
tián chōnɡ jīn shǔ
  • filler metal
  1. 采用Ni-Fe-C合金作为填充金属,获得了基于TIG焊的WC-30Co/45钢焊接接头。

    Good WC-30Co / 45 steel TIG ( tungsten inert gas ) welded joint could be obtained using Ni-Fe-C alloy as filler metal .

  2. 选择适当碳含量的Ni-Fe-C合金作为填充金属,能够提高焊接接头的抗弯强度。

    By using Ni-Fe-C alloy with proper carbon content as filler metal , the bending strength of the welded joint could be improved .

  3. 厚板CO2焊,采用K形坡口可增加焊接厚度,节约填充金属。

    The K groove is used for heavy plate CO_2 welding in order to increase the thickness of plate to be jointed and decrease the deposited weld metal .

  4. 对比不同接头形式的三板T型焊接头,W型的三板T型焊接头具有填充金属少,晶粒尺寸小、腹板热影响区窄等优点。

    Compared to three-panel T-welded joints of different joint forms , W-shaped three-panel T-welded joints had advantage with less filling metal , small grain size and narrow-web heat-affected zone .

  5. 详细内容归纳如下:1.创新性的提出一种超临界CS2体系制备碳纳米管填充金属硫化物复合材料的方法。

    The details are summarized as follows : 1 . Metal sulfide filled CNTs composites were obtained in supercritical CS2 for the first time .

  6. 研究了稀土元素处理玻璃纤维填充金属塑料多层复合材料在冲击载荷、干摩擦条件下的摩擦和磨损性能,并利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对磨损表面进行了观察和分析。

    The friction and wear properties of metal plastic multilayer composites were investigated under impact load and dry friction conditions . The composites were filled with glass fiber with or without rare earth treatment . The worn surfaces were observed and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) .

  7. 用新开发的恒应变速率试验方法研究了X20CrMoV12·1管接头蠕变行为,重点考虑了不同焊接条件和焊缝填充金属种类的影响。

    By a newly developed test method , the constant strain rate ( CSR ) test method , the creep behaviour of X20CrMoV12 · 1 pipe girth welds was studied with particular emphasis on the effect of welding conditions and type of filler metal .

  8. 用密封胶填充金属密封件上的开口。

    Fill the openings in the metal seals with sealant .

  9. 供货方应与申请书一起提交填充金属的化学和机械性能。

    Supplier shall submit chemical and mechanical properties with the request for approval .

  10. 形成图形以后激光钻孔:(3)填充金属胶;

    Second , laser drilling after pattern formation . third . filling metal paste .

  11. 稀土对玻璃纤维填充金属-塑料多层复合材料抗冲击磨损性能的影响

    Improvement of Impact Wear-Resistance of Metal-Plastic Multilayer Composites Filled with Rare Earth-treated Glass Fiber

  12. 激光束与填充金属之间的相互作用。

    Interactions of laser beam with filler metal .

  13. 低成本的焊道,与其他焊接过程相比,填充金属的数量相对比较少。

    The quantity of filler metal being often much lower than with other welding processes .

  14. 310型填充金属只用于310型材料间的焊接。

    Do not use Type 310 filler material except for welding Type 310 to Type 310 .

  15. 电弧法合成填充金属纳米粒子的碳纳米管

    Synthesis of carbon nanotubes filled with metallic nano - particles by using anode - arc discharge method

  16. 对于复层上已焊过的接缝应从下表选用填充金属。

    For welded seams in clad material , filler metals selected from the following table shall be used .

  17. 但将非受压元件焊接受压元件时所用的填充金属,应与受压元件的标称化学组成相配。

    However , for attaching nonpressure parts to pressure parts , the filler metal chemistry shall match the nominal chemistry of the pressure part .

  18. 焊接通过加热,有时加压或有时用媒介物或有很高熔点的填充金属来连接(金属)

    To join ( metals ) by applying heat , sometimes with pressure and sometimes with an intermediate or filler metal having a high melting point .

  19. 等离子弧热喷焊技术是一种以等离子弧为热源,以一定成分的合金粉末作为填充金属的表面强化技术。

    Plasma arc thermal spray welding is a kind of surface harden engineering by taking plasma arc as themal resource and certain alloy power as additive .

  20. 由于焊缝填充金属的不同和焊接热循环的作用,焊接接头不同区域有着不同的力学性能。

    Due to the choice of the weld metal and the local thermal cycle , the weld joint because heterogeneous in mechanical properties for different region .

  21. 将填充金属改变为本规范规定的合格填充金属外的填充金属时,必须获得业主的书面许可。

    Permission to change filler metals to those other than the ones qualified in accordance with this specification must be obtained in writing , from the employer .

  22. 填充金属颗粒的纳米管复合材料对各式各样的纳米器件,电磁波的吸收,高密度电磁数据存储装置和传感器的应用提供了可能性。

    Nanotubes filled with metal particals provide possibilities for application of many kinds of nano-devices , magnetic waves absorption , high density magnetic data storage and sensor .

  23. 随着焊接温度从850℃升高,界面反应层增厚,填充金属中反应物的数量增多,尺寸增大;

    With increasing welding temperature from 850 ℃, the thickness of the interfacial reaction layer increases and both amount and size of the reactant in the filling metal increase .

  24. 焊接是通过加热或加压,或两者并用,并且用或不用填充金属,使焊件间达到原子间结合的一种永久性连接的方法。

    Welding is a permanent connection method for the weldment atoms , which is through heating or pressure , or both with , and with or without the filler metal .

  25. 需要适当的程间温度和正确选择填充金属材料来防止冷热裂缝,产生适当的蠕变阻力和韧性。

    The proper interpass temperature is required to prevent cold and hot cracking as well as the proper selection of welding filler material , to produce the proper creep resistance and toughness .

  26. 前者实验研究表明等离子弧对工件的加热作用促进了填充金属的表面铺展,随着等离子弧电流的增大,熔合区晶粒细化,但是热影响区扩展。

    The former experiment reveals that preheating effect of plasma arc on workpiece benefit wetting of filler metal and when plasma current inceases , grain of bond area refines , but HAZ expands .

  27. 结果表明,如果填充金属钎焊时处于固液双相区,施加压力既能减小钎缝宽度,又能改善钎缝金属组织,使接头强度得到提高;

    For solid liquid state brazing , bonding pressure will not only reduce the width of braze metal but also modify its microstructures , which results in that the joint 's strength is improved .

  28. 本文从实对称核积分方程出发,给出了用边界元法求任意截面均匀填充金属波导截止波数的一般方法。

    This paper presents a general method for the solutions of cut-off wave numbers of an arbitrarily shaped waveguide by using the boundary element method via boundary integral equation with a real symmetrical kernal .

  29. 利用电流通过液体熔渣所产生的电阻热,将送入渣池的焊丝与导丝管熔化,作为填充金属,通过水冷滑块强制焊缝成形。

    The resistance heat that the current produces through the liquid slag makes the electrode wire and the wire guide melting as filler metal , and the metal is forced by water-cooled slide shoes to solidify welding joint .

  30. 主要研究一种新型高阻尼弹簧(填充金属丝和浸沥青的弹簧)的阻尼性能,通过实验得到,普通弹簧在填充金属丝和浸透沥青后,可以提高阻尼。

    The damping performance of a new type of high damping spring is studied emphatically . Through experiments it is found common spring 's damping effect can be increased when it is filled with tinsel and soaked with pitch .