
  • 网络Fund assets;fund property
  1. 忠实义务的根本目的是消除二者之间现实或潜在的一切利益冲突;注意义务重在基金财产的投资和运用。

    The basic goal of the faithful obligation is to dispel all realistic or potential interests conflicts between the two , the latter pays more attention to making the investment and application of the fund property .

  2. 从管理人和托管人的权利来源及投资人享有权利性质来看,该文认为基金财产应属投资人所有。

    By analyzing the source of fund trustee the manager 's rights and the nature of the investors ' rights , I think the fund property belongs to the investors .

  3. 对所管理的不同基金财产分别管理、分别记账,进行证券投资;

    Applying separate management and separate account books to different fund properties it manages to make securities investment ;

  4. 本遗嘱所涉遗产之外的遗产税,除了构成基金财产的部分,应由上述财产获得者支付。

    Death Taxes attributable to property passing outside this Will , other than property constituting the trust estate of the trust intentioned in the preceding sentence , shall be charged against the taker of said property .

  5. (三)用于扶贫和其他公益事业的社会捐助或者专项基金的财产。

    Public donations or special funds used for elimination of poverty or for other public welfare undertakings .

  6. 第三层次:将事务所的剩余在第二层次分配的基础上,提取集体福利、发展基金和财产股的分配;

    The third level : on the basis of assigning in the second level , draw collective welfare , development funds and property stock ;

  7. 是的但比尔·哈蒙不知道他把身家都压在万通电信上了整整二十亿基金的财产就这么打了水漂

    Yes , but Bill Harmon didn ' t.He bet big on Allcom . $ 2 billion of his funds ' assets down the drain .

  8. 证券投资基金运用信托财产投资证券取得收益,基金持有者与基金管理人之间是委托代理关系,这可能使基金的表现与基金管理人的收益不同步,因此对基金投资的监管是必要的。

    Securities capital funds use trust capital to earn returns . These are relationships between principals - fund holders and agents - fund management companies .

  9. 本文以基金会的财产作为论述的主线,试图通过法律的方法使基金会多募善款,合理的管理和使用资金。

    In this paper , it is mainly centered on the property of the Foundation , adopts legal means so that the Foundation can raise more money , manage and use the funds rationally .

  10. 信托基金将支付财产税。考虑到杰克逊的财产价值可能比庞大的债务高出至多2亿美元,财产税的数额也会很可观。

    The trust makes a provision for the payment of estate taxes , which could be considerable given that the value of Mr. Jackson 's assets may exceed his massive debts by as much as $ 200 million .

  11. 契约型证券投资基金作为一种财产管理制度,曾极大地促进了我国基金市场的繁荣。

    Contractual-type mutual funds are a kind of property management system , greatly promoting prosperity of the fund market .

  12. 这份遗嘱订立已有7年。据知情人士透露,迈克尔•杰克逊(MichaelJackson)的遗嘱将财产留给一个家族信托基金,该基金将把巨额财产分给他的三个孩子、他母亲以及慈善团体。

    Michael Jackson 's seven-year-old will bequeaths his estate to a family trust , which in turn is to distribute his sizable assets among his three children , his mother and charities , according to people with knowledge of the trust 's terms .

  13. 基金管理人、基金托管人因基金财产的管理、运用或者其他情形而取得的财产和收益,归入基金财产。

    The property and benefits obtained by the fund manager and fund trustee as a result of the management , utilization or any other use of the fund shall be included into the fund property .

  14. 公司对基金经理的评价和考核应当体现基金财产运用注重长期、价值投资、控制风险的特点。

    The evaluation and examination concerning Fund Managers implemented by a company shall reflect the characteristic that the stress is put on long-term , value investment and risk control in the fund properties utilization .

  15. 信托的运用领域十分广泛。从家庭理财到社会共有财产的管理,从各种私人养老基金到共同基金和慈善基金会,从财产管理到金融投资等,都要利用信托原理和信托制度。

    The Trust principles and institutions can be used in many fields , such as from the management of family assets to public assets , from various private pensions to mutual and charitable foundations , from the management of property to financial investment .

  16. 如何才能确保基金会募集到更多的善款?如何能够使基金会的财产保值增值?怎样才能让基金会享受到更多的税收优惠待遇?这就是本文所要解决的主要问题。

    Then , how can we ensure that the Foundation can raise more money ? How can the Foundation preserve and increase the value of the property ? How can we allow the Foundation to have more tax preferential treatments ?

  17. 制约基金会发展的原因有很多,但是最主要的原因还在于基金会的财产制度不健全。很多基金会因为募集不到资金而陷入泥潭。

    There are many causes to develop Foundations , but the major cause is centered on the system of foundation is not well-developed , so many of the Foundations can not raise enough funds to be trapped in a quagmire .

  18. 企业年金基金实行市场化投资运营管理,受托管理是企业年金基金运营管理的核心环节,直接关系到企业年金基金财产管理的安全和收益。

    Fiduciary management is the core aspect of the operation management of enterprise annuity fund and is directly related to the security and benefits of the asset management of enterprise annuity fund .