
  • 网络Fragrance;flavor;flavour
  1. 饲料香味剂在中国的研究与应用

    The research and application of feed flavour in China

  2. 试验一为几种甜味剂和香味剂对仔猪增重及血液生化指标的影响。

    Experiment one : effect of several sweeteners and flavor on piglet 's weight gain and blood biochemical indexes .

  3. 固相微萃取GC-MS技术分析果味香味剂成分的研究

    Study on the aroma components of scenting agent by GC-MS with solid phase microextraction

  4. 这听起来像个噱头,但纳吉兄弟声称CLRCFF咖啡完全是用高品质阿拉比卡咖啡豆和纯净水制成,不加任何防腐剂、人造香味剂、甜味剂或糖。

    It sounds like a gimmick , I know , but the Nagy brothers claim that CLR CFF is made solely from high-quality Arabica coffee beans and pure water , with no preservatives , artificial flavors , sweeteners or sugars added .

  5. 气相色谱法测定饲料香味剂中香味成分的含量

    Determining Fragrance Components in Fodder Flavouring Matter by Gas Chromatography

  6. 饲料香味剂丁二酮的合成

    The synthesis of butanedione as feed scenting agent

  7. 加入让人放松的最好的香味剂。

    Inhale the best scents for relaxation .

  8. 麦芽糖糊精可被当做甜味剂,香味剂的载体或者填充物,对改善食品结构很有效果。

    Maltodextrin is the carrier for sweeteners , aromatizer , stuffing , which contributes to improve the structure of food .

  9. 丁二酮作为饲料香味剂,可增加动物食欲及采食量,提高生产效率。

    Butanedione as feed scenting agent may improve appetite and capacity for eating of animal , and increase efficiency of production .

  10. 果香味剂最适添加剂量的筛选及对奶牛生产性能和奶风味的影响

    Studies on the Optimal Supplemental Dosage of the Mixed Fruit Flavor Meal and Effects on the Cow Performance and Milk Flavor

  11. 尽管都改善了牛奶的风味,但进入到牛奶中的成分发生了较大的变化。本研究结果为果香味剂在奶牛养殖应用中提供了实验依据。

    Although the mixed fruit flavor meal could improve the milk flavor , the kind and ratio of the fruit flavor compounds in milk were changed .

  12. α,β-二乙酰基琥珀酸酯香味增效剂的合成

    Synthesis of the flavor enhancer α、β & diacetyl succinate

  13. 微胶囊长效香味整理剂的研究

    On the microcapsule durable flavor finishing agent

  14. 在麦乐鸡被做成其标志性形状之前,还要在鸡肉里加入一些香味增强剂、湿度增强剂以及防腐剂等。

    Before the nuggets are formed into their iconic shapes , they get mixed with ingredients like flavor enhancers , moisture enhancers and preservatives .

  15. 他们警告不要使用香味作为驱虫剂,而建议使用含有高浓度避蚊胺的产品。

    They caution against using the fragrance as an insect repellent , and instead recommend products that have high concentrations of DEET .

  16. 你们有卖加香味的厕所清洁剂吗?

    Do you stock fragranced toilet cleaners ?

  17. 干燥的花瓣,柠檬或其他柑橘类水果的香味或者食品染色剂都可以加入混合物中。

    Dried flower petals , the zest of lemons or other citrus fruits , or food coloring can be added to the mix .