
  • 网络base cost of manufacture;Basic production cost
  1. 这再次反映出一系列大宗商品和基本生产资料的成本压力不断上升。

    This again reflects rising cost pressures for a range of commodities and basic inputs .

  2. 适应循环经济发展的资源价格应充分反映其基本价值、生产成本、稀缺程度、市场供求和环境成本。

    Price of Resources adaptable to the need of CE should reflect the basic value , production cost , scarcity , supply and demand in market and environmental cost of resources .

  3. 性能与三元(尼龙6/66/1212)基本相当,生产成本大大低于三元共聚热熔胶,可广泛应用于服装粘合衬行业。

    The properties of it is almost the same as the ternary nylon 6 / 66 / 1212 . But the cost is much lower . It can be used in the enterprises as clothing lining .

  4. 将氧化铝制成铝的熔炼过程要消耗大量能源,能源基本上占到生产成本的40%左右,这让中国厂家的劣势更为突出。

    Smelting alumina to make aluminium is energy-intensive to the extent that energy typically accounts for about 40 per cent of the cost of production , putting Chinese plants at an even greater disadvantage .