
  • 网络Basal diameter;base diameter
  1. 随土壤含水量增加,树干基径、树高生长量均增加。春梢基径和春梢长度均随土壤含水量增大而增大。

    The increment of base diameter and tree height , and basal diameter and length of spring shoot of walnut are increased with soil moisture .

  2. 幼苗枝下高与树高之间符合指数函数关系,而树高与基径之间符合幂函数关系。

    The relationship between stem height under branch and seedling height of the trees among the samples was exponential , and the relationship between seedling height and base diameter fits the power equation .

  3. 不同桤木无性系间PAL活性、可溶性蛋白含量、过氧化物酶活性、木质素增长、纤维素增长、高生长、基径生长的差异程度;

    The variation degree among the 6 clones in PAL activity , soluble-protein content , peroxide activity , lignin growth , cellulose growth , bight-growth , root-collar growth ;

  4. 基于枝条着枝深度(DINC)和林木变量所建立的树冠形状模型包括:基径、枝长、着枝角度和弦长等预估模型。

    Crown profile models , including branch diameter , branch length , angle of origin , and branch chord length , were developed from branch attributes and tree variables .

  5. 樟子松人工林一级枝条基径模型的研究

    Study On The Branch Diameter Model For Mongolian Pine Plantation

  6. 确定与高生长、基径生长最为相关的指标;

    The identification of the most correlated index with night-growth and root - collar growth ;

  7. 其中基径,叶片数,叶片厚度随着光照强度的降低而降低。

    Basal diameter , leaf number and leaf thickness were all reduced with the reduction of light intensity .

  8. 土壤粗砂含量与株高、新枝长和基径成正相关;土壤粉粒含量与株高和新枝长成显著负相关。

    The coarse sandy content and plant height , the new branch length and basal diameter was positively correlated .

  9. 对基径的动态研究发现,除5月份以外,升温时基径的变化不明显。

    On the study of the dynamic changes of basal diameter , we found that basal diameter did not change significantly .

  10. 结果表明,影响小熊猫生境选择的关键因子是水源距离、竹子基径、灌木密度;

    The results indicated that the key factors notably influenced on habitat selection were the water source , bamboo basal diameter and shrub density .

  11. 竹子密度、竹子基径、幼竹比例和竹子高度则是衡量主食竹质和量的主要指标。

    The quality of the feeding bamboo is assessed by the density and height of bamboo , bamboo trunk base diameter and the percentage of young bamboos .

  12. 升温时株高增加,基径变化不明显,这会使芦苇植株易倒伏,对芦苇的生长是不利的。

    Under the ET the plant height increased , but basal diameter did not change , which made Phragmites australis susceptible to lodging , and would have negative effect .

  13. 但是,各加压组与对照组相比,植株平均高度和平均基径没有显著性差异,平均单株果实产量和果实的营养成份也没有表现出明显变化。

    Nevertheless , no markable differences were found in the average height and average caudexes diameter between the groups , as well as in average fruit yield and the nutrition contents .

  14. 该区域芦苇地上生物量主要由株高和基径决定,而且株高对地上生物量的贡献比基径大。

    While the aboveground biomass of Phragmites australis in this region major decision by plant height and basal diameter , and plant height on the contribution of biomass larger than base diameter .

  15. 结果表明,同一年份枝条节间长、基径生长量随轮枝层的下降呈波动式下降趋势。

    Branch growth for internode length ( IL ) and basal diameter ( BD ) was determine by vernier caliper , and their partial correlations with respect to the whorls were calculated .

  16. 该密度不仅利于笋用林和笋竹两用林的经营,还使雷公藤平均基径增粗23.3%,平均支数增加20%。

    It can benefit for shoot stand management and shoot-bamboo double-using forest . The average basal diameter of T. wilfordii was increased by 23.3 % and its branch was increased by 20 % .

  17. 施肥在水分良好条件下时促进了青海杨的生长和气体交换参数,如株高、基径、总生物量、总叶面积和净光合速率,而在干旱胁迫条件下施肥抑制了这些参数;

    Under well-watered treatment , fertilization improved plant growth and gas exchange such as height , basal diameter , total biomass , leaf area and net photosynthesis rate , however , fertilization inhibited these properties under drought stress .

  18. 不同恢复阶段的狼牙刺种群密度、个体平均基径、高度和生物量差异明显:30年>20年>8年>荒草坡。

    The density , mean basal diameter , height and biomass of Sophora davidii populations in different stages of recovery is significant different : height 30 years > height in 20 years > height in 8 years > barren grass land .

  19. 单木生长模型包括树高、胸径、枝下高、枝的数量、枝长及基径生长方程。

    Individual tree growth models included the growth of tree height , diameter at breast height ( DBH ), the height to the base of crown , the number of branches , branch length and branch base diameter at three orders .

  20. 对东莞板岭生态公益林林分改造所用的55个树种的基径和树高生长量按季节进行调查,为期2年,结果显示:春分~秋分是这些树种的生长峰期。

    The basic diameter of stem and height of 55 tree species for stand conversion of ecological forest in Dongguan city were investigated in each season for two years . The results showed that : Trees grown faster between spring equinox and autumn equinox .

  21. 以沙区植物为研究对象,选择植物的新生枝长、株高、基径、冠幅和水分生态位适宜度等,作为评价生态健康的主要指标,建立了新的评价方法。

    Taking plants in sandy area as objects for research , new branch length , plant height , ground diameter , crown scope and moisture niche fitness of plant are chose as main indicators to evaluate ecosystem health , and a new assess method is set up .

  22. 高载荷、长时间磨损时,Ni基微米粒径的Al2O3喷焊涂层的磨损性能较好;

    Ni base micron Al_2O_3 spray-welding coating has good abrasion resistance in the condition of high loading and long time abrasion ;

  23. 本文从分析水听器基衬的径长、耦合振动入手,建立基衬的运动方程。

    By analyzing the radial-longitudinal coupling vibration of the hydrophone 's back structure , the vibrating equation of the back structure has been established .

  24. 液晶基元的长径比越大,单体的熔点和清亮点越高;

    The bigger the axial ratio of mesogen units , the higher the melting point and clear point .

  25. 第二章主要叙述了基球的制备过程并讨论影响基球粒径和粒径分布的主要的影响因素。

    In this chapter the main factors that affected the diameter and the distribution of particle size were discussed .