
  • 网络Seyfert galaxy
  1. 活动星系核分为类星体,塞弗特星系,射电星系,Blazar,Liner等。

    The active galactic nucleus divides into QSO , Seyfert galaxies , radio galaxy , Blazar , Liner and so on .

  2. 塞弗特星系又分为seyfert1和seyfert2星系,二者的差别在于线宽。

    Seyfert galaxies divides into seyfert 1 and seyfert 2 galaxy , the two difference lies in the line width .

  3. 结合观测结果,讨论了导致在塞弗特星系中观测到窄线区电离锥和其它不同形态的因素以及对活动星系核统一模型的验证等相关问题。

    Based on our observation results , we discuss the detectability of various morphologies , including the ionization cones and the implications for the unification model of active galactic nuclei .

  4. 根据简化的活动星系核的统一模型,假设窄线区气体成球状分布,那么应观测到塞弗特2型星系的窄线区电离气体成V状(电离锥)。

    According to the simplified unification model of active galactic nuclei ( AGN ), assuming that the gas in the NLR is spherically distributed , V-shape morphology ( ionization cone ) is expected to be observed in Seyfert 2 galaxy .

  5. 塞弗特2型星系窄线区的形态

    Morphologies of Narrow-Line Region of Seyfert 2 Galaxies