
tián sè wù
  • Packing material;tamping;wadding;stuffer
  1. 后期至晚期连续CT扫描的价值较大,能区分填塞物、残瘤或肿瘤复发。

    But in the late postoperative stage , consecutive CT scanning was found to be valuable in distinguishing among wadding , tumor residual and tumor recurrence within sella turcica .

  2. filler填装物,填塞物fillerwords填充词填充词没有实际的含义,当你在聊天的间隙突然忘词,词穷或者需要思考的时候,用来填补这段时间的一些词和句子。

    A filler word is a word or phrase that has no real meaning , it just gives the speaker a chance to pause during conversation .

  3. 基于上述诸多原因,药物性PVD的实验研究得以重视。临床上,惰性气体全氟丙烷(perfluoropropane,C3F8)作为视网膜手术时眼内填塞物而注入玻璃体腔内。

    For these many reasons , the drug-PVD importance to the Experimental Study . Clinically , an inert perfluoropropane gas ( C3F8 ) as retinal surgery and intraocular stuffing into the vitreous cavity .

  4. 方法:比较传统的凡士林纱条与Ivalon带通气管高膨胀海绵作为鼻腔充血填塞物的临床效果。

    Methods : A comparative study was carried out of for the clinical effects of traditional vaseline gauze with that of ivalon highly expansive sponge with canal as nasal packing material through a valuation on the volume .

  5. 治疗鼻出血鼻腔填塞物的选择

    The choice of nasal packing materials in the treatment of epistaxis

  6. 鼻内镜手术后鼻腔填塞物的选择及效果比较

    A comparison of nasal packing materials after functional endoscopic sinus surgery

  7. 台阶爆破填塞物逸出过程及爆堆伸出分析

    The Analysis of the Fill Matter Escaping and the Explosion Pile Extension in the Bench Explosion

  8. 鼻腔填塞物的选择及疗效比较

    Effect Comparison of Nasal Packing Material

  9. 对于技术数据、尺码表、标签、包装或填塞物方面的需求也由代理方以英文书面形式提交。

    Technical data , measurement charts , labeling , packing or stuffing requirements will be submitted by the Agent in written form and English language .

  10. 今天庆祝节日通常是一顿丰盛的晚餐,包括火鸡、填塞物、甜土豆、酸梅酱和南瓜派。

    Today the holiday traditionally revolves around sharing a hearty meal featuring such favorites as turkey , stuffing , sweet potatoes , cranberry sauce , and pumpkin pie .

  11. 结果原发性肝癌切除后填塞物超声显像为单个高回声、边界清晰、较均匀、无声晕、无彩色血流信号。

    Results : The wadding after ectomy of primary hepatocellular carcinoma showed the single high echo , clear border and homogeneous , no echogenic border and color blood flow .

  12. 本文利用电磁测量法及高速摄影法对块状模型中炮孔填塞物在孔内的运动规律和块体移动过程进行了研究。

    In this Paper , a new electric-magnetic methed and high-speed Photography are used to study the stemming movement in the blasthole and block movement of the blocky medium model .

  13. 实验组自术后第1天起间断性鼻腔滴抗生素注射液,术后第3至第5天取出填塞物。

    However , the patient in experiment group was dripping antibiotic injection periodically since first day after the surgery and was taken out the tampon during three to five days after the surgery .

  14. 鼻内镜术后明胶海绵加其他填塞物填塞止血临床观察方法:采用随机分组,观察组用藻酸钙敷料填塞手术鼻腔,对照组用凡士林纱条填塞鼻腔。

    Hemostasia with gelatin sponge-based stuffing in postoperative management of endoscopic sinus surgery patients were divided into test and control groups . Patients of test group were given calcium alginate dressing to tampon the nasal cavity .

  15. 抽取填塞物时试验组1例有少量渗血,对照组6例有少量渗血,3例因出血较多需重新填塞(P<0.05);

    Results : Capillary hemorrhage happened in 1 case in the experimental group , in 6 cases in the control group when being taken out the wadding and 3 out of them needed re-packing ( P < 0.05 ) .

  16. 填塞用填塞物衬、垫、放或填轮作与休闲对日光温室黄瓜连作土壤微生物和酶活性的影响

    Effects of rotation and fallowing on the microbial communities and enzyme activities in a solar greenhouse soil under continuous cucumber cropping

  17. 目的:比较四种鼻腔填塞材料的疗效,指导临床选择合适的术后鼻内填塞物。

    Objective To compare four postoperative nasal packing materials .