
  • 网络white crystal
  1. 红外光谱分析此白色晶体为聚磷酸铵(APP)。

    The white crystals are identified the ammonium polyphosphate ( APP ) by use of FT-IR .

  2. 这种片状的白色晶体没有相应的JCPDS卡片。

    There is no corresponding JCPDS card with this kind of white crystals .

  3. 目的过氯酸铵(AP)是一种白色晶体粉末,常用于航天火箭和导弹固体推进剂中。

    Objective Ammonium Perchlorate ( AP ) is a white crystalline powder , commonly used as solid propellants in aerospace rockets and missiles .

  4. 白色晶体状化合物,KI,用于照相术及制药中,也用作分析试剂。

    A white crystalline compound , KI , used in photography and medicine and as an analytical reagent .

  5. 丙烯酰胺(acrylamide)是广泛用于生产化工产品聚丙烯酰胺的白色晶体物质,常用于净化处理水,加工纸浆等。

    Acrylamide ( acrylamide ) is a white crystalline substance and is precursor substance widely used in the production of polyacrylamide . It is mainly used for water purification treatment , pulp processing and so on .

  6. 鸟粪石是一种难溶于水的白色晶体,其主要成分是六水合磷酸铵镁(MgNH4PO4·6H2O)。

    Struvite [ MgNH_4PO_4 · 6H_2O ] is a white inorganic crystalline which is insoluble in water .

  7. 钾碱:泛指钾的各种化合物。主要指碳酸盐(K2CO3),呈白色晶体,以前从木材的灰烬中提

    " Potash : Name used for various inorganic compounds of potassium , chiefly the carbonate ( K2CO3 ), a white crystalline material formerly obtained from wood ashes . "

  8. 图示为大小不一的亮白色晶体。

    Here are seen bright white crystals of varying sizes .

  9. 性状:白色晶体或粉末,易溶于水。

    Prop . : White crystal or dust , soluble in water .

  10. 周缘在白色晶体上延长的各种钠长石。

    A variety of albite occurring as elongated white crystals .

  11. 蛋白发酵食品表面的白色晶体解析及控制

    Analysis and control of white crystals on the surface of protein fermented food

  12. 味精也称为味精增味剂,呈白色晶体状。

    MSG also known as MSG by flavor agent , a white crystal-like .

  13. 明矾:可溶于水的白色晶体。纸张施胶的材料。

    Alum : White crystals , soluble in water . Used for sizing paper .

  14. 固定化细胞酶的半衰期为100天,转化液经多步提纯得列白色晶体,提取收率55%。

    Half-life of the fumarase activity of the immobilized cell column at 37 C was measured to be 100 days .

  15. 加入乙醇和乙醚的混合物(体积比2.1)后,析出白色晶体。

    The D.P. substance was precipitated as a white powder by addition of an ethanol and ether ( 2:1 ) mixture .

  16. 非常咸的水,其味苦涩,能烧伤眼睛,干了后会在你身上留下白色晶体的水。

    Imagine water so salty that it tastes bitter , burns your eyes , and leaves white crystals on your body when it dries .

  17. 周缘在白色晶体上延长的各种钠长石我们曾希望把最后期限延至周末

    A variety of albite occurring as elongated white crystals . We have hope for the extension of the deadline to the end of the week

  18. 己内酰胺在常温下为白色晶体,可以发生水解、氧化、卤化等反应,是重要的石油化工产品,主要用于民用纤维、工业纤维和工程塑料。

    Caprolactam is one of important petrochemicals with a white crystal style at normal temperature and may occur some reactions such as hydrolyzation , oxygenation and halogenation . Caprolactam is mainly used for manufacture of engineering plastic and fibre for public and industry .

  19. 任一种白色的晶体酸,化学式为COOH(CH2)8COOH,用于生产某些合成胶、纤维多种增塑剂和聚脂橡胶。

    A white crystalline acid , COOH ( CH2 ) 8COOH , used in the manufacture of certain synthetic resins and fibers , various plasticizers , and polyester rubbers .

  20. 白色有毒晶体,将氧化钡溶于水中制成。

    White poisonous crystals ; made by dissolving barium oxide in water .

  21. 外观为白色粒状晶体,极易溶于水,不溶于有机溶剂。

    White crystal , easily soluble in water , but not in organic solution ;

  22. 性状:白色三角晶体。易潮解,稍有醋酸气味。溶于水和乙醇,不溶于丙酮。

    Prop . : White triangle crystal , easy deliquescence , with taste of acetic acid , soluble in water and ethanol , insoluble in acetone .

  23. 分别收集洗脱液,浓缩;用无水乙醚进行重结晶得到白色辣椒碱晶体,该工艺中辣椒碱类化合物的回收率88%左右,且制得的晶体中辣椒碱总含量达到96.2%。

    Eluate collected , and concentrated to use anhydrous ether re-crystallization by white pepper alkali crystal , the process of recovery Pepper bases of about 85 percent , and the system in the crystal capsaicin content of 94.8 % achieved . 3 .

  24. 结果:所合成的化合物为白色或黄色晶体,熔点在200&230℃左右,各个化合物结构均经IR、~1HNMR、MS和元素分析确证。

    Their chemical structures were determined by IR , ~ 1HNMR , MS and elemental analysis .

  25. 研究表明,该区的碳酸盐岩主要以结壳、烟囱的形式出现,结壳的裂隙或孔洞中常常充填有淡黄-白色的文石晶体。

    Authigenic carbonates in the area occur in the form of crusts and chimneys .

  26. 亮白色可极化晶体,但都在血管内呈弥漫和集中分布。

    Bright white collections of polarizable crystals are seen here , but are diffuse and centered around vascular spaces .

  27. 当然,如果这种方式走向极端,将会余下白色的盐晶体。

    If this is carried to the extreme , of course , white crystals of salt would be left behind .

  28. 外观为粉末状纯白色单斜棱晶体,微溶于水,低毒,大鼠口服的半数致死量大于3克/公斤体重。

    It is appearance of pure white powder monoclinic crystal , slightly soluble in water , low toxicity , rat oral lethal dose greater than 3g / kg body weight .

  29. 香草醛,香兰素:一种白色或淡黄色晶体化合物,C8H8O3,见于香子兰豆以及某些香脂和松脂中,用于做香水、调味品和药剂。

    A white or yellowish crystalline compound , C8H8O3 , found in vanilla beans and certain balsams and resins and used in perfumes , flavorings , and pharmaceuticals .

  30. 性状:白色或微黄晶体,在干燥的空气中易风化,能溶于水。

    Properties : White or mild yellow crystal , easy weathering in dry air , and easily weter-soluble .