
  • 网络sedgwick;Edie Sedgwick;Sedgewick
  1. 他跟威罗杰斯在塞奇威克旅馆合住一个房间。

    He was to share a room at the hotel Sedgwick with w.a.rogers .

  2. 塞奇威克国家公园里,两只墨西哥灰狼互相用鼻子爱抚。

    Two Mexican gray wolves nuzzle each other in the Sedgwick County Zoo .

  3. 塞奇威克于1971年死于急性巴比妥酸盐中毒。

    Sedgwick died in1971 of acute barbiturate poisoning .

  4. 十一时,火车进入内布拉斯加州,经过塞奇威克就到了位于普拉特河南支流的居尔斯甫。

    They entered Nebraska at eleven , passed near Sedgwick , and touched at Julesburg , on the southern branch of the Platte River .

  5. 地诠释伊迪-塞奇威克角色,西耶娜-米勒她的大眼睛和性感长腿的魅力。

    To play the part of Edie Sedgwick with any conviction Sienna Miller had to employ the skills of her enormous eyes and long , nubile legs .

  6. 但是由于艾略特的胆怯,塞奇威克的懒惰和乔治的缺乏自信,这个能够证明他们自己的日子似乎永远也不会到来。

    But with Elliot 's timidity , Sedgewick 's laziness and George 's lack of self-confidence , it seems as if the day to prove who they really are will never come .