
  • 网络white rock;whitestone
  1. 英国哥伦比亚的萨里郡白石镇的迪安娜`斯科特是听取马尔特呈述词之一的人。

    Deanna Scott of White Rock , Surrey in British Columbia is one of the people listening to Mallett 's presentation .

  2. 山东省汶上县在农村城镇化发展中形成了自己的发展模式,如白石镇将产业发展摆在重位置,大力发展特色产业,培育经济增长点的特色、优势产业的带动模式。

    Shandong County in the rural urbanization development in the formation of its own development model , such as the Bai Shizhen Industrial Development in heavy position , develop characteristic property energetically , foster new economic point of growth characteristic , advantage industry drive mode .