
  • 网络Basic theme
  1. 摘要对现代性进行理论探讨是现代西方思想运动的基本主题之一。

    Theoretical discussions about modernity are among the basic themes in the modern western movements of thoughts .

  2. 对时间生命意识的表现,构成了中国古典诗歌的基本主题之一,它赋予中国古典诗歌最为感人的生命情调。

    Display of the awareness of time and life , which entrusted the most moving sentimentalism of life to Chinese poetry , constituted one of the basic themes of Chinese classical poetry .

  3. 美国的承诺呼应了本届世博会的基本主题,“城市,让生活更美好”(BetterCity,BetterLife)。该主题高度强调了世博会倡导环境可持续性的信息。

    The U.S.commitment is in alignment with the key theme of the Expo ," Better City , Better Life ", which gives great prominence to the environmental sustainability message of the Expo .

  4. 幸运的是,由于所有的主题都从基本主题Default继承,所以您不必填充主题的所有文件夹。

    Fortunately , you don 't have to populate every folder for a theme because all themes inherit from the base theme , Default .

  5. Pete解释了RubyFringe的基本主题

    Pete explains the basic theme of RubyFringe

  6. DITA包括三种从基本主题类型派生的信息类型:任务、概念和参考。

    DITA includes three information types derived from the base topic type : task , concept , and reference .

  7. 在默认情况下,进行迁移会创建基本主题,因此可以将infotype参数设为“topic”,也可以不指定该参数。

    This migration creates basic topics by default , so you can either set the infotype parameter to " topic ," or leave it unspecified .

  8. 既然已经扩展了一个DITA基本主题,您就可以使用自己喜欢的XML编辑器快速创建新用例了,并基于新模式向它添加内容。

    Now that you have extended one of the DITA basic topics , you can quickly create a new use case using your favorite XML editor and , based on the new schema , add content to it .

  9. 除了基本主题图和主题之外,DITA框架还被扩展来提供一类更专门化的适合于不同类型文档的主题。

    In addition to the basic topic map and topic , the DITA framework has been extended to provide an assortment of more specialized topics that are appropriate for different types of documentation .

  10. 但是,专门化过程并不到此结束,因为三个基本主题类型又会以相同的过程被专门化,以创建新的DITA主题类型。

    The process of specialization need not end there , however , as the three basic topic types can in turn be specialized to create new DITA topic types using the same process .

  11. 比如,基本主题在gen-topic模板中创建,任务主题则在gen-task模板中创建。

    For example , a basic topic is created in the gen-topic template , and a task topic is created in the gen-task template .

  12. 其基本主题是歌颂爱情和友谊。

    The basic theme is the glorification of love and friendship .

  13. 论花儿的基本主题与特色

    Talk about the Basic Theme and Characteristic of Hua ' er

  14. 谢灵运赋的基本主题及情感内涵。

    Second , Xie Lingyun bestows on basic subject and emotion connotation .

  15. 创造力研究与创新人才培养&21世纪教育的基本主题

    The study of the creative power and the nurture of original minds

  16. 人与人之间的交往是福斯特小说的基本主题。

    Communication among people is the basic theme in Forster 's novels .

  17. 华族的传统节日都离不开维系人伦与增进人际关系这个基本主题。韩国人在本届奥运会中突出了和平的主题,提出了人类和谐的口号。

    Traditional Chinese festivals invariably centre on maintaining and improving human relations .

  18. 道德再生是该小说的基本主题。

    Moral regeneration is the basic theme of the novel .

  19. 恋土情结是乡土小说的基本主题之一。

    Land complex is a vital theme in rural literature .

  20. 他的书都是在一个基本主题上变来变去。

    His books are all variations on a basic theme .

  21. 这些故事的基本主题永远不变。

    The basic theme of these stories never varies .

  22. 这一集的基本主题是什么?

    What are the principal themes of the episode ?

  23. 为包括基本主题在内的主题类型定义元素。

    Define the elements for the topic type , including the base topics .

  24. 论公共需求与供给:公共行政研究的基本主题

    Public Demand and Government Supply : Basic Subject for the Study of Public Administration

  25. 发展问题已成为当今时代的一大基本主题。

    The problem of development has been one of basic topics in present society .

  26. 让我进一步阐述一下这个基本主题。

    Let me enlarge on this basic theme .

  27. 这漫画的基本主题是以小孩子眼中的香港生活来作描写的。

    It was basically about life in Hong Kong from the eyes of a child .

  28. 开头确定了基本主题。

    The opening established the basic theme .

  29. 人的异化感是西方现代主义小说所传达的一个基本主题。

    Human 's sense of alienation is a basic subject of the western modernist fiction .

  30. 这三部垂范之作,为一代美国亚裔作家开拓了文学创作的基本主题。

    These three demonstrating works have developed the basic subjects for later Asian American writers .