
  • 网络kira;Kiera;seed
  1. 狄斯妮还很喜欢偷吃基拉的食物,它认为自己就是只小猫咪。它们也会相互依偎在一起。

    ' She also enjoyed stealing Kiera 's food , she thought she was a kitten and they snuggle up together as well . '

  2. 于是乎,狄斯妮与维斯女士的宠物猫基拉建立了密不可分的联系。它们自此成为彼此最好的朋友。

    As a result , Disney forged an inseparable bond with Ms Vanes ' pet kitten Kiera and they have been best friends ever since .

  3. 百基拉和亚居拉何时为了保罗,连自己的性命也置诸度外呢?

    When did Priscilla and Aquila risk their lives for Paul ?

  4. 耐高温玻璃纤维增强环氧树脂基拉挤电绝缘芯棒的研制

    The Heat Resistant Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Resin Matrix Pultrusion Insulant Rod

  5. 提后四19问百基拉、亚居拉、和阿尼色弗一家的人安。

    Tim . 4:19 Greet Prisca and Aquila and the house of Onesiphorus .

  6. 那个在基拉背叛你的女孩。

    The girl bailed on you back in gila .

  7. 以撒就离开那里,在基拉耳谷支搭帐棚,住在那里。

    So Isaac moved away from there and encamped in the Valley of Gerar and settled there .

  8. 从这一段,我们也看到亚居拉与百基拉纠正亚波罗对基督的认识。

    From this passage , we also learn that Aquilla and Priscilla helped Apollos in correcting his knowledge of Christ .

  9. 其说地震是在列岛的基拉岛的西方的80英里处(129公里)。

    It says the earthquake was80 miles ( 129 kilometers ) west of the island chain 's Kira Kira island .

  10. 千年彗星每一千年闪过夜空,同时亦令精灵基拉祈从沉睡中苏醒过来。

    Only once every thousand years when the Millennium Comet is visible in the night sky does Jirachi awaken at a traveling circus .

  11. 亚洲协会负责人朱迪-基拉昌德说,在中国,很少有制度性的障碍阻挠女性实现职业上的成功。

    In China , there are fewer institutional barriers for women trying to succeed professionally , says Judi Kilachand , an executive director at the Asia Society .

  12. 有些人说百基拉可能是这书信的作者,也许某个女人真的写了,新约中的一章。

    Some people have said Prisca may be the author of this letter , maybe a woman has actually written one piece of our New Testament after all .

  13. 涤纶片基拉膜生产线是一个大滞后的复杂工业生产过程,包含纵拉伸区和横拉伸区,生产中的扰动经常发生在铸片过程中。

    Biaxial film production is a complex industrial process with large time_delay , it includes two stretch processes : longitudinally and laterally , the disturbances often occur in the film_forming part .

  14. 以色列人哀求耶和华,耶和华就为他们兴起一位拯救者,就是便雅悯人基拉的儿子以笏;他是惯用左手的。

    Then the children of Israel cried out to jehovah , and Jehovah raised up a savior for them , that is , Ehud the son of gera , the benjaminite , a left-handed man .