
  • 网络celanese;Celaneses
  1. 塞拉尼斯做任何事都以安全为前提。

    Celanese makes safety a precondition for everything we do .

  2. 塞拉尼斯二手干燥设备的改造

    The modification of second hand drying machine from Celanese

  3. 有机基础化学品主要生产商&德国塞拉尼斯公司

    Celanese AG & A Major Producer of Basic Organic Chemicals Company F Corporation

  4. 塞拉尼斯是一家全球性集化工、维和工程塑料为一体的公司,在美国纽约证券市场上市。

    Celanese Corp is a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange .

  5. 介绍了引进的塞拉尼斯公司二手干燥设备存在的问题,提出改造方案。

    The existing problems of the second hand drying machine imported from Celanese are introduced and the modifying program is put forward .