
  • 网络Seleka
  1. 我们向塞雷卡寻求帮助并逃进灌木丛里。

    We called Seleka for help and fled into the bush .

  2. 但当塞雷卡来到博阿利,他们彻底改变了。

    But when Seleka came to Boali , they changed completely .

  3. 1月17日国际部队将塞雷卡驱逐出博阿利。

    It was on January 17 that international troops pushed Seleka out of Boali .

  4. 当塞雷卡到达那里时,我们走了出来,看到所有人都已遇难。

    When Seleka got there , we came out and saw all the dead .

  5. 对面的居民,格雷·布莱斯·萨雷表示生活在这里的人们都曾与塞雷卡共处。

    A resident from across the way , Guy Blaise Zaze , said the people who lived here collaborated with Seleka .

  6. 中非共和国大部分的战事发生穆斯林塞雷卡反叛武装和被称为anti-Balaka的基督防卫力量之间。

    Most of the fighting in CAR is between former Seleka rebels , who are Muslim , and Christian defense forces known as anti-Balaka .

  7. 塞雷卡长达九个月在整个西方及首都的统治已经结束,反巴拉卡一直为几个月的杀戮,抢劫和破坏寻求报复。

    Seleka 's nine-month rule has ended and throughout the west and in the capital , the anti-Balaka have been seeking revenge for those months of killing , looting and destruction .