
  • 网络base liquor
  1. 对低度浓香型白酒的研究发现,基础酒的质量、除浊工艺、匀调技术是影响其质量的重要因素;

    The quality of base liquor , turbidity removal techniques , and blending techniques were important factors influencing the quality of low-alcohol Luzhou-flavor liquor .

  2. 在勾兑时将这3轮次酒作为基础酒,用量为20%~25%。

    Accordingly , liquor of the three production turns could be use as base liquor in blending with use level as 20 % ~ 25 % .

  3. 过滤后加入10倍的65度基础酒,于0℃保持12h,灭酶。

    After filtration , 65 degree base wine ten times quantity of the solution was added and the mixed solution kept stable for 12 h at 0 ℃ for enzyme removal .

  4. 谈浓香型基础酒的贮存

    Discussion about the Storage of the Rich Fragrance Foundation Liquor

  5. 试验结果表明,基础酒未出现苦味现象。

    The experimental result showed that there was no bitterness in the basic liquor .

  6. 简述生料酿酒技术、生料酒曲制备方法、操作规程、注意事项,提出生料酒是一种很好的基础酒,可以通过勾调、串蒸等配套技术使之达到饮用习惯要求。

    In this paper , liquor-making technology with uncooked materials and the preparation of koji for uncooked materials , and its operating instructions and points for attention were introduced .

  7. 主要讲述了浓香型基础酒感官品评的重要性、对评酒的要求、品评技巧以及在品评中应该注意的问题。

    Tell the importance of sense organ and judge on strong fragrant basis wine , the requirement on judge wine , skill of judge wine and points for attention in the judgment .

  8. 一个人如果饮用啤酒或葡萄酒同样可以像饮用蒸馏酒一样醉酒。新型白酒是用优质食用酒精做基础酒,经调配制成各种香型的白酒。

    A person can become just as intoxicated drinking beer of wine as when drinking distilled spirits . New type liquor is deployed liquor developed from high quality edible alcohol , and compounded with multiple edible flavoring blending .

  9. 基础酒经大水泥池贮存后,己酸乙酯、乳酸乙酯、丁酸乙酯在7~8个月达到最高值,故以7~8个月贮存期为宜;

    The contents of ethyl caproate , ethyl lactate and ethyl butyrate in base liquor reached the maximum values after 7-8 months storage in cement pits ( accordingly , 7 ~ 8 months is the best storage period ) .

  10. 新型白酒质量的技术关键在于:①在做好市场调查的基础上搞好酒体设计;

    The key technology of improving the quality of new type liquor includes : ① Design a perfect liquor style based on the market investigation .

  11. 简述了嘉兴小曲甜型花露酒的生产工艺,酿造要求及后发酵成熟期的生化变化,在此基础上对花露酒的工艺特征进行了综合分析和探讨。

    The production technology , brewing points and biochemical changes during post-fermentation stage of Jiaxing flower liquor brewing from sweet-type koji was introduced in this paper .

  12. 本文在文献总结,调查国内外焊丝钢生产及实验研究的基础上,针对酒钢焊丝钢的生产工艺现状,对焊丝钢连铸坯中的夹杂物行为影响因素进行了综合研究。

    Based on the literature summarization and investigation of present production of weld silk steel and experimental study , the means to improve the interior qualities have been discussed . The synthetic study have been made on the behavior of inclusions in weld silk steel billet .