
  • 网络SSI;ABSOLUTE ENCODER;Absolute pulse coder;Encoder
  1. 介绍了位置检测传感器&绝对值编码器的原理及特点,并介绍了一种在PLC控制系统中,将编码器的格雷编码转换为二进制编码的一种运算方法及其在位置检测中的应用。

    This paper introduces the sensor of position examination-the principle and property of absolute encoder and shows an operational method involving the conversion of the Gray code to Binary code in PLC control system and the application in the position examination .

  2. 浅谈多圈绝对值编码器作为单圈编码器的运用

    The Application of Multi-ring Absolute Encoder as a Single-ring Encoder

  3. TRD-K系列绝对值编码器在堆取料机上的应用

    The Application of a Series TRD-K Absolute Value Coder to Stacker-Reclaimer

  4. 实践证明,TRD-K系列绝对值编码器能满足生产要求。

    It is proved TRD-K series absolute coder can satisfied requirements of production .

  5. 绝对值编码器在自动化立体仓库定位系统中的应用

    The Application of Encoder Using Absolute Value in the Automatic Stereo Warehouse Positioning System

  6. 总线式多圈绝对值编码器在顶杆小车位置控制系统中的应用

    Application of Bus Loopy Absolute Encoder in Position Control System of Mandril Thrust Block

  7. 给出了一种实用的由绝对值编码器及其接口电路组成的自动化立体仓库堆垛机定位系统。

    This paper describes a practical automatic stereo warehouse positioning system which is mainly made up of absolute value encoder and its interface circuit .

  8. 运用绝对值编码器,按距离原则的高效直接停靠,实现了超乎寻常的舒适感和平层精确度。

    Digital absolute shaft encoder provides the accurate car positioning , with which the high efficient direct arrival being got , base on distance principle , as well as the perfect comfort ability and leveling accuracy .

  9. SSI接口的绝对值角度编码器值的读出方法研究

    Research on the Reading Mode of ABS Angle Coder Based on SSI

  10. 针对SSI接口的绝对值角度编码器,提出了一种伴随读出方式读取绝对值角度编码器值的方法,实现了信号的并行读取。

    This paper presents the way of concomitance reading ( CR ) based on SSI interface in operating processes , which achieves the aim of parallel reading data .

  11. 为了提高系统的安全性,采用了电动操作断路器对闸门的动力电源进行控制。闸位计采用绝对值格雷码编码器以及弹性平衡传感器组成。

    In order to improve the security of the system , the breakers are operated to control the power of the sluices in the dynamoelectric method and the gate level gauge is composed of absolute Gray coder and elastic equilibrium sensor .

  12. 由于雷达伺服系统的核心控制内容是位置控制,为保证位置反馈信号准确性,本文选用绝对值式光电编码器作为位置和速度信号的检测元件。

    Since position control is the core content of the paper , absolute value photoelectric encoder is selected as the feedback signal detecting element of the system to ensure the accuracy of the position feedback signal .

  13. 方法:应用单片计算机技术及绝对位置编码器对超声传感器进行定位。浅谈多圈绝对值编码器作为单圈编码器的运用

    METHODS : The ultrasonic transducer is located by using single chip computer and absolution position coder . The Application of Multi-ring Absolute Encoder as a Single-ring Encoder