
  • 网络Essential Medicines;essential drugs;essential drugs or medicines
  1. 主要的儿童基本药物供应情况很糟糕。

    The availability of key essential medicines for children was poor .

  2. 公布一份正式的世卫组织儿童基本药物清单;

    Publish an official WHO List of Essential Medicines for Children ;

  3. 它将给你带来纯文本和HTML机构,只要他们在基本药物清单中。

    It will give you both plain text and HTML bodies , provided they are in the EML .

  4. 1998年TCS注射剂作为计划生育类用药被国家基本药物品种目录收录(NO.676),可直接用于临床。

    In 1998 , TCS was accepted by our National Basic Drugs Catalog as an agent for birth control .

  5. 在DDDs排序中,居前20位的药品均为国家基本药物。

    The top 20 chemical drugs on DDDs list were all national Basic Drugs in China .

  6. 对于大多数新近被诊断患有II型糖尿病的患者,首先展开的系列疗法就是改善饮食和锻炼习惯以降低血糖水平,同时医生常常还会给他们开一种名为二甲双胍的治疗糖尿病的基本药物。

    For most patients newly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes , the first line of therapy is to improve diet and exercise habits to reduce blood-sugar levels . Usually metformin , a basic diabetes medication , is also prescribed .

  7. 当前,氨基水杨酸类药物如艾迪莎和柳氮磺胺吡啶(sulfasalazin,SASP)是治疗溃疡性结肠炎的主要和基本药物。

    Currently , aminosalicylic acid ( ASA ) including Etiasa and SASP is the main and basic medication for the treatment of UC in human .

  8. 山莨菪碱(Anisodamine,Ani)作为治疗微循环障碍的基本药物,近年来在临床被广泛使用,如用于治疗消化性溃疡、急性高原肺水肿、偏头痛、结核性渗出性胸膜炎、糖尿病等。

    As a basic drug to treat microcirculatory disturbance , anisodamine ( Ani ) has been widely used , for example , to treat peptic ulcer , acute high altitude pulmonary edema , migraine , diabetic neuropathy , tuberculous pleurisy etc.

  9. 结果:2年中,头孢菌素的使用品种、金额、DDDs均逐年增加,其中,国家基本药物的DDDs所占比例在65%以上。

    Result : During the 2 years , the varieties , purchase sum of money and DDDs of cephalosporins antibiotics were in - creasing yearly . The proportion of national essential drugs was above 65 percent in terms of DDDs .

  10. 完善基本药物制度,促进临床合理用药

    Improving National Essential Drug System and Promoting Clinical Rational Drug Use

  11. 20所乡镇卫生院国家基本药物供应状况的抽样调查

    Sampling Survey on Provision of Essential Drug in Township Health Clinics

  12. 基本药物制度与医疗保障制度的思考

    Thinking of Essential drugs system and Medical Insurance System in China

  13. 挽救生命的基本药物可能会出现要么断货要么价格过于昂贵的这种状况。

    Essential life saving medicines may become either unavailable or unaffordable .

  14. 我国制订与实施《国家基本药物目录》的进展

    The Progress in Establishing and Implementing National Essential Drugs List in China

  15. 基本药物概念适用于今日的挑战

    Concept of essential medicine : meeting the challenge of today

  16. 目的:为了更好地宣传和推广国家基本药物。

    Objectives : To better propaganda and extend the national essential drugs .

  17. 2007年是基本药物标准清单公布30周年。

    2007 marked the30th anniversary of the Model List of Essential Medicines .

  18. 巩固基本药物制度。

    We should consolidate the system for using basic drugs .

  19. 基本药物概念是一项国家药物政策的核心

    Essential drug list is the core of national drug policy

  20. 关于保障我国基本药物供给的思考与建议

    Consideration and Suggestions on the Guarantee of the Supply of Essential Medicines

  21. 药店货架上有哪些儿童基本药物?

    What essential medicines for children are on the shelf ?

  22. 促进社区卫生服务机构基本药物可获得性策略研究

    Research on Strategies of Essential Medicines Availability in Community Health Service Facilities

  23. 基本药物生产存在问题分析和政策建议

    Analysis and policy implications of the issues on production of essential medicine

  24. 完善我国基本药物制度若干政策建议

    Policy Proposals for Improvement of Essential Medicine System in China

  25. 世界卫生组织基本药物示范名单(第七版;1992)(英文)

    WHO Model List of Essential Drugs ( seventh list )

  26. 基于层次分析法的国家基本药物遴选

    Selection of national essential drugs based on analytic hierarchy process

  27. 基本药物的质量、供应与合理使用;

    Essential medicines quality , supply and rational use ;

  28. 其他医疗卫生机构也必须通过类似机制采购基本药物。

    Other clinics would also have to buy these medicines through similar mechanisms .

  29. 基本药物中标方最优数量的确定模型

    A Model of how to Decide the optimized Amounts of the essential Drugs

  30. 医院基本药物目录的遴选与编写

    Selection and Compilation of Essential Drug List in Hospital