
tián liào hán
  • stuffing box;gland box
填料函[tián liào hán]
  1. 填料函-可配置备选灯笼环和润滑油注射器。

    Stuffing Box – optional lantern rings and grease injectors are available .

  2. 深度填料函确保较长的填料使用寿命。

    Stuffing box is deep , assuring long packing life .

  3. 活塞式压缩机活塞环、填料函的改造

    Improving Piston Rings and Gland Boxes of a Piston Compressor

  4. 主机填料函污滑油柜自动喂料真空填装机

    Main engine stuffing box lubricating oil dirty tan automatic feed vacuum filler

  5. 高压往复泵填料函的失效分析及改进

    Failure analysis and improvement of the stuffing box of high pressure reciprocating pump

  6. 测量并记录轴径,填料函孔径及深度。

    Measure and record shaft diameter , stuffing box bore and box depth .

  7. 低压冷却剂再循环系统活塞冷却填料函压盖

    Low pressure coolant recirculation system piston cooling gland

  8. 活塞式压缩机填料函端面泄漏的判断与处理

    Judgement and disposal on leakage from end face of packing box of piston compressor

  9. 船用电缆塑料填料函的研制

    Development for Marine Cable Plastic Gland Box

  10. 填料函是相对于阀座的机械装置,能够最大限度减少阀座和外部同时出现泄漏。

    The stuffing box is machined relative to the seat minimizing seat and external leakage simultaneously .

  11. 填料函的基本形式是:(1)压盖式这是用得最多的形式。

    Stuffing the basic form is : ( 1 ) gland-type This is the most used form .

  12. 隔膜阀体流通平滑、节流元件为弹性隔膜阀,阀盖上无填料函。

    Diaphragm valve body flow smoothly , cutting components for the elastic diaphragm , valve cover stuffing .

  13. 所以在水泵的运行巡回检查过程中对填料函的检查是特别要注意!

    So check the pump to run during the tour of the stuffing of the check is paying particular attention to !

  14. 泵定子部分由进水段、中段、导叶、出水段、填料函体等零件组成。

    Pump stator is composed of suction casing , stage casing , guide vane , discharge casing and stuffing box , etc.

  15. Lummus/UOP装置苯乙烯单体收率下降原因分析及换热器填料函的改进

    Analysis of Decrease Cause of Styrene Monomer Yield in Lummus / UOP Installation and Improvement of the Packing Box of Heat Exchangers

  16. 迷宫锥型套密封技术通过改变密封填料函的结构,有效地解决了加煤机轴密封技术问题。

    The labyrinth seal of taper bush changes the structure of the sealing cavity so that solves the seal problem of the feeder effectively .

  17. 在作为盘根填料函使用时,直接把石墨带缠绕在泵、阀的轴上,缠绕至一定尺寸后,用压盖压实即可。

    Designed for use as packing , just with wrapping tape to stem or shaft , and then stuffing , endless packing can be formed .

  18. 介绍各种密封圈在往复压缩机填料函上的应用,对其结构和性能进行分析。

    The article provides the introduction on application of several seals into packing box of reciprocating compressor , and analysis on its structure and performance .

  19. 填料函内,以填料与阀杆直接接触并充满填料函,阻止介质外漏。

    Fill letter in order to fill in direct contact with the stem and the letter is full of fillers , to prevent media leakage .

  20. 离心泵的基本构造是由六部分组成的,分别是:叶轮,泵体,泵轴,轴承,密封环,填料函。

    Basic structure of the centrifugal pump is composed of six parts , namely : impeller , pump , pump shaft , bearing , seal ring , stuffing box .

  21. 大型填料函可适应所有填料配置排列,包括适用于严酷应用环境的动负载结构和套环。适当的维修管理一般就可以控制住钢构件的锈蚀。

    Large stuffing box accommodates all packing arrangements , including live-loaded design and lantern ring type for severe services . Corrosion on steel components can usually be controlled by proper maintenance .

  22. 文章介绍了艉轴填料函密封的基本原理,分析了漏水的原因,提出了艉轴铜套分段红装修理的具体操作方法。

    This paper presents the principle of stern stuffing seal , analyses the reason of water-leaking and provides in detail the technique of fitting operation on divided bronze liner of stern shaft .

  23. 水泵的结构:主要是由吸入室、压出室、泵轴和轴承、叶轮、密封环、填料函组成。

    The structure of water pumps : a water pump is mainly composed of intake chamber , extruding chamber , pump shaft and bearing , impeller , sealing ring and stuffing box .

  24. 填料函的作用主要是为了封闭泵壳与泵轴之间的空隙,不让泵内的水流不流到外面来也不让外面的空气进入到泵内。

    The role of the stuffing pump is mainly to close the gap between the shell and the shaft , to prevent the flow pump does not flow to the outside , it does not allow outside air into the pump .

  25. 分析螺旋输送器轴封失效原因,通过改造填料函结构,选择组合填料密封,实现了螺旋输送器轴封的无泄漏。

    By analyzing the causes of the failure of bearing sealing in a certain device of screw conveyer , the structure of packing box was improved and the combined packing was selected , and the nonleakage of the bearing sealing was attained .

  26. 由此提出改进措施:(1)将原单填料函结构改为双填料函结构;

    Thereby measures for improvement of the sealing construction are put forward : ( 1 ) the single packing-box should be substituted by double packing-box so as to strengthen the sealing resistance and the adaptability of the packing ha to the deflection of the mandrel ;

  27. 从进出口压差密封部件和定位键与外壳间联接结构两方面入手,提出了相应的改造方案:将机组进出口压差的密封部件由波纹管改为石棉填料函,提高了其运行可靠性;

    The transformation for turbo cycling compressor is designed in both differential pressure seal parts at the inlet and outlet and the connecting construction of the positioning key and turbo cycling compressor casing : replace wave pipe of differential pressure seal parts with asbestos jointing and improve its reliability ;

  28. 阀门的使用条件、阀杆材料、填料性能和尺寸,填料预紧力都影响填料函的密封。

    The use of valve conditions , stem material , packing performance and size , affect the pre-compression filler filler sealed letter .

  29. 介绍了船用阀门密封填料结构型式的主要类型和适用范围。讨论了填料函结构尺寸和密封填料规格的相互关系。

    Introduces main types and applicable scopes of sealing packing structure for valve used on board , discusses the interrelation between structure sizes of the packing gland and packing sizes , gives actual selecting examples of packing .