
jī shí
  • cornerstone;foundation stone;rock;footing stone;cill;anvil
基石 [jī shí]
  • [cornerstone;foundation stone] 用于建筑物底部的大石块。常用于比喻

基石[jī shí]
  1. 敏捷企业(上)制造业&现代化的基石

    On the Concept of Agile Enterprise Manufacturing & Footing Stone of Modernization

  2. 我不能没有她。她是我生命中的基石,她令人难以置信。

    Without her , she is a rock , she is unbelievable .

  3. 互信是交往的基石。

    Mutual trust is the bedrock of a relationship

  4. 剩余价值学说是马克思经济理论的基石。

    The doctrine of surplus value is the cornerstone of Marx 's economic theory .

  5. 它们是所有人类社会特有的基础;并逐步建立其它一切东西的奠基石。

    They were the distinguishing foundation of all human societies ; the bedrock on which all else came to be erected .

  6. 第二项计划很快取代了对停止生产粮食的农民付给补助的办法,而且这项计划确实成了国家农业政策的基石。

    A second plan soon supplanted the idea of paying farmers for not producing food and , indeed , became the cornerstone of national farm policy .

  7. 大学生培养了提问能力,提问是批判性思维的基石。

    The college students had cultivated the ability to ask questions , the cornerstone of critical thinking .

  8. 团队已经成为建构组织的基石。

    Teams have become the basic building blocks of organizations .

  9. 这句话听着简单,但是却成了我做人的准则和基石。

    That phrase sounds simple , but it 's been a guidepost for me and the foundation of who I am .

  10. 供应量有限:基石投资者已承诺认购此次IPO的近半数股份。

    Supply is constrained : cornerstone investors have already committed to buying nearly half of the deal .

  11. CRM基础理论是整个CRM的基石,但对于CRM基础理论体系的确立并没有一个清晰的说法。

    The CRM basic theories are foundation stone of whole CRM . But what CRM basic theory system don 't be defined clearly .

  12. 在分析与讨论企业CIMS处理信息以及构造Intranet网络的C/S、C/NS两种分布式计算方案基石出上,提出Web环境下CIMS的逻辑结构框架;

    Based on introducing Client / Server and Client / Net Server , a logic architecture of CIMS project in intranet is put forth in this paper .

  13. 跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TransPacificPartnership,简称TPP)奥巴马剩余的经济议程的基石将赋予在北美、南美和亚洲经营的跨国公司以广泛的权力。

    The Trans-Pacific Partnership a cornerstone of Obama 's remaining economic agenda would grant broad powers to multinational companies operating in North America , South America and Asia .

  14. 有效市场假说(EMH)自诞生之日起,就成为现代金融理论的一个重要基石。

    Efficient Market Hypothesis ( EMH ) has become an important foundation of modern financial theory since it was founded .

  15. Altman和Taylor(1973)的社会深入理论是人际关系发展的研究中的奠基石。

    Altman and Taylor 's ( 1973 ) social penetration theory has been regarded as an essential theory in relationship development research .

  16. 网络安全技术是Internet及信息技术发展的基石,已成为计算机领域重要的研究课题之一,它从解决网络安全问题的实践过程中不断拓展和丰富。

    As the footstone of the Internet and IT development , the network security technology has been one of the most important research subject in computer realm , and been continuously expanded and enriched from practice of solution to the network security problem .

  17. 自动交换光网络(ASON)是当前光传输领域的研究热点,其中保护恢复策略将为增强网络生存性奠定新的基石。

    Presently , ASON is the research hotspot in optical transportation network , in which protection & restoration mechanism can enhance network survivability to a new level .

  18. 有效市场假说(EMH)无疑是近现代金融理论最重要的基石之一。

    Without doubt , Efficient Markets Hypothesis has become the most important foundation of the modern financial theories since the day Eugene Fama presented it .

  19. 姚明的入选NBA让中国人沸腾了&中国人也可以打NBA主力,中国人也可以成为球队的战术核心建队基石,中国也可以在NBA某个位置上成为最强之一。

    Ming Yao 's enrollment has excited chinese & Chinese player could being NBA main force and core of tactics of the team and also being one of the best position in NBA .

  20. 最惠国待遇原则是GATT/WTO多边贸易体制的基石,关于区域贸易协定规定的GATT第24条则作为最惠国待遇原则的例外而存在。

    Although most-favored-nation treatment principle is considered as the foundation of GATT / WTO multilateral trade system , Article 24 of GATT on regional trade agreement exits as the exception of most-favored-nation treatment principle .

  21. 传统金融理论建立在有效市场假说(EMH)和资本资产定价模型(CAPM)两大基石之上,其模型和范式局限在理性的分析框架中,忽视了对投资者实际决策行为的分析。

    The traditional finance theory is based on EMH and CAPM , but the models and methods are confined to the frame of rationality ignoring the analysis of investor 's actual decision behaviour .

  22. 本文以海洋石油102FPSO的现场监测数据为基石,对其进行误差校准与数据融合处理,得到完整的FPSO运动响应信息。

    In this paper , based on " Offshore oil102 " FPSO of train field monitoring data , through the error of calibration and the data fusion processing , then get complete FPSO motion response information .

  23. 法国核电:技术标准化奠定成功基石

    French nuclear electricity , the technical standardization establishes the successful cornerstone

  24. 集体主义教育是高校德育工作的重要基石

    Collective Education is the Cornerstone of Moral Education Ethics in Colleges

  25. 有效沟通&提升读者满意度的基石

    Effective Communication & the Cornerstone of Promoting Reader 's Satisfactory Rate

  26. 法律信仰:法治之基石

    Faith in law : the doctrine of the rule of law

  27. 许可证制度是道路运输管理的基石;

    License management system is the footstone of highway transport management .

  28. 概念整合理论是本论文的理论基石,运用这一理论分析惠特曼诗歌中的隐喻形成机制是本文的重点和核心。

    Conceptual integration theory is the theoretic basis of this thesis .

  29. 概念整合理论是本研究的基石,基于此而提出的改进模型在本文的第三章有详尽的论述。

    The conceptual blending theory is the cornerstone of this research .

  30. 众所周知,能源早已成了当代社会发展的基石。

    Energy has already become the cornerstone of contemporary social development .