
jīnɡ jì shěn jì
  • economic audit
  1. 浅论合并高校的经济审计

    A Brief Talk on Economic Audit of Mergence Higher Institutions

  2. 本研究的主要研究内容如下:第一,国企高管经济审计的相关概念界定及相关理论评述。

    Therefore , the main content of this research are as follows : Firstly , The chief executives of state-owned enterprises economic audit theory and related theory .

  3. 传统审计遇到了挑战,经济审计走向网络化已成为必然。

    Traditional auditing encounters a challenge , cyber economy has become inevitable to move to networking .

  4. 国家审计机关,内部审计部门,民间审计组织分工协作、相互配合、各有侧重,不断适应我国各种所有制经济审计所提出的新要求,全面发挥促进和制约作用。

    The different agencies work corporately and focus on different are respectively to adapt themselves to the new audit requirements coming from the multi-ownership economy in our country .

  5. 本文着重对这一经济审计制度的作用和原则,重点和方法,以及实施这一审计制度的重要保证方面,进行了全面的分析和论述。

    This paper has made a comprehensive analysis and discussion on the function and principles , the focal points and methods as well as the important guarantee of this audit system .

  6. 由于农村集体经济审计起步晚,法制建设滞后,加上农村集体经济组织的特殊性,相关研究还比较薄弱。

    However , because of the short history of rural collective economic auditing , lag of legal system construction , and the particularity of the rural collective economic organization , correlation study is still weak .

  7. 与其他制度一样,农村集体经济审计的发展也应当是分阶段的,审计模式也应当适应不同阶段政治、经济和社会发展变化。

    Similar to other system , the development of village collective economy auditing should be divided into stages , and auditing patterns also should be adjusted according to the variety of politics , economy and social developments in different stage .

  8. 作为完整的经济效益审计方法,应包括技术方法,思想方法和工作方法。

    As a complete method of economic efficiency auditing , it includes the spheres of technology , ideology and working methodology .

  9. 本研究将传统的遗传算法与BP神经网络方法进行了结合,吸收它们的优点,并进行了优化改进,构建了改进的BP神经网络方法模型,并将其运用于国企高管经济责任审计评价。

    In this study , the traditional genetic algorithm with BP neural network method combined absorbs their advantages , and optimizes improvements , builds improved BP neural network model , and makes its application to the state executive and the economic responsibility audit evaluation .

  10. 首先,本论文在综合前人的研究成果基础上,对经济效益审计的实质进行了分析,明确了以EVA指标为效益审计评价指标,以统计描述预测数据作为评价指标标准;

    First , on the basis of the previous research achievements , the thesis analyzes the essence of economic efficiency audit , and defines the EVA index as the efficiency audit evaluation index , and the statistic descriptive prediction data as the standard of the evaluation index .

  11. 建立健全经济责任审计制度;

    To establish and perfect the system of economical responsibility audit ;

  12. 经济责任审计:给你一本明白账

    Close To You Audit of Economic Responsibilities for a Clear Account

  13. 审计内容包括经济性审计、效率性审计和效果性审计;

    The content includes auditing of economy , efficiency and effectiveness .

  14. 我国高校经济效益审计体系构建初探

    A Study on Constructing University Benefit Audit System in Our Country

  15. 第四部分,建立高校经济责任审计的评价指标体系。

    Part four , establish indicating system of SEA in college .

  16. 对国有控股企业应进一步强化经济责任审计。

    Further strengthen audit of economic responsibility to the state-controlled enterprises .

  17. 黄金矿山企业开展经济效益审计的思考

    The considerations of the gold mining enterprises developing economic benefit audit

  18. 知识经济与审计创新讲座第四讲知识经济与审计方式、方法、手段的创新

    Knowledge Economy and Innovation of Audit Methods , Means and Measures

  19. 建立军队经济决策审计机制初探

    Briefly on establishing the auditing mechanism of troops economic policy making

  20. 军队领导干部经济责任审计模糊综合评价探讨

    Obscure comprehensive evaluation method of the leader economic responsibility auditing

  21. 高校经济效益审计系统分析初探

    Preliminary Analysis of the Economic Benefit Audit Systems of Universities

  22. 事业单位经济责任审计评价

    Probe into the Evaluation of Audit for Economic Accountability in Public Institutions

  23. 基本建设工程项目经济效益审计的探索

    A probe into economic result auditing of capital construction projectss

  24. 如何开展院校任期经济责任审计

    How to Develop in-office term Economic Responsibility Auditing in Colleges

  25. 经济责任审计特征与审计环境建设

    Features of economic responsibility audit and environment construction of audit

  26. 用科学发展观指导经济责任审计工作

    On the Economy Audition under the Guidance of Scientific Development

  27. 论经济责任审计的近期效果目标

    On the Recent Objectives for Effectiveness of Economic Responsibility Audit

  28. 任职经济责任审计系统设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Post 's Economic Responsibility Auditing System

  29. 现代企业经济效益审计综合评价体系的构建

    Construction of modern enterprise economy efficiency auditing comprehensive evaluation system

  30. 铁路运输经济效益审计的若干问题

    Some Issues about Efficiency and Effectiveness Audit for Railway Transportation in China