
jué duì sù dù
  • absolute velocity;absolute speed
  1. 对不同等级男子110m跨栏运动员速度利用率及绝对速度的比较分析

    A comparative analysis of the utility rate of speed and absolute speed of 110 meter male hurdlers of different grades

  2. 通过采用跳远运动员专项速度训练模式对高水平跳远运动员进行训练,对提高运动员跑的能力,绝对速度,助跑最后10m的速度以及助跑水平速度利用率均取得了较好的效果。

    We have improved the running ability , the absolute speed , and the speed of last ten meters and utilization ration of horizontal speed of athletes by using the model .

  3. 正交实验结果显示:影响50M跑成绩的因素主次顺序为:绝对速度、速度力量、加速能力。

    The result of positive - cross experiment shows the factors that influence the performance of 50 - meter race .

  4. 采用先进的粒子图像测速(PIV)系统对普通叶轮改型设计后的有机玻璃叶轮内部流场进行无接触测量,获得轴向旋涡流绝对速度矢量图及原始数据。

    The inner flow field of modified Perspex impeller of a centrifugal pump was measured by advanced PIV system , and the absolute speed vectorgraph and original data of the axial eddy were acquired .

  5. 绝对速度、速度耐力和专项力量3个因素与400m跑运动水平直接相关,是影响400m竞技能力的主要素质。

    The speed , speed endurance and special power are three main factors , which have close connection with the level of 400m runners , also mainly effect on competitive ability of 400m sports .

  6. 采用粒子图像速度仪(PIV)测量了离心风机叶轮及扩压器的内部流场,并将绝对速度场换算成相对速度场,对其流动特性进行了讨论分析。

    PIV is used to measure the flow field at impeller 's outlet and diffuser of centrifugal fan and the velocity field is recorded . The flow field characteristic after transferring the absolute velocity to relative is analysed .

  7. 对影响少年女子短跑运动员100m跑成绩的诸因素作了详细的分析,明确了各因素对100m跑成绩的影响程度,其中起主导作用的是绝对速度。

    A detailed analysis of the factors which influence juvenile girl athletes ′ performance in 100m dash was made to decide the degrees each factor imposed on the performance in 100m . Result showed that the leading factor is absolute speed .

  8. 设计了Kalman滤波器,来估计悬架的相对速度和绝对速度,为了提高观测器的控制效果,在Kalman滤波器的基础上,设计了滑模观测器。

    A Kalman filter has been Designed to estimate the relative speed and absolute speed of the suspension , in order to improve the control effectiveness of the observer , on the basis of the Kalman filter , a slide mode switch is used to design slide mode observer .

  9. 声相关海流剖面仪(ACCP)利用波形不变性原理进行测速,能够测得相对海底的绝对速度。

    The principle of waveform invariance is used in measuring velocity of an acoustic corr-elation current profiler ( ACCP ) with bottom tracking capability to provide vessel-earth relative velocity .

  10. 绝对速度和最大速度是两个不同的概念,绝对速度是最大速度的基础,适当降低最大速度显著增加其保持距离,两者合理搭配才能取得100m跑优异的比赛成绩。

    The absolute speed and maximum speed are two different concepts . The absolute speed is the base of maximum speed . Excellent competition results in 100m running could be achieved only through two aspects of reasonable match between proper reducing maximum speed and strikingly adding its keeping distance .

  11. 一种定量测量双向血流绝对速度的技术

    A Technique for Quantitative Measurement of Absolute Velocity of Bidirectional Bloodflow

  12. 人们已经注意到内容增长的绝对速度。

    The sheer rate of growth of content has already been noted .

  13. 基于谱域光学多普勒层析技术的绝对速度测量

    Absolute Velocity Measurement by Spectral Domain Optical Doppler Tomography

  14. 基于绝对速度测量计的自主导航探讨

    Autonomous Navigation Based on Absolute Velocity Measuring Instrument

  15. 声相关测速技术可以测得舰船相对于海底的绝对速度。

    Acoustic correlation velocity measurement technology is used to make measurements of velocity relative to the seabed .

  16. 非公有制经济将继续发展,但绝对速度将会降低;

    Non-public sectors of the economy will keep on developing , but its absolute speed will drop down .

  17. 含硫双原子自由基共振增强多光子电离光谱研究基于谱域光学多普勒层析技术的绝对速度测量

    Study on Sulfur-containing Diatomic Radicals by REMPI Spectroscopy ; Absolute Velocity Measurement by Spectral Domain Optical Doppler Tomography

  18. 虽然某些方法对测定绝对速度常数是合用的,但不容易实施。

    Methods are available for the measurement of absolute velocity constants but they are by no means easy to apply .

  19. 我国男子跳远运动员在绝对速度和腾起角度上与国外优秀选手存在明显差距。

    There is obvious difference in absolute speed and angle of projection between male long jumpers in our country and abroad .

  20. 提高绝对速度能力、增强快速起跳能力、继续加强助跑的准确性和落地的正确性,是提高我国运动员跳远成绩的有效途径。

    Velocity and fast take - off , to strengthen the accuracy of run - up and fall to the ground .

  21. 试验表明,蜗壳内部液体绝对速度的圆周分速度比径向分速度大一个数量级;

    The results show that magnitude of tangential velocity component of absolute velocity is larger one order than that of radial component .

  22. 本文就跳远的绝对速度,速度利用率和节奏等方面进行简要阐述,以期提高跳远运动员的成绩。

    The paper expounds briefly the absolute speed of run-up rhythm etc , and attempts to improve sportsmen s long jump marks .

  23. 分析认为绝对速度较慢、起跳角较小、起跳能力较差是制约我国运动员成绩提高的主要因素。

    It concludes that lower absolute speed , smaller take-off angle and poorer take-off ability are the main factors which lower the athletes'performance .

  24. 结果表明,组成跳远运动员专项速度能力的因素群为:绝对速度、速度耐力、速度力量、助跑速度等12项因素。

    The results showed factors influencing event related speed ability incorporated absolute speed , speed endurance , speed force and approach run speed etc.

  25. 利用3个陀螺仪和3个激光测速计按直角坐标方式配置,即可组成基于绝对速度测量计的捷联式惯性测量组合。

    Gyroscopes and 3 laser velocity measuring instruments are collocated according to right-angle coordinate system so as to compose a strapdown inertial measurement unit .

  26. 在相同的相对速度下,绝对速度较低的两辆车在超车过程中产生的瞬态气动影响更大。

    Under the same relative velocity , two vehicles with slower absolute velocities have more transient aerodynamic influence on each other during the overtaking process .

  27. 短跑是技术性很强的运动,对人的速度、耐力、灵敏、爆发力及力量素质要求很高,尤其是绝对速度和力量素质要求则更高。

    Sprint is a highly skilled sport , which involves the speed , patience , shrewdness , bursting force and strength , especially the absolute speed and strength .

  28. 我国跳远运动员在自身平跑绝对速度与世界优秀运动员有较大差距的情况下取得了优异的成绩,采用很高的助跑速度利用率是其成功的主要原因;

    Since the eighties of the last century Chinese Long-Jumpers have achieved good performances , high utilization rate of approach speed is main effective way to these performances .

  29. 得出以下结论:少年女子跳远运动员的助跑速度与高水平女子跳远运动员相比差距较大,需要加强绝对速度的训练和助跑速度的训练。

    Come to conclusions as follows : Run up speed disparities between juvenile and high level female long jumpers , so we need absolute and run – up speed training .

  30. 不同流量工况下,双流道泵内速度场和压力场分布规律类似,但是,随着流量的增加叶轮流道内相对速度增大、绝对速度减小,流道进出口总压差逐渐降低。

    However , with the increasing of flow rate , the relative velocity increased , the absolute velocity decreased and the total pressure difference between the inlet and outlet decreased .