
Studies on Seafloor Hydrothermal Sulfides and Its Ore - forming Processes
Seafloor Massive Sulfides : The Frontier of Deep Ocean Miming
The variation of REE concentrations in the massive sulphide samples appears to be an indicator of the evolutionary characteristics of the hydrothermal fluid .
Low efficiency with high costs , these methods are not fit for the investigation and the appraisal of the large-scale seabed hydrothermal sulfide ;
Cannot effectively find the seabed hydrothermal sulfide ore spot hosted in the base of the detritus , the silt and the volcanic ash .
Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Sulfides in Mariana Trough At last , we have done turbidity sensor lab experiment and the system ocean experiment .
The basalt lithosomes are widely distributed on the small spreading ridge in the Mariana Trough central axis rift , and the submarine hydrothermal sulfides were erupted and accumulated from the cracks of these lithosomes .
With the pressure of movements in the earth 's crust and the heat this pressure caused , these layers were converted into petroleum . 3 . cannot effectively find the seabed hydrothermal sulfide ore spot hosted in the base of the detritus , the silt and the volcanic ash .
The deposit is similar in geological setting , distribution patterns of metal elements and REE , sulfur isotopic composition , and fluid inclusion characteristics to the Kuroko-type deposit and modern sulfide deposits in some sea-floor hydrothermal activity regions .
Modern Sea-floor Hydrothermal Activity and Genesis of Massive Sulfide Deposits : An Overview
Hydraulic Mining Technology Used for Exploitation of Marine Gas Hydrates Seafloor Massive Sulfides : The Frontier of Deep Ocean Miming