
  • 网络Calcium carbonate;PCC
  1. 2μm重钙替代轻钙用作UPVC制品的填料是完全可行的。

    So it is viable to replace light calcium by 2 μ m heavy Calcium in UPVC produces .

  2. 血浆复钙试验测定R1和Rd的抗凝作用。使用复配低聚物降低轻钙碱度的研究

    The plasma recalcification test was used to determine the effects of R 1 and R d on anticoagulation . Research on Reducing Alkalinity of Light Calcium Carbonate with Built Low-Grade Polymer

  3. 研究了添加轻钙、未改性纳米CaCO3、改性纳米CaCO3及其用量对丙烯酸涂料流变性的影响,结果表明,该体系的流动特性均符合Casson模型;

    The effects of adding light calcium carbonate , unmodified nano-CaCO_3 , modified nano-CaCO_ ( 3 ) into the acrylic coatings and its dosage on the rheological property were studied . The results showed that the rheological property of this system conformed to the Casson model .

  4. 在预聚体中的&NCO含量不变,轻钙和HVGO用量不变的情况下,以MOCA/EP330-N(官能团)为0.90/0.10作为混合固化剂时,可制得直接用作防水层的聚氨酯防水涂料。

    At the condition & NCO , calcium carbonate and HVGO content don 't be altered , use MOCA / EP330-N ( function group ) is 0.90/0.10 as the mixed curing agent , prepared polyurethane waterproof coating that used as the direct waterproof layer .

  5. 使用复配低聚物降低轻钙碱度的研究

    Research on Reducing Alkalinity of Light Calcium Carbonate with Built Low-Grade Polymer

  6. 重钙与轻钙填充聚烯烃性能的比较研究

    Comparative Studies on the Behavior of Filled Polyolefin with Weight Calcium and Light Calcium

  7. 公司主要产品有纳米活性碳酸钙、超细微有机碳酸钙、轻钙、重钙等。

    Its main products include calcium carbonate superfine powder , light & heavy calcium and modify .

  8. 在细度的测定实验中,发现了重钙、轻钙的用量对乳胶漆的细度的影响:重钙越多,细度越差;

    Determination of fineness of the experiment , found a heavy calcium light calcium content on the fineness of emulsion : Heavy Calcium more fineness worse ;

  9. 固体填料采用轻钙较好,用量以15%左右为宜;

    The calcium carbonate as the solid filler and the content is 15 % are better and the HVGO as the liquid filler and the content is 30 % .

  10. 向轻质碳酸钙中添加重质碳酸钙是目前工业生产采用的降低轻钙吸油量的方法,但由于研磨重钙尖锐的棱角和光滑的晶体解理面降低了轻钙填充制品的力学性能。

    Introducing ground calcium carbonate into precipitated calcium carbonate is the universal method which reduces the oil absorption value in industry . But the edge angles and the smooth surfaces of the ground calcium carbonate reduce the mechanics capability of PVC .

  11. 结果表明:采用该复配低聚物溶液可有效地降低轻钙碱度,提高产品质量并不影响生产工艺难度、复杂度和周期,为降低轻钙碱度提供了新的途径。

    The experimental results showed that it was a good method to reduce the alkalinity of light calcium carbonate with the solution . The process difficulty , complexity and the production period were not influenced and it provided a new way to reduce the alkalinity of light calcium carbonate .