
  • 网络The Essence of Christianity
  1. 我们在早期看到的一个重大运动,后来变得越来越重要,对后来基督教的本质产生至关重要影响,那就是它与犹太教的分离。

    Then one of the major things we 've seen the beginnings of that will become more and more important for the nature of Christianity later is its separation from Judaism .

  2. 三自爱国运动的政治意义和神学意义,都是基督教的内在本质所决定的,都是教会论所不能忽略的课题,都是教会性的组成部分。

    Both the political and theological meaning of the Three & self Patriotic Movement are determined by the inner nature of Christianity .

  3. 罪恶与救赎&论莎士比亚戏剧与基督教对人的本质理解之异同

    Crime and Redemption : Different Understandings of the Nature of Human in Shakespearean Drama and Christianity

  4. 超血亲伦理是基督教最重要的本质特征之一,但由于多种原因,无论神学或人文学科均未对此特征作专题充分研究。

    The super-consanguineous ethic is one of the most important essential characters of Christianity ; however , neither theology nor humanities paid enough attention to it for many reasons .

  5. 因此菲利亚这个概念那时被采用,以后继续是基督教对爱的本质的解读中的,重要元素,宗教之爱的重要元素。

    The idea of philia therefore was being applied by then , and it continued as an important element in Christian ideas about the nature of love , religious love .