the Nature and Effect of the People 's Mediation Agreements

  5. 二是确立调解协议的法律效力。

    Secondly , stipulate the rule that mediation agreement is valid .

  6. 人民调解协议诉前司法审查确认机制探究&兼谈执行许可宣告程序之建构

    Research About The Judicial Review Affirmation System Of Mediation Agreement Before Action

  7. 调解协议的内容不得违反法律规定。

    The content of the settlement agreement shall not contravene the law .

  8. 人民调解协议强制执行效力初探

    On the Compulsory Execution Effect of People Intermediation Agreement

  9. 赋予行政调解协议法律效力,完善行政调解机制;

    Giving an administration reconciliation agreement to a legal effect , perfecting administration mediating mechanism ;

  10. 这样,赋予劳动争议调解协议法律效力的重要性是显而易见的。

    So there is importance that gives legal effect to the labor dispute mediation agreement .

  11. 民事调解协议本质上是一种诉讼契约,法院承担公证的角色。

    Court mediation agreement is in nature a kind of notarized contracts by court in action .

  12. 当然,对于无效和可撤销的调解协议也应当提供必要的救济。

    It is necessary to provide the relief in accordance with null void and revocable reconciliation agreement .

  13. 这一点说明虽然调解协议具有法律效力,但是这个法律效力是低下的。

    This means that the mediation agreement has legally binding , but the legal effect is low .

  14. 符合条件的人民调解协议具有民事合同的性质;

    Those people 's mediation agreements being adaptable to the conditions , have the nature of civil contracts .

  15. 调解协议的内容不得违反法律规定。协调与集团总部配合部门内容的调配与申请。

    Contents of the agreement shall not go against the law . Liaison with relevant Corporate Headquarter supporting departments .

  16. 坚持法院对调解协议效力的最终确认权是调解制度规范运行的重要保障。

    In addition , adherence to the final confirmation by the court is the important safeguard applied to regulation system .

  17. 从立法上明确规定劳动争议调解协议是民事合同;仲裁阶段如何认定调解协议的效力,法律应有明确的规定:完善支付令在调解协议中的实施。

    Explicit regulations of labor dispute mediation agreement is civil contract , and perfecting the payment in the conciliation agreement .

  18. 关于调解协议的效力问题,从目前我国研究的现状来看,还是存在争议的。

    From the current study of the current situation in China , the effect of the mediation agreement is controversial .

  19. 本章将司法确认制度的适用对象限定为与法院无关或无实际参与的调解协议。

    This chapter defined the applicable object of the judicial confirmation system as a mediation agreement with no relation to court .

  20. 其次,在法律制度层面,应明确调解协议的法律执行力;明确司法审查的具体范围。

    Except for the legal enforceability of mediation agreement , the scope of judicial review of mediation should be definite also .

  21. 五是取消反悔权,明确调解协议无效的认定标准;

    Fifthly , abrogate the right to go back on one 's word , and make the invalidation of mediation agreement standard definite ;

  22. 关于调解协议的法律效力当前最为吸引人的是在英国和香港出现的强制性调解趋势。

    The most attractive parts about the legal bindings of mediation agreement are the trends of mandatory mediation that appear in Britain and Hong Kong .

  23. 如何界定人民调解协议的性质和效力,直接影响到我国人民调解制度的发展前景。

    How to define the nature and effect of the people 's mediation agreements directly affects the development prospect of our people 's mediation system .

  24. 在立法赋予调解协议以民事合同的效力并明确其具有法律效力,是一种大胆地尝试。

    There is a bold attempt that legislation to give the mediation agreement effectiveness of the civil contract and clearly it with the force of law .

  25. 人民调解协议的生效、无效和被撤销应适用《合同法》及相关法律的规定;

    The validity , invalidity and cancellation of the people 's mediation agreements should apply to the regulations of " Contract Law " and other interrelated laws .

  26. 但是,调解协议具有的法律效力没有拥有和法院判决书一样的法律效力,更没有强制执行力。

    However , the settlement agreement did not have the force of law like the same legal effect of the court judgments , and it no enforcement power .

  27. 调解协议也可规定,各方不得在任何随后的,与同一争议有关的裁判、仲裁、司法或审裁程序中,传召有关的调解员出庭作供。

    The agreement may also provide that no party will call the mediator as a witness in any subsequent adjudication , arbitration , judicial or tribunal proceedings concerning the same dispute .

  28. 就是说,调解协议达成之后,当事人没有实际履行调解协议内容时,协议没有强制执行力,就会使调解最终失败。

    That is , after the mediation agreement was reached , when the parties do not actually perform the contents of the mediation agreement , the mediation ultimate failure because of agreement without enforceable .

  29. 为了尽快达成调解协议,法官又会自发地劝服原告牺牲利益,做出妥协。

    In order to reach a compromise agreement as soon as possible , the judge will persuade the plaintiff voluntarily sacrifice the interests . Sometimes regardless of the actual situation of the parties , they will mediate blindly .

  30. 建立合理的评估体系,增加人民调解协议的数量,加大宣传力度,确保诉前确认的质量与效率等是解决问题的关键。

    The best way to solve the problems is to construct a reasonable assessment system , increase the number of a reconciliation agreement and make sure the quality and efficiency of judicature confirmation before the institution of an action .