
  • 网络Basic quantities;basic physical quantities;physical quantity
  1. 电磁AB效应与描述电磁场的基本物理量

    The magnetic and electric AHARONOV Bohm effects and the basic physical quantities describing the electromagnetic field

  2. 详细研究了异步电动机数学模型的标幺化方法、基本物理量及其基值的选取以及异步电机在MT坐标系中的标幺化模型,奠定了标幺化矢量控制基础。

    The method to get the per unit model of asynchronous motor , the selection of basic physical quantities and their base values , and the per unit model in MT coordinate are researched in detail , as the foundation of per unit vector control .

  3. 弄清楚HDF-EOS数据结构和内容及其基本物理量的计算方法是MODIS应用的基础。

    It is essential to understand the structure and content of HDF-EOS data , as well as the calculation method of physical quantities , for applications of MODIS .

  4. 全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)已被广泛应用于民用应用,它可以为用户提供的绝对位置,速度和时间等基本物理量。

    Global Navigation Satellite Systems ( GNSS ) has been widely used in a variety of civilian applications , which provides the fundamental physical quantities of the absolute position , velocity , and time information to users .

  5. 双向反射分布函数(BRDF)是用于描述材料表面空间反射特性的基本物理量,广泛应用于航天遥感、地质测量、精密制导和目标仿真等领域。

    BRDF is a fundamental quantum which describes the space reflectance characteristics of material surface , popularly used on the scope of space remote sensing , geological survey , and accurate restrain missile and maneuvering target tracking .

  6. 东南亚夏季强降水的基本物理量场的诊断分析

    The diagnosis for heavy rain in summer in the south-east area

  7. 时间是描述物质运动的一个基本物理量。

    Time is one of the basic physical variables to describe object movements .

  8. 电流、电压是电力系统的基本物理量,传统电流、电压测量设备主要为电磁式电流、电压互感器。

    Current and voltage are the base physical parameters of the power system .

  9. 自转本身是恒星的基本物理量之一,同时影响恒星的其它许多物物量,包括对恒星半径、形状和体积的影响;

    Rotation , as a foundational stellar parameter , influences other stellar physics quantities .

  10. 时间作为一个基本物理量,其产生由来已久。

    As a basic physical unit , Time has come into being for a long time .

  11. 该准则通过借鉴强度理论对复杂应力状态的处理方法,将等效应力作为度量复合型裂纹开裂的基本物理量。

    This criteria use equivalent stress as the basic measure of fracture , which refer to strength theory .

  12. 本文给出了描述光场相干性的基本物理量,从迈克尔逊干涉实验出发,讨论了时间相干性;

    This paper first introduces basic physical quantity of coherence and discusses temporal coherence starting from Michael interfering experiment .

  13. 运动自旋是高能物理运动学中最重要的基本物理量之一。

    The spin of the motion is one of the most important basic physical magnitudes in kinematics of high energy .

  14. 恒星半径自身是一个基本物理量,而且与许多其他基本物理量有关。

    The methods for determining the stellar radius which is one of the most important palameters of the stars is reviewed .

  15. 我已经讲过,长度、时间、质量,它们被称为,三个基本物理量。

    I already introduced , as you see there length , time and mass and we call these the three fundamental quantities in physics .

  16. 简单论述了传统检测方法的优劣性以及表征弱峰检测能力的几个基本物理量;

    We discuss the merits and defects of traditional methods , and the characteristic quantities representing the ability of detecting weak peak in gamma spectrum .

  17. 有第零定律,这些定律中的每一条都定义了,热力学中一个基本物理量的概念,第零定律定义了温度。

    There 's a zeroth law The zeroth law every one of these laws basically defines the quantity in thermodynamics and then defines the concept .

  18. 静电场是电磁学中非常重要的一章,而电场强度是描述静电场性质的两个基本物理量之一。

    Electrostatic field is a very important chapter in electromagnetics and the strength of electric field is one of the two basic physical quantities describing the property of electrostatic field .

  19. 电导率即溶液单位长度的电导值,用于表征溶液的导电能力,电导率是电解质溶液的一个基本物理量。

    Conductivity is per unit length value for the conductance , which is used to represent the conductive capacity of the solution , conductivity is a fundamental physical quantity of the electrolyte solution .

  20. Ⅰ-Ⅱ-Ⅲ复合型裂纹开裂角的光弹性试验研究该准则通过借鉴强度理论对复杂应力状态的处理方法,将等效应力作为度量复合型裂纹开裂的基本物理量。

    Research on the crack growth angles of ⅰ - ⅱ - ⅲ mixed mode crack with photoelastic experiment This criteria use equivalent stress as the basic measure of fracture , which refer to strength theory .

  21. 物质的量是国际单位制中七个基本物理量之一,其概念抽象、理论性强,学生掌握难度较大。

    " Quantity of the material " is one of the seven basic physical quantities in the International System of Units . It 's difficult for students to grasp the concept because it is very abstract and theoretical .

  22. 首先利用模式输出的基本物理量分析了相当位温、位势稳定度及垂直速度,并计算出了垂直螺旋度、干位涡以及湿位涡的值。

    With the basic physical parameters from the modeled output , the potential equivalent temperature and vertical velocity are analyzed , and calculation of the helicity and the barotropic and baroclinic moist potential vorticity ( MPV ) are made .

  23. 辐射不透明度是用来描述高温等离子体辐射输运过程的重要参数,是支配辐射输运过程的基本物理量,同时也是核武器设计和研发的重要参数。

    Radiative opacity of plasmas is an important parameter , which couples into the equation of radiative transportation and affect strikingly the radiative transportation process of hot plasmas , as well as a crucial factor for the design of nuclear weapons .

  24. 简要介绍了普朗克于1912年提出的三个基本物理量:普朗克质量、普朗克长度和普朗克时间.它们已被列入1986和1998年基本物理常数表。

    A brief review is presented of three fundamental physical quantities derived by Max Planck in 1912 , referred to have as the Planck mass , Planck length and Planck time which had been arranged in the tables of 1986 and 1998 fundamental physical constants .

  25. 建立了基本物理量的计算机模型,介绍了虚拟环境中建立刚体模型的方法,并以虚拟汽车为例,对其碰撞分析物理属性建模和求解。

    This paper presents a modeling method of the rigid body in virtual environment , based on setting up a computer model with the basic physical dimensions , and takes collision of the virtual vehicle as an example to introduce physical property modeling and its resolving .

  26. 长度是一个极为重要的物理量,它是国际单位制的七个基本物理量(长度、质量、时间、电流强度、热力学温度、物质的量和光强度)之一。

    It has good market prospects . Length is an extremely important physical quantities , which is one of seven fundamental physical quantities of the International System of Units , including length , quality , time , current strength , thermodynamic temperature , amount of substance and light intensity .

  27. (A,φ)是电磁学中的一对基本的物理量。

    ( A ,φ) is a basic physics concept in electromagnetics .

  28. 织物风格基本物理力学量的灰色关联分析

    Gray Correlation Analysis on the Basic Physical Mechanical Quantities of Fabric Style

  29. 织物的基本物理力学量与折皱回复性的关系

    Relation between Basic Mechanical Properties and Crease-recovery of Fabrics

  30. 温度是一个基本的物理量,它是工业生产过程中最普遍、最重要的工艺参数之一。

    Temperature , as a basic physical quantity , is one of the most universal and important technical parameters .