
fǔ zhì
  • seat of a prefecture
府治 [fǔ zhì]
  • [site of prefectural government] 知府衙门的所在地

  1. 平果县《嘹歌》文化中心的形成,与平果县曾是思恩府治所在地,是区域政治、文化中心有密切关系。

    The forming of cultural center of Zhuang 's Liao Songs is related to that Pingguo ever was the political and cultural center of Si en county .

  2. 唐以降至明末,可视为齐山的全盛时期。它的兴盛与其所在府治池州的兴盛是密不可分的。

    From Tang Dynasty to the late Ming Dynasty , Qi Mountain had experienced its flourishing time , which is inseparable from the flourishing of Chizhou , where it locates .