
  • 网络Audit For Capital Construction
  1. 基本建设审计案例引发的管理思考

    Reflections on Auditing Management : A Case Study of Capital Construction

  2. 论高校基本建设审计风险与对策

    On audit risks of university capital construction and their countermeasures

  3. 基本建设审计制度初探

    The Preliminary Research on the Audit Systemof Capital Construction

  4. 论消防部队基本建设跟踪审计过程控制

    The Discussion of Constantly Auditing the Capital Construction of Fire Army

  5. 基本建设工程审计阶段的造价控制措施分析

    Analysis on cost control measures in audit stage of capital construction project

  6. 军队基本建设宏观审计初论

    Briefly on macro auditing of troops capital construction

  7. 浅谈如何实施基本建设财务审计

    On implementation of capital construction financial auditing

  8. 基本建设投资审计是审计监督的一个重要分支,也是国有资产监督体系的重要组成部分。

    The auditing on infrastructure investment is an important category of auditing supervision and an important part of the state-owned assets supervision system .

  9. 特别是随着我国进一步扩大改革开放,多元化投资体系的形成以及各地基础设施和公共建设加强,对基本建设投资审计监督从审计理念到审计方式和手段提出了更高要求。

    Particularly , with the further reform and opening of China , the establishment of a diversified investment system and the enhanced construction of infrastructure and public utilities nationwide , higher requirements have been proposed on the execution , conception and methods of auditing on infrastructure investment .

  10. 刍议提高学校基本建设投资效益审计质量

    The Immature Comment on Promoting Audit Quality for Invested Beneficial Results of School Basic Construction