
duī jī yán
  • Cumulate rock;sedimentary rock
  1. 橄榄辉石岩包体为Ⅱ类包体,可能为杂岩体原始岩浆早期结晶分异作用所形成的堆积岩碎块。

    Olivine-pyroxenites xenoliths belongs to ⅱ type of xenolith and the cumulate chunk maybe result from early crystallization differentiation of primary magma of the complex .

  2. 白榴玄武岩为次生岩浆冷凝产物,是原生岩浆分离结晶约14%的橄榄石、辉石堆积岩,又同化混染了约28%的花岗岩所形成。

    Leucite basalt was solidified by secondary magma , which was produced by fractional crystallization of a small amount ( 14 % ) of accumulative rock from primitive magma and assimilation of granite ( 28 % ).

  3. 矿区内岩石化学测量也证明:盆地内发育的内碎屑堆积硅质岩比周围岩石具有更高的Cu、Ag元素地球化学丰度值,Cu元素分布的显著不均一性,表明了后期构造的改造作用。

    Ore area petrochemistry analyse also prove : intraclast congeries silica rock in basin have higher Cu , Ag abundance than circumference pena . The prominence inhomogeneity of the Cu distribution indicates reconstruct of the late construction .

  4. 临江崩滑堆积体岩土接触面抗剪强度分析

    Analysis of Shear Strength of Interface Between Rock and Riverside Slumping Mass

  5. 在堆积杂岩中上部还产出有仰冲型斜长花岗岩小岩块;

    There exist obduction-type granitoid rocks in the upper level of cumulate ;

  6. 文中提出蛇绿岩、堆积杂岩是在岩浆房中经液态岩浆重力堆积形成的观点,并对液态堆积机制进行了解释。

    In this paper , the authers suggest that the cumulative sequences are formed by liquid or magma accumulation and explain the mechanism of the liquid accumulation origin .

  7. 岩体成因类型为蛇绿岩组合中的超镁铁质单元,铬铁矿的富集部位是地幔橄榄岩和堆积杂岩带底部的纯橄榄岩。

    On the basis of the genetic type , the ultramafic bodies are part of ultramafic unit of ophiolite and the positions where the chromite enriched are mantle peridotite or bottom dunite of cumulate complex zone .

  8. 中性粒细胞堆积。风尘堆积全岩和石英粒度变化对风化成壤强度的指示

    Neutrophil accumulation . the differences of grain size of quartz and bulk samples as an indicator of weathering intensity in the aeolian deposits