
  • 网络wadding;Also called batt
  1. 试验方案Ⅱ-黑液用化学法(HCl)去除木质素后进行厌氧发酵,Ⅱ号反应器内装软填料。

    The second experiment is that the anaerobic digestion is carried out after lignin has been removed from the black liquor with chemical method .

  2. 软填料密封侧压系数分析

    The Lateral Pressure Coefficient in a Soft - packed Stuffing Seal

  3. 改善高压柱塞泵的软填料密封

    Improvement of soft packed seal for high pressure plunger pump

  4. 自动补偿径向压紧软填料密封结构设计

    Structure design of the automatical compensation and radial compaction soft stuffing seal

  5. 软填料密封系统在循环水泵中的应用

    Application of Soft Stuffing Seal System in Circulation Water Pump

  6. 阀用软填料横向同性等温粘弹力学行为的分析

    Analysis of isothermal viscoelastic mechanical behavior in transversely isotropic soft packing for valve

  7. 软填料密封机理分析

    An Analysis of the Sealing Mechanism of a Soft Packed Stuffing Box Seal

  8. 外压式与内压式软填料密封的试验研究

    Experimental study on the soft sealing packings with external and internal compressed structures

  9. 密封软填料力学性能的分析计算论单基因的分离负荷

    Analytic Calculation of Gland Load for Sealing Soft Packing

  10. 以活性炭纤维为软填料处理酱油废水的探索研究

    Research on the treatment of sauce wastewater using activated carbon fiber as soft bio-media

  11. 泵的轴封有软填料和机械密封两种供用户选用。

    The shaft seal can adopt soft gland packing or mechanical seal for selection .

  12. 组合式软填料在水泵上的试验研究

    Experiment Research on Combination of Soft-packing with Pump

  13. GB/T5661-1985轴向吸入离心泵机械密封和软填料用的空腔尺寸

    End-suction centrifugal pumps & Dimensions of cavities for mechanical seals and for soft packing

  14. 机械设备用软填料密封径向压力分布的计算与分析

    Calculation and analysis of radial pressure distribution on soft packing seal of the equipment

  15. 软填料生物接触氧化法处理感光污水

    Treament of sewage in photographic materials manufacture by biological contact oxidation using soft fillers

  16. 密封软填料等温密封行为的理论分析

    Theoretic Analysis of Sealing Behavior for Soft Packing

  17. 提高旋转轴软填料密封效果的方法研究

    Research on the Methods for Enhancing the Effect of Packing Sealing Working with Rotating Shaft

  18. 动密封软填料对高水基工作液的污染分析

    Analysis on pollution of high water-based working fluid from soft packing braided in the dynamic sealing

  19. 石油化工设备流体动密封技术研究高压高水基棉麻动密封软填料的吸附载荷试验分析

    Researches on the Adsorption Load of Soft Packing in Dynamic Seal for High Pressure and High Water-based Fluid Systems

  20. 根据泄漏介质的密封条件,分析了软填料密封行为的两个典型状态,给出了软填料可靠密封的静态准则和动态准则。

    According to sealing condition of leaking medium , static criterion and dynamic criterion are given by analysis of two typical sealing behaviors .

  21. 在其它密封技术方面,给出了软填料密封可靠性的理论判据以及填料密封的侧压系数和衰减系数计算公式。

    Thetheory criterion of seal reliability of soft packings , the formulae of side pressure coefficients and damping factors ofpacking seals were given for other seal technology .

  22. 将软填料密封盒与机械密封盒加工成统一标准化的装置,使两种密封装置按需选择使用或互换使用。

    2 ) Seal-ing boxes for soft packing and mechanical seals are made into a standard devices , so they may be exchangeable ( or selective ) .

  23. 通过对离心式油泵端面密封和软填料密封的结构失效分析,提出端面密封改进措施,采用工程塑料制造螺旋密封来改进离心式油泵的密封结构,取得满意的效果。

    Through an analysis of structural failure of dual-end-face , mechanical seal and soft packing seal parts of centrifugal oil pumps , a suggestion of improving the pump seal structure with spiral seal made of engineering plastic material is proposed and practiced with satisfactory effect .

  24. 分析了高压高水基棉麻动密封软填料的摩擦界面形态,采用环块试验机研究了载荷、表面粗糙度和转速对其摩擦因素的影响。

    The tribological interface characteristics of cotton and ramee braided soft sealing packing in dynamic sealing of high pressure and high water-based fluid were analysed , and the effect of frictional load , surface roughness and velocity on its frictional coefficient was studied by Ring and Block Friction Tester .

  25. 增设软纤维填料对升流式固体反应器(USR)性能的影响

    Effect of Upflow Solid Reactor Function by Adding Soft Fibre Packing Material

  26. 研究了投加多孔软性填料后乳品废水好氧生物处理过程中COD的变化,试验结果表明,加入多孔软性填料,乳品废水中有机污染物的降解速率显著增加;

    Studied the COD changes after addition of soft stuffing with pores in the processes of the aerobic treatment of dairy wastewater . The results of experiments show that after adding soft stuffing with pores , the speed of decomposition of organic pollutants is observably enhanced ;

  27. 半软性填料在印染废水处理中的应用

    Application of Semi-Soft Filler in Treating of Printing Effluent

  28. 塔式生物滤池采用钢筋混凝土结构,使用规整形半软性填料。

    The bio tower adopted armoured concrete frame , whith using regular half soft filling .

  29. 在新建两座生物滤塔时,通过改进半软性填料的构型,进一步提高了废水处理效果。

    Two newly built biofilters using semi soft packing modified in configuration has gained better treatment efficiency .

  30. 本文着重研究软性填料用于膜法生物硝化的性能。

    This paper studied on the performances of soft filler in biological fixed - film nitrification system .