
bái dù
  • whiteness
白度[bái dù]
  1. 浅谈我公司对PVC树脂老化白度的研究

    Introduction to the ageing whiteness study of PVC resin in our company

  2. 提高悬浮法PVC产品白度的技术研究

    Technical research to increase the whiteness of PVC product by suspension method

  3. PVC树脂白度的改进

    Improvement on the whiteness of PVC resin

  4. 增加施N量使武运粳8号稻米加工品质提高,垩白度增加,透明度下降,粗蛋白含量显著提高。

    With increasing nitrogen , appearance quality and coarse protein also improved , but increased chalkiness and thus led to the decrease of transparency .

  5. H2O2总量不变时,提高第二段H2O2用量有利于浆料白度的提高。

    Increasing the H2O2 charge of the second stage would raise the brightness on condition that the total charge was unchanged .

  6. 结果表明,在氧脱木素过程中添加适量的H2O2可以增加脱木素浆的白度,并使浆的粘度降低很小。

    Results indicate that proper addition of H2O2 can increase the brightness and decrease the loss of viscosity of the pulp .

  7. 若在H2O2漂白时用氧加压,即采用压力过氧化氢漂白,有利漂终白度的提高,且粘度下降不大。

    It was beneficial for the improvement of final brightness if pressurized H_2O_2 bleaching was applied , but the viscosity decreased slightly .

  8. 而且HP漂白方法可以在保持得率不致降至太低的基础上有效地提高纸浆白度,节省贵重漂剂H2O2用量。

    And HP bleaching may improve the pulp brightness and decrease the yield slightly , and economize expensive bleaching agent ( H2O2 ) .

  9. 浅论卷烟纸用PCC白度问题

    Some questions about brightness of PCC in Cigarette paper

  10. 研究发现,EDTA不仅可提高手抄片的白度,还可提高其白度稳定性;

    Results showed that both brightness and brightness stabilization of the handsheets treated with EDTA solution were improved ;

  11. 研究结果表明:在脱墨纸浆的漂白过程中,H2O2漂剂可以提高脱墨纸浆的白度,但不能有效去除浆中的荧光增白剂;

    The results indicated that the fluorescer in de inked pulp can be eliminated by using ClO 2 bleaching .

  12. SSD群体的条件性状分析发现,直链淀粉含量的QTLS位点对稻米圣白度基因效应存在一定的影响。

    Conditional trait analysis shows that amylose content QTLs may influence on the chalkiness genes effect .

  13. 不同助剂组合对黑杨APMP浆白度稳定性的影响

    Studies on Brightness-Stability Improvement of Poplar APMP with Additives Combinations

  14. 麦草AS-AQ法蒸煮提高本色浆白度的研究

    Cooking of AS-AQ Wheat Straw Pulps to a Higher Brightness

  15. AS-AQ麦草浆全无氯高白度漂白的研究

    Bleaching of Wheat Straw AS-AQ Pulps to High Brightness with TCF Reagents

  16. 黄麻KP高白度漂白

    High Brightness Bleach of Jute Kraft Pulp

  17. 主要性能指标:钙离子交换率315CaCO_3mg/g干沸石;相对白度95;

    The main performance of the procluct : Ca exchange ratio : 315 mg CaCO_ / g opposite whiteness 95 ;

  18. 配合木聚糖酶和谷氨酰胺转胺酶(TG酶)可以改善纤维面包的品质,使面团形成时间缩短,促进发酵,面包的柔软度、白度、感官评价都得到改善。

    But mixing with xylanase and transglutaminase could improve their quality , which is to reduce the formation time and improve sensory evaluation of bread .

  19. 在相同用量下,麦草浆和脱墨浆的白度均可提高3%(ISO)以上。

    At the same dosage , more than 3 % ( ISO ) of brightness can be increased for both wheat straw pulp and deinked pulp .

  20. 采用中强碱和弱碱混合物做缓冲剂,可使漂白过程的pH值既不过高,也不过低,对提高漂白速度和浆的白度有利。

    Acting as moderator , the intermixture of strong alkali and weak base can stabilize pH values in the performance and can improve bleaching velocity , as well as the brightness of the pulp .

  21. 制浆流程对杨木SCMP白度和物理强度的影响

    Effect of Improved Process on the Brightness and Physical Properties of Poplar SCMP

  22. 本文通过ROS实验以及循环洗涤织物增白实验,分析探讨了ROS与织物洗涤白度的关系。

    This paper discussed and analyzed the relationship between ROS and fabric whitening by a series of ROS and repeated fabric washing experiments .

  23. 通过对超临界CO2中合成的聚丙烯腈的相对分子质量、热稳定性、白度以及聚合物中微量单体含量等测试,研究了在超临界CO2下所得聚丙烯腈的性能与合成工艺的关系。

    By measuring viscosity-average molecular weight , whiteness , thermostability and monomer content of product , the relationship between polymerization and properties of polyacrylonitrile obtained in supercritical carbon dioxide were studied .

  24. 结果表明:采用该聚合体系合成的CR248型氯丁橡胶(简称CR248),其接枝能力及白度均大幅度提高,可以替代进口CR用于接枝胶粘剂的生产。

    The results showed that the graft capacity and whiteness of CR 248 synthesized by this polymerization system , and CR 248 would replace the import rubbers for the production of graft adhesive .

  25. 通过在APMP工艺流程的不同位置设置酶处理段来考察聚木糖酶处理对于成浆白度的影响。

    The influence of xylanase-treating on brightness was investigated by carrying enzyme-treating in different stage of APMP process .

  26. 本文介绍了针叶木TMP浆水中DCS对成纸质量如强度、白度、吸水性和空气阻力(透气度)等方面的影响,同时介绍了酶处理对降解TMP浆中DCS的效果。

    The effects of DCS from softwood TMP on paper properties and the efficiency of enzyme treatments on the degradation of DCS were introduced in this paper .

  27. 研究表明,H2O2单段漂不能把烧碱蒽醌浆漂至实用的自度,但能把碱性亚钠蒽醌浆漂至62.4%的白度。

    Results obtained showed that single stage H2O2 bleaching of soda-AQ pulp failed to give a product with satisfactory brightness , however , a brightness of 62.4 % was obtained for alkaline sulfite pulps .

  28. 结果表明:各因素对橡实淀粉白度的影响程度大小依次为:H2O2浓度>反应pH值>反应时间>淀粉乳浓度>反应温度;

    The results show that the influencing extent of various factors is H 2O 2 consistency , pH value , reaction time , starch emulsion consistency , and reaction temperature in turn .

  29. 成浆的最终白度较常规CEH三段漂的提高了2~3个单位,返黄减轻。

    The final brightness increased 2 ~ 3 units and brightness stability was improved as well .

  30. 少量Al2O3则可以降低釉熔体高温粘度,抑制析晶,改善釉面白度和光泽度。

    A little Al 2O 3 would decrease high temperature viscosity of glaze flux , depress its devitrification and accordingly improve the whiteness and glossiness of glaze surface .