
  1. 摩托罗拉(Motorola)正为出售其移动网络基础设施业务的可能计划进行准备,但同时也有意与某家竞争对手成立一家合资企业。

    Motorola is paving the way for a possible sale of its mobile network infrastructure business , but is also interested in forming a joint venture with a rival .

  2. 首席投资官、摩根士丹利基础设施业务全球主管sadekwahba表示,该基金可能拿出四分之一的资源投资于发展中国家。

    Sadek Wahba , chief investment officer and global head of Morgan Stanley infrastructure , said it could invest up to a quarter of its resources in developing countries .

  3. 如果基础设施业务枯萎,通用电气的股价也会随之凋谢。

    If infrastructure looks like it could wilt , GE shares might crater .

  4. 该报告还称,中国将发射多颗民用空间基础设施业务卫星。

    The report also says China will launch satellites for civil space infrastructure .

  5. 由于基础设施业务的盈利能力强,投资者可能会愿意接受15倍于其营业利润的股价。

    Because of infrastructure 's profitability , investors might want to pay15 times for its operating earnings .

  6. 今天,我们已介入到了各类密切的产业伙伴关系、以及金融服务业与基础设施业务的建构当中。

    Today , we are involved in close industrial partnerships and in building financial services and infrastructure businesses .

  7. 考虑到阿尔卡特无线部门去年的营收约为50亿美元,该交易或将大大提高诺基亚在无线基础设施业务方面的市场份额。

    A deal would significantly boost Nokia 's market share in the wireless infrastructure business as Alcatel 's wireless unit generated about $ 5bn in revenues last year .

  8. 这家美国手机制造商正计划进行一次集团分拆,此举将导致其手机和基础设施业务在明年初分别挂牌上市。

    The US mobile phone maker is planning a group demerger that will result in separate stock market listings for its handset and infrastructure businesses early next year .

  9. 华为辩称,尽管其以往与摩托罗拉的合作是互补的,但把技术细节转移给诺基亚西门子通信将造成无法弥补的损害,因为诺基亚西门子通信在电信网络基础设施业务上与华为直接竞争。

    Huawei argues that while its past co-operation with Motorola was complementary , transferring details to NSN would cause irreparable harm because NSN directly competes with Huawei in the telecoms network infrastructure business .

  10. 这家私人所有企业以电信网络基础设施业务闻名,但其智能手机部门增长迅猛。华为在三年前推出自身品牌的智能手机部门。

    The privately held company , known for its telecoms network infrastructure business , has seen rapid growth in its smartphone division , which it launched under its own brand name three years ago .

  11. 这家总部位于深圳的企业此前已经获得了国开行150亿美元的融资额度。由于其核心电信基础设施业务不景气,中兴已被迫发出盈利警告。

    The Shenzhen-based company , which has been forced to issue profit warnings given a slump in its core infrastructure business , already had a financing facility with China Development Bank ( CDB ) of $ 15bn .

  12. 在胡厚昆大力呼吁展开公平听证的同时,管理层调整了公司结构,从网络基础设施业务向多元化发展,进入面向消费者的手机和平板电脑领域,以及面向企业的设备和服务领域。

    At the same time Mr Hu campaigned for a fair hearing , management restructured the company to help it diversify away from the network infrastructure business into selling handsets and tablets to consumers and equipment and services for enterprises .

  13. 澳大利亚投资银行麦格理集团(macquariegroup)已重组基础设施投资业务,裁减了逾一成的员工,缩短了旗下最新欧洲基金的寿命,并向投资者提供收费折扣。

    Macquarie Group , the Australian bank , has shaken up its infrastructure investment business by cutting more than a 10th of its staff , curtailing the life of its latest European Fund and granting investors a discount on fees .

  14. 电信业务基础设施:业务驱动的多媒体软交换平台

    Telecommunication Infrastructure : Service Driven Multimedia Softswitching Platform

  15. 国有投资公司还可开展基础设施信托业务为城市基础设施建设提供有力的融资支持。

    Trust service can be provided to back up the construction of urban infrastructure .

  16. 此模型由IT安全服务、安全策略基础设施、业务安全服务和安全支持因素组成。

    This model consists of IT security services , security policy infrastructure , business security services , and security enablers .

  17. 当前银行信息化建设的模式,从网络基础设施、业务系统到管理信息系统,都在围绕着大集中这条主线前进。

    The current pattern of bank information technology , from network infrastructure , business systems to management information systems , are moving forword around the " big center " .

  18. 戴澍表示,中国向4G的转变能够使公司的基础设施和设备业务同时获益。

    China 's shift to 4G can help both the company 's infrastructure and device businesses , Mr. Dai said .

  19. 因此,本文准备从不同于业务拆分的基础设施与经营业务分离的角度探讨实现本地电信有效竞争的新途径。

    This Article will discuss the realization of workable competition in local telecommunication from new approaches .

  20. 是一个‘联邦云计算平台’,它被设计成可通过更灵活的基础设施来提高业务敏捷性。

    Is a'federated cloud computing platform'designed to improve business agility through a more flexible infrastructure approach .

  21. 然而,这个问题有光明的一面:准备重新审视、重新建设我们脆弱的基础设施的企业业务将会非常繁忙。

    There is , however , a bright side : business should be very good for those companies ready to rethink and rebuild our vulnerable infrastructure .

  22. 这些对策和保障措施将有利于促进麓山城投城市基础设施投融资业务的拓展,同时对其他城市投资公司也会起到一定的启示和示范作用。

    These policies and securities measures will help the healthy development of Lushan City infrastructure facilities and set up a good example for other investing companies as well .

  23. 劣加性和范围经济出现改变人们对自然垄断的看法,除了基础设施和基础业务其他的电信业务都可以引入竞争才能更好的发展。

    However the Sub additivity and the Economies of Scope changes the traditional attitude to natural monopoly , all but infrastructure and Basic Service can develop great provided competition is introduced .

  24. 我们知道SOA的承诺是构建足够灵活的IT基础设施,以响应业务的需求。

    Remember the promise of SOA & building an IT infrastructure flexible enough to respond to the needs of the business .

  25. 由Web服务所提供的一致化信息交互模型,使港口企业不论在内部还是外部都能够利用通用的信息基础设施和方法进行业务集成。

    The coincident information interaction model provided by the web services , enable port enterprises use the information infrastructure and the general method for business integration both in internal and external .

  26. 草根级(自下而上的)SOA实施途经:将SOA元素(包括服务和基础设施)作为现有业务驱动的IT任务来实现。

    Grassroots ( bottom-up ) SOA approach-implementing elements of SOA ( both services and infrastructure ) as parts of existing business-driven IT undertaking .

  27. 业务分析人员重点关注如何将ESB基础设施边界映射到业务划分块或区域,以及如何管理分块执行的跨界业务流程。

    The Business Analyst focuses on mapping ESB infrastructure boundaries to business divisions or geography and on the management of business processes spanning boundaries that are executed in parts .

  28. HFC网络是我国广播电视传输的重要基础设施,在网络业务日趋融合的发展趋势下,利用HFC网络进行多媒体和数据的宽带传输、开展个性化双向交互业务已经成为广播电视领域的迫切需求。

    HFC network is the important infrastructure in national broadcasting television transmission . With the trend of network business integration , the use of HFC network to transmit multimedia and broadband data and carry out two-way interactive personalized business has become the urgent demand of broadcasting television area .

  29. 许多运营商面临如何利用一个统一的通信基础设施,综合许多业务的问题。

    Many movie business confront the question how to use uniform communication base equipment to synthesize many operations .

  30. 通过这种方式,您将能够利用厂商提供的强安全性基础设施,其中,业务要求需要支持复杂的授权规则。

    This way you will be able to leverage the vendor-provided strong security infrastructure and , where business needs require , support more complex authorization rules .