
  1. 不仅这些基金的利润被视作在开曼赚取的,因此不用纳税,利润的发放也不用代扣所得税为其投资者带来了莫大好处。

    Not only are the funds ' gains treated as realised in Cayman , and hence not taxable , but their distributions are not subject to withholding tax a great benefit for their investors .

  2. 最大的摩擦源自该基金对利润的关注,即通过扩大销量赚取利润的商业模式。但格里坎觉得,这一策略削弱了该连锁店以低利润率出售优质冰淇淋的传统。

    The biggest friction came over the fund 's focus on the bottom line , a business model that earned profits through volume sales but which he felt undercut the chain 's tradition of selling high-quality ice-cream at low margins .

  3. 像沃尔玛、塔基特和其他大的雇主公司利用社会安全网络作为一个行贿基金以增加利润。

    Companies like Walmart , Target , and other major employers using the social safety net as a slush fund to increase profits .

  4. 成交量格外强劲,此前大举认购首次公开发行(ipo)分配的对冲基金希望快速锁定利润。

    Volumes were exceptionally heavy as hedge funds , which had bid aggressively for IPO allocations , sought to turn a quick profit .

  5. 将这些资产打包到基金中,其利润较以往有所下降。

    Bundling these assets into funds is less lucrative than it was .

  6. 这些限制措施对私募股权基金所用的利润分成模式同样构成潜在问题。

    The curbs are also potentially problematic for the carried interest model used in private equity .

  7. 五年来,这个基金一直把部分利润平均分配给每个居民。阿拉斯加人不必为它工作,也可以自由支配收益。

    Each year , the fund distributes a fraction of its profits , averaged over five years , to every resident .

  8. 咨奔商务咨询表示,在中国基金公司公布的利润中,约有80%至85%来自它们从开放式基金中收取的管理费。

    About 80-85 per cent of profits reported by fund companies in China come from the management fees they generate from open-ended funds , according to Z-Ben Advisors .

  9. 本周将发布的一份报告显示,中国基金管理公司的利润今年有望升至全球金融危机前的水平。

    Profits at Chinese fund management companies are expected to rise this year to pre-global financial crisis levels , according to a report to be published this week .

  10. 把对冲基金和银行的利润放在一起比较固然有其缺陷&因为双方在资金配置规模和收益来源上都存在很大差异,但这些数据可以让人们对这些基金的收益规模略知一二。

    Comparisons of profits between hedge funds and banks are inevitably imperfect , as the amounts of capital deployed and sources of income vary wildly , but the figures provide a sense of the scale of the funds ' returns .

  11. 6起未决诉讼的原告名单涵盖了各类机构投资者,包括基金会、捐赠基金、利润分享计划以及所有类型的养老金。

    The roster of plaintiffs across the six pending lawsuits covers the spectrum of institutional investors , including pensions of all stripes as well as foundations , endowments and profit-sharing plans .

  12. 假定普通对冲基金每年收取所管理基金的2%,利润的20%,计算的结果是620亿美元中至少570亿美元将被管理费吞没。

    If the normal hedge fund charges of an annual 2 per cent of funds under management and 20 per cent of profits had been applied to the resulting $ 62bn , no less than $ 57bn would have been absorbed in fees .

  13. 尽管在23家中外基金合资公司中,大多数公司都一直处于亏损状态,但外国主要基金的利润率在2005年首次出现了增长。Z-Ben估计,今年这一趋势可能会持续下去。

    While the bulk of the 23 Sino-foreign fund joint ventures have been lossmaking , leading foreign firms saw their profit margins rise for the first time in 2005 - a trend that is likely to continue this year , according to Z-Ben estimates .