
  • 网络PVC;plastic material;MATERIAL
  1. 简单来说,3D打印机通过连续不断地叠加塑料材料,几乎可以塑造出任何形状的物体。

    Commonly , 3D printers lay down successive layers of plastic material to create objects of virtually any shape .

  2. 简单来说,3D打印机通过连续不断地叠加塑料材料,几乎可以塑造出任何形状的物体。3D打印机也可以制造出具有连锁机制的零部件,比如齿轮和接榫等。

    Commonly , 3D printers lay down successive layers of plastic material to create objects of virtually any shape . The printers can also create interlocking mechanical parts , such as gears and cogs .

  3. 我国IC产业发展对高纯塑料材料的需求

    Requirements of Chinese IC Industry for ultrapure plastics Materials

  4. 这个标准涵盖用于注模和挤压成形的PP(聚丙烯)塑料材料的聚合体含量和物理性能。

    This standard covers the polymeric content and physical characteristics of PP ( polypropylene ) plastic materials for injection molding and extrusion .

  5. 从文中还可以看出CPVC与其它塑料材料相比存在的区别和优点。

    From this article , you can also understand the advantage of CPVC over the other plastic materials .

  6. 双环戊二烯(简称DCPD)是一种具有很大应用潜力的新型塑料材料,在汽车制造、家用电器、建筑等行业有典型应用。

    A new process for manufacturing thermally polymerized aromatic petroleum resins using crack C9 fraction which are rich of DCPD has been developed .

  7. 以注塑模具设计为例,讨论了塑料材料性能数据库集成、塑件结构工艺性数据集成、基于CBR的模具设计推理方法集成、模型参数驱动的零部件设计集成以及基于统一装配模型的模架设计集成。

    Take the plastic mold design process as the example , plastic material performance database and structure feature data are integrated into the PDM system . Mold design technology such as the CBR , model parameter driven parts library , uniform assembly model , are controlled by the PDM environment .

  8. 工业矿物粉末复合塑料材料的发展动态与前景

    Developing situation and prospects of industrial mineral powder composite plastic material

  9. 塑料材料及制品的高性能化技术进展

    The Development of Plastic Materials and Its Products with High Performance

  10. 常用塑料材料生命周期能耗计算分析

    Calculation Analysis of Life Cycle Energy Consumption of Plastic Materials

  11. 不仅如此,使用塑料材料还可以降低太阳能电池板的成本。

    The material could also cut costs of deploying solar .

  12. 牙科用塑料材料及使用配方

    Plastic Material for Dental Surgery and Its Applied Formulations

  13. 电子电器用塑料材料绿色环保要求的探讨

    Probe into the Green & Environment - Protective Demands for Electrical Devices Plastic

  14. 塑料材料要考虑到其延展性、热塑变形等。

    Plastic materials should take into account its ductility , unscreened thermoplastic deformation .

  15. GB/T8808-1988软质复合塑料材料剥离试验方法

    Test method for peel force of flexible laminated plastics

  16. 铝塑复合管用塑料材料的性能研究

    Study of plastic materials used on Al-plastic composite pipe

  17. 车用塑料材料应用概况及发展趋势

    Application Status and Development Tendency of Vehicle Plastics Materials

  18. 塑料材料的流变实验与流变参数拟合

    Rheological Experiment and Parameter Fitting of Polymer Materials

  19. 具有阻隔紫外线功能透明塑料材料在食品包装上的应用研究

    Application of Transparent UV Obstructing Plastic in Food-packaging

  20. 透明塑料材料的现状及其改性研究动向

    Present State and Modification Studies of Optical Plastics

  21. 环境友好塑料材料的研制及开发动态

    Development and Preparation of Environmental Friendly Plastics Material

  22. 所述蜗壳由塑料材料制成,节约了物料成本。

    The scroll casing is made of plastic materials and saves the material cost .

  23. 注射成型塑料材料选择专家系统

    An Expert System for Injection Compound Selection

  24. 导电塑料材料在EMC/EMI中的应用

    Conductive Plastics in EMC / EMI Applications

  25. 浅谈塑料材料数据库的开发

    Development of a plastic data - base

  26. 张宇人,谁具有真正的船民,需要一些塑料材料,他。

    Tommy , who has a REAL BOAT , needed some plastic material for his bilges .

  27. 参照塑料材料阻燃性能的测试手段介绍了常用的沥青材料阻燃性能的测试方法;

    Typic testing method for the performance of flame retardants are introduced according to that of plastics .

  28. 激光防护塑料材料的研制

    Study of laser protective material

  29. 近年来,纤维复合塑料材料作为钢筋和预应力钢筋被日益广泛地应用于预应力混凝土结构。

    Recently , fiber reinforced plastic materials as reinforced bars and tendons are used in prestressed concrete structure .

  30. 概述了塑料材料及制品高性能化技术的研究进展情况。

    This paper summarized the development of the way to obtain plastic materials and its products with high performance .