
duī qì
  • Stacking;pile up;load one's writing with fancy phrases;pad;(fig) load one's writing with fancy phrases
堆砌 [duī qì]
  • [pad;(fig) load one's writing with fancy phrases] 垒积砖石并用泥灰黏合,比喻写文章使用大量华丽而无用的词语,以扩大或加长篇幅(如书籍、杂志的文章、讲话)

堆砌[duī qì]
  1. 别用太多的图表来堆砌版面。

    Don 't clutter the page with too many diagrams .

  2. 每天,似乎生活的方方面面都有数据在不断堆砌累加,很多不是纯商务性质的决定也越来越趋向数据驱动,即“决定源自或取决于数据收集或数据分析”。

    With more and more data piling up every day on seemingly all aspects of our lives , a lot more than just business decisions are becoming data-driven , which refers to something " determined or dependent on the collection or analysis of data " .

  3. 其长大过程伴随着TiC颗粒的相互堆砌、聚集和形态规则化。

    The growth process is accompanied with mutual pile , aggregation and regularization of shape .

  4. G对微粒紧密堆砌体系流变性的影响主要是通过微粒受剪切时产生的较小形变的不同所产生的。

    The influence of G to 70 is due to the difference of the small deformation of the closely packed multi-face micro-particles when bearing shear force .

  5. 热处理过程中,链段的堆砌密度增加,也会对Tg移向高温有部分贡献。

    Dense packing of segments during annealing may take place and also have some contribution to the Tg shifting to higher temperature .

  6. 这种方法被称为“黑帽seo”(blackhatseo),惯用手段包括在文章中堆砌关键词,以及从相关网站大量抓取链接等等。

    Known as " black hat SEO " , the art includes conventional tricks such as stuffing articles with keywords and amassing links from affiliate sites .

  7. 据主人说,这场30年来罕见的大暴雪让KarlBroadbent的后院积雪达到24英尺高。据悉,这个堆砌巨型雪人耗时竟然达到6个小时,与楼齐肩。

    The heaviest snowfall for 30 years had left his garden under an incredible 24 inches .

  8. 在沿分子堆砌方向上(对PTS则是大分子链方向)上观察到了它们的热刺激电流,并在相应于它们相变152K和192K处呈现热刺激电流峰。

    The peaks of current corresponding to their phase transitions at lower temperature in the direction parallel to the stacking were observed .

  9. 由PALS测得随辐照剂量的增加,PEN中自由体积减少,这说明分子链堆砌紧密,分子间距离减少。

    The PALS measurements show that the γ - irradiation causes the free volume of PEN , and also the distance between the molecules , to decreases .

  10. 我没有随便堆砌三菱(Mitsubishi)这样过气的品牌或是铃木(Suzuki)这样的断档品牌,也没有选择那些早已停产的过时车型。

    I have avoided piling on distressed brands like Mitsubishi and discontinued ones like Suzuki and obsolete models that are already out of production .

  11. 文中讨论了声速与组分的原子百分数含量x之间的关系,并讨论了近程有序,合金元素密度以及不同尺寸原子之间的随机堆砌引起的致密化等对声速的影响。

    A discussion is made on the composition dependence of sound velocity , on short range order effect and influence of density as well as densification resulted from random packing of atoms with different atomic radius on these parameters .

  12. 安然(Enron)就是一个典型案例:一个表面看上去坚如磐石的庞大企业,实际上是用虚假数据和假账堆砌起来的脆弱大厦。

    Enron is the classic case of a seemingly rock-solid corporate titan that was in reality a fragile edifice of dodgy numbers and accounting subterfuge .

  13. 退火时,链段的堆砌密度逐渐增加,并最后恢复到本体的水平,冷冻升华试样和本体试样的FTIR的差异随之消失。

    During annealing , the packing of segments in the samples gradually increases , and finally , approach to that of the bulk sample , diminishing the differences in FTIR spectra between freeze-dried samples and bulk sample .

  14. Flex有很多问题,有很多遗留下来的代码,堆砌的特性、糟糕的设计决策、甚至有时代码质量也很差(我就见过太多了)。

    Flex has many issues , all its crap legacy code from years ago , features piling up , some bad design decisions or even the code quality at times ( Have tons of examples in mind ) .

  15. 结果表明,构造应力作用提高了“煤晶核”BSU的延展度和堆砌度,使面网间距减小。

    Tectonic stress result in increasing diameter and the stack height of basic structural unit ( BSU ), and decreasing the BSU lamellae spacing .

  16. 孔径分布的测定表明:钠基蒙脱石和Ti-PILCs均具有物理堆砌形成的卡房状孔,而Ti-PILCs中还存在大量交联柱化形成的2~4nm二维孔。

    The pore size distribution shows the sodium montmorillonite and Ti-PILCs have house-of-cards-like pores physically aggregated and Ti-PILCs has many two-dimensional pores of 2-4 nm formed by pillars .

  17. 对于清洗后的衬底,在柱顶形成了小尺寸银颗粒的弥散堆砌,而在柱间的低凹区域则呈现大尺寸的银颗粒聚集体,整个Si-NPA表面呈现手链网络状。

    For the washed substrate , silver particles deposited on the top sites are small and dispersive , while accumulated particles with much bigger size are formed at the valley sites , which produce a hand-chain network spontaneously on the Si-NPA surface .

  18. 是以崎岖而又引人兴趣的方式堆砌起来的。

    They are piled up in an uneven and intriguing way .

  19. 这些词藻堆砌在一起讲不通。

    These words are jumbled up and don 't make sense .

  20. 凝聚过程中原子堆砌模式及其演化的计算机模拟

    Computer Simulations on Atomic Packing Pattern and Its Evolution during Condensation

  21. 他写文章常堆砌辞藻。

    He is always loading his writing with fancy phrases .

  22. 一种全四边形有限元网格生成方法&堆砌法

    Heaping : a new method for all quadrilateral mesh generation

  23. 首先,砖块的堆砌不需要灰泥。

    First , blocks were stacked without guides or mortar .

  24. 我已经堆砌出该校园的简图。

    I 've blocked a rough plan of teh campus .

  25. 水利工程;堆砌石砌体;防治。

    Irrigation works ; Pile the barnacle body up ; Prevention and cure .

  26. 语篇由句子组成,但不是句子的随意堆砌。

    Sentences constitute discourses but not by random order .

  27. 填充聚合物熔体的粘弹性与粒子堆砌形态之关系

    The relation between the particle packing morphology and viscoelasticity of filled polymer melts

  28. 运用西方理论时搞术语堆砌;

    Pointless use of technical jargons from Western theories ;

  29. 在《一步之遥》里,姜文像个孩子一样,将各种自己喜爱的元素堆砌其中。

    Like a child , Jiang puts everything he likes into the movie .

  30. 圆顶石屋是由从附近地区采集来的石灰石石块粗糙堆砌而成的。

    The trulli are made of roughly worked limestone boulders collected from neighbouring fields .