
  • 网络Port of Keelung;Keelung;Keelung Harbor
  1. 过去,由于缺乏海运直航,从台湾基隆港驶往上海的集装箱船必须先向反方向航行250公里,抵达日本的石恒岛(ishigaki),向日本海关支付3000美元过关费。

    The lack of direct shipping links previously meant that container ships travelling from the Taiwanese port of Keelung to Shanghai had first to sail 250km in the opposite direction to the Japanese island of Ishigaki , where they paid $ 3000 to pass in and out of Japanese customs .

  2. 而首批台湾船定于周一中午从高雄和基隆港出发,前往大陆港口。

    The first Taiwanese ships were scheduled to leave from Kaohsiung and Keelung harbors for Chinese mainland ports about noon Monday .

  3. 冬季进靠基隆港的船舶操纵

    Maneuvering of Entering and Berthing of Keelung in Winter Tianjin Port

  4. 价目表的价格都是基隆港船上交货价,但如有需要,我方也可以提供运费、保险费在内的条款。

    The list prices are all on FOB Keelung basis but CIF terms are also available upon your request .

  5. 常出现于海岸、河口、湖泊、港口地带,基隆港为目前最容易观察、亲近和欣赏的地点,也因此,老鹰为基隆市野鸟学会之会鸟。

    Keelung Harbor offers a excellent spot to observe eagles , which explains why the Wild Bird Society of Keelung chooses eagle to the bird of the Society .

  6. 基隆港三面环山,一面临海,是台湾三大国际港之一。

    Keelung Harbor , one of the three largest international harbors in Taiwan , is surrounded on three sides by mountains and faces the open sea on the fourth side .

  7. 旅客在白天可以游览基隆港四周的古迹或岛屿,晚上可以到基隆庙口夜市大快朵颐。

    During the day , tourists can visit the historical sites and islets around Keelung harbor ; at night , they can feast on a wide selection of food at the Keelung Miaokou Night market .

  8. 基隆港地理位置和港口布局都非常特殊,冬季进靠港操纵与众不同,作者结合自身多次进出此港的经历,分析总结了安全进出此港的特殊操纵方法。

    Keelung has special characteristics in geographic position and port distribution , Which leads to different maneuvering when entering and berthing of Keelung in winter . By his own experience , the author analysis such particularities of maneuvering .