
  • 网络light rail train;S-Bahn;LRT
  1. 目前韩国正在新建高速线,扩建铁路网,提高既有线的速度,研究350km/h的高速列车、轻轨列车和摆式列车。

    At present , Korea Railway is building new high speed lines , expanding railway network , raising running speed of the current lines , studying high speed train with a speed of 350 km / h , light rail train and tilting train .

  2. 天津轻轨列车无线调度通信解决方案

    Radio Communication Solution to Tianjin Light Rail Train Dispatching

  3. 评价结果表明:轻轨列车单独运行产生的噪声低于70dB,不超标;

    The assessment results showed that when the noise produced by light rail transportation itself was less than 70 decibels , it is lower than the noise standard ;

  4. 从城市地铁和轻轨列车微机控制系统的基本要求、性能和控制策略出发,分析微机控制系统的结构,介绍列车通信网络TCN标准的应用,提出故障诊断的基本构架。

    This paper analyses the structure of microcomputer control system on urban rail and metro vehicles from aspects as the essential requirments , performances and control strategy . It also introduces the application of vehicle communication network TCN standard , and puts forword the basic truss of fault diagnosis system .

  5. 无人驾驶地铁轻轨列车中的轮轨粘着问题

    Wheel / Rail Adhesion on Driverless Metro and Light Rail Trains

  6. 武汉轻轨列车运行控制系统

    Train Operation Control System Applied in Wuhan Light Rail Transit

  7. 城市地铁与轻轨列车的微机控制系统

    Microcomputer control system on urban rail and metro vehicle

  8. 轻轨列车和高架桥梁系统的动力响应分析

    Dynamic Responses of Light-Rail Train and Viaduct Bridge System

  9. 基于模糊控制的轻轨列车空调器性能测试系统

    Test system of air-condition performance based on fuzzy control

  10. 轻轨列车底部电器移动式除尘系统设计

    Design of Dust Removing System to the Electrical Equipment at the Bottom of Light Rail Vehicle

  11. 介绍轻轨列车单元式空调器性能测试系统的组成及空调器制冷量的测试方法和原理。

    Introduces method and theory of testing air-condition refrigeration and structure of air-condition performance test system for the light rail .

  12. 为了吸引更多的乘客,公共汽车,轻轨列车系统已成为市区的一节成为一个票价区。

    To attract even more riders , the bus and light rail system has turned a section of downtown into a fare-free zone .

  13. 在轻轨列车上,空压机主要作用是给车辆制动系统以及其它气动部件提供气源。

    On the light rail , the air compressor is mainly used to provide air supply for the braking system and some other pneumatic components .

  14. 各国研制了种类繁多的轻轨列车,体现了社会需求的多样性,也体现了轻轨车辆的复杂性。我国有必要在借鉴国外经验的基础上研究适合我国国情的轻轨车辆。

    Many countries have researched all kinds of light rail vehicles , which incarnate the variety of society requirement , and incarnate the complexity of light rail vehicles .

  15. 这个男孩还曾经乘坐轻轨列车到布卢明顿的水上公园去玩过,他在车站等着一大家子人检票如站,然后和他们站在一起。

    The boy also has a history of riding light-rail trains to a Bloomington water park , where he waits until a large family is entering and joins them .

  16. 这个男孩还曾经乘坐轻轨列车到布卢明顿的水上公园去玩过,他在车站“等着一大家子人检票如站,然后和他们站在一起。”据社区官员说,他们在与男孩交流的时候,

    The boy also has a history of riding light-rail trains to a Bloomington water park , where he " waits until a large family is entering and joins them . "

  17. 我居住的街道是由两排老式的双户住宅构成,房子之间近得几乎脸贴着脸,一边是高地,另一边是轻轨列车的轨道。

    The street I live on , a double row of duplex houses set nearly cheek to cheek , lies between higher ground on one side and train tracks on the other .

  18. 两德统一后的最初几年,住在柏林是一件令人兴奋的事情。我记得自己曾在1992年搭乘最初的几班轻轨列车之一,前往位于柏林之南的波茨坦,一座到处都是公园和宫殿的城市。

    Living here during those early years of reunification was thrilling . I recall in 1992 taking one of the first light-rail S-Bahn trains to Potsdam , the city of parks and palaces to Berlin 's south .

  19. 人性化设计不足又主要体现在对城市居民人机行为习惯的调查不足和轻轨地铁列车上人性化设计不足两方面。

    Insufficient human design is mainly reflected in inadequate investigations of human-computer behavior of city residents and humanized design in less than two light rail subway trains .

  20. 我们应该开始着眼公共交通,我们应该开始建造轻轨和高速列车。

    Let 's start making mass transportation ; let 's start doing light rail [ and ] speed trains .

  21. 我发现上海建造了不少现代化道路交通设施,有地铁,轻轨线路,磁悬浮列车等等。

    I find that alt of modern traffic facilities have been built in Shanghai such as metros , light rail lines , maglev trains and so on .

  22. 随着高速列车、地铁和轻轨的出现,列车的高速化、轻量化和低噪声化等方面的研究越来越受到广大研究人员所重视。

    With high-speed railway , subway and light rail generating , higher speed , lighter weight lower noise of train is paid attention to by more and more researchers .

  23. 随着计算机网络与嵌入式控制技术的结合,现代轻轨车辆和高速列车车辆中采用列车通信网进行连接。

    With the combination of computer networks and embedded systems control technology , the train communication network is applied to modern light rail vehicles and high-speed trains to connect vehicle .

  24. 在简化的轻轨车模型基础上,模拟6辆编组的轻轨列车以25km.h-1速度撞击一列静止的轻轨列车,得到各辆车的动力学响应。

    Based on the simplified model , a light rail train consisted of six cars at the speed of 25 kilometer per hour crashed with a stable train and the dynamic response of each car was obtained .

  25. 并以一实际高架轻轨系统为实例,研究了平基和桩基两种情况下高架轻轨列车对周围地基振动的影响。

    By a real example , the influences are studied of the train-bridge system on surrounding bases in shallow and pile foundations .