
  • 网络Gelatin sponge;Gelfoam
  1. 血管栓塞剂选用钢圈、明胶海绵、PVA微粒三种。

    The vascular embolic agents include steel coil , gelfoam , and PVA .

  2. 方法39例肝硬化合并脾肿大、脾功能亢进患者,11例使用钢圈栓塞,15例使用明胶海绵栓塞,13例使用PVA颗粒栓塞。

    Methods Thirty nine patients of cirrhosis with hypersplenism and hypersplenotrophy , 11 of them were treated with steel coils , 15 with gelfoam , 13 with the PVA .

  3. C组为在B组治疗后加用明胶海绵栓塞。

    Group C , chemotherapy , Lipiodol and gelfoam embolization .

  4. B组:予明胶海绵覆盖;

    Group B : By gelatin sponge ;

  5. 根据DSA表现,采用灌注垂体后叶素或用明胶海绵粉和弹簧栓子栓塞治疗。

    Vasopressin infusion and embolization with Gelfoam or coils were used .

  6. 结论采用EC耳脑胶明胶海绵肌筋膜或肌片贴敷法修补上矢状窦破裂出血,简单实用,效果可靠,值得临床推广应用。

    Conclusion Repairing superior sagittal sinus rupture with EC glue is reliable , easy and worth popularizing .

  7. 目的:观察EC胶+明胶海绵应用于腭裂整复术的疗效。

    Objective To observe the effect of EC Glue and Glutin sponge in reparation of cleft palate .

  8. 结论:在腭裂松弛切口应用EC胶+明胶海绵较用碘仿纱条效果好,安全可靠。

    Conclusion The relief incision with EC Glue + Glutin sponge in palatoplasty is beneficial to the patients .

  9. 明胶海绵可作为BMP诱导成骨的载体。

    Gelfoam sponge may be used as a carrier of BMP to induce osteogenesis .

  10. 明胶海绵加上EC耳脑胶修复鞍底可避免出现脑脊液漏;

    The cerebrospinal fluid leakage can be prevented by saddle bottom repair with gelatin sponge and EC ear-brain glue .

  11. 采用单侧股动脉穿刺,双侧子宫动脉造影,PVA颗粒加自制明胶海绵颗粒栓塞。

    Treated by unilateral femoral puncture , uterus Artery photography , embolized with PVA grain and absorbable gelation grain .

  12. 目的探讨2种栓塞材料聚乙烯醇(PVA)颗粒和明胶海绵颗粒支气管动脉内栓塞治疗急性大咯血的临床疗效。

    Objective To study bronchial arteries embolization with polyvinyl alcohol ( PVA ) or Gelfoam in the massive hemoptysis .

  13. 目的探讨应用碘油、PVA、明胶海绵颗粒介入治疗子宫肌瘤的临床效果。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of uterine myoma by interventional therapy with lipiodol , PAV and gelatin foam .

  14. 结论综合应用碘油、PVA、明胶海绵颗粒介入治疗子宫肌瘤是非手术治疗的良好方法。

    Conclusion Uterine artery embolization with lipiodol , PVA , and gelatin foam is a good method for treated uterine myoma .

  15. 根据所使用的栓塞材料不同分为两组:A组(明胶海绵组)、B组(联合弹簧钢圈、明胶海绵组)。

    Based on the use of different embolic materials are divided into two groups : group A ( gelatin sponge group ), group B ( joint stainless steel platinum coils , gelatin sponge group ) .

  16. 而SCI组部分大鼠损伤处脊髓变性坏死,明胶海绵吸收较差。

    While the injury spinal cord of some rats in SCI group was metamorphic and necrotic with poor absorption of gelatin sponge . 4 .

  17. 目的探讨用明胶海绵(GS)加真丝线段(ST)进行支气管动脉栓塞治疗大咯血的效果。

    Objective To discuss the effect of bronchi arteries embolization with gelatinum sponge ( GS ) and silk thread ( ST ) to treat serious hemoptysis .

  18. 钢圈组、明胶海绵组及PVA组中度以上疼痛发生率分别为81.8%、100%和100%。

    The rate of splenic pain in steel coils group , gelfoam group and PVA group was 81.8 % , 100 % and 100 % respectively .

  19. 方法:对9例骨科肿瘤做介入治疗患者均行DSA造影,并用明胶海绵条做供养动脉栓塞。

    Methods : 9 cases of bone tumor were treated with interventional therapy , Transarterial embolazation ( TAE ) and DSA were performed in all patients .

  20. 研究结果显示,自制海绵与可吸收明胶海绵相比,止血时间有显著性差异(P0.05),且续发性再出血情况更少。

    The result shows that the self producing O-carboxymethyl chitosan hemostatic sponge and commercial absorbable-gelatin sponge have significant difference on the bleeding time ( P0.05 ), moreover the recurring hemorrhage was fewer .

  21. 方法对14例胆胰术后出血,分别采用明胶海绵条、钢圈、PVA颗粒进行栓塞或血管加压素局部灌注治疗。

    Methods Fourteen patients with hemorrhage following biliary and pancreatic surgery were treated by embolization using gelfoam pledgets , PVA granules , metal coils or otherwise by local infusion of vasopressin .

  22. 方法采用Seldinger技术对37例外伤性脾破裂行明胶海绵颗粒栓塞部分脾动脉止血,右下腹麦氏点经皮穿刺放置导管引流腹腔积液。

    Methods 37 patients with spleen rupture were performed with partial splenic embolization ( PSE ) by Seldinger 's methods .

  23. 方法:运用Seldinger技术,对18例骨和肌肉组织肿瘤进行造影,灌注和超选择动脉栓塞术,栓塞材料运用明胶海绵粒加抗癌药浸泡。

    Methods : 18 patients with bone and muscular tissue tumors were performed superselective transcatheter arterial embolization by Seldinger technique .

  24. 采用Seldinger法,经股动脉入路,选择性肾动脉血管造影和栓塞治疗,栓塞材料为明胶海绵。

    We used Seldinger method : selective arterial angiography and embolization therapy from femoral artery . Embolization material was gelfoam .

  25. 方法:以明胶海绵、NTCRE、线段、自体凝血块及无水乙醇用于栓塞肿瘤、先天性肾动静脉瘘和肾外伤出血,共53例。

    Methods : In 53 patients , the embolization was achieved with the gelatin sponge , thread segment , NT CRE , self blood coagulum or absolute ethanol .

  26. 方法用涂有EC耳脑胶的明胶海绵肌筋膜或肌片修补22例上矢状窦破裂出血的静脉窦口.对患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

    Methods 22 cases of superior sagittal sinus rupture were repaired with muscular fasciae and gelatin sponge or muscular sheet smeared with EC glue . The clinical data of the patients were analyzed retrospectively .

  27. 方法对24例经CT、MRI证实为大面积脑梗死患者采用12cm×15cm大骨瓣减压加明胶海绵支架建立血管通道的方法进行治疗。

    Methods 24 patients with massive cerebral infarction proved by CT and MRI were treated by 12 cm × 15 cm large craniotomy and vascular tunnel creation with gelatin sponge .

  28. 结论用抑肽酶行脾动脉灌注、明胶海绵栓塞是治疗脾破裂Gall分级Ⅰ~Ⅲ级可靠而有效的方法;

    Conclusions Trasylol perfusion and gelatin sponge embolization of the splenic artery is a reliable and effective way for treatment of splenic rupture with Gall grades of ⅰ to ⅲ .

  29. 结论经肝动脉灌注60~65°C的碘油、化疗药合并明胶海绵栓塞肝动脉治疗肝癌是简单、安全的方法,能显著提高单纯化疗、栓塞的疗效。

    Conclusions Transhepatic arterial perfusion of warmed Lipiodol , chemotherapeutic agents ( 60 ~ 65 ° C ) combined with hepatic arterial embolization with gelfoam is a simple and safe method in treating hepatic cancer , which can enhance markedly the effectiveness of simple transarterial interventional therapy .

  30. 方法20只犬随机分为4组,采用3F微导管以明胶海绵(GEF)作为栓塞材料超选择栓塞肠系膜上动脉分支。

    Methods Twenty dogs were divided randomly into four groups . Superselective arterial embolization was performed using the modified 3F microcatheter with GEF .