
  • 网络software development process
  1. RationalUnifiedProcess提供软件开发流程指南,这些指南是通过对大量开发活动中使用的最佳实践进行提炼得到的。

    The Rational Unified Process provides software development process guidance that has been distilled from the best practices of numerous developments .

  2. RationalMethodComposer是一个灵活的软件开发流程平台,可帮助您向项目团队交付自定义但一致的流程指导。

    Rational Method Composer is a flexible software development process platform that helps you deliver customized yet consistent process guidance to your project team .

  3. RUP是基于已证实了的最佳实践的软件开发流程框架。

    RUP is a software development process framework based on proven best practices .

  4. 一个基于组件的软件开发流程控制(PDF)。

    A component-based software development process ( PDF ) .

  5. RUP即Rational统一过程,它是综合而详尽的软件开发流程框架,根据这一框架可以定制专用的软件开发流程。

    RUP , namely rational unified process , is a comprehensive and detailed software development process framework from which customized processes is developed .

  6. Web2.0需要软件开发流程方面的敏捷性。

    Web2.0 requires agility in your software development process .

  7. TDD测试驱动开发与瀑布式软件开发流程的对比研究

    The Comparative Research of TDD and Fall-styled Software Development Flow

  8. 说明了此种SOPC系统的硬件设计方法和软件开发流程。

    We also introduce the method of hardware design and flow of software design .

  9. RationalUnifiedProcess(RUP)基于全球数千项目所采用的最佳实践,是能够针对具体项目进行方便定制的软件开发流程。

    Based on best practices adopted by thousands of projects worldwide , the Rational Unified Process ( RUP ) is a software development process that can easily be tailored for specific projects .

  10. RUP的快捷(或称作轻量级)尺度允许我们我们能够拥有一个遵守规范的、以严格的计划取代提高适应性的软件开发流程。

    The agility ( or lightweight ) dimension of RUP allowed us to have disciplined software development process without bureaucracy that promotes adaptability rather than rigid planning .

  11. 运用本文所介绍的软件开发流程,深南电路依靠不到10个人的开发团队,完成了对原有ERP系统的升级改造,探索出了一条系统升级改造的新路。

    This thesis is described the use of the software development process , less than 10 individuals to rely on the development team , completed the upgrading of the existing ERP system , to explore a new way of upgrading ERP .

  12. 论文首先介绍SCADE开发环境,对基于SCADE飞行控制软件开发流程与传统飞行控制软件开发流程进行分析比较,确定了课题的总体设计方案。

    Firstly , the development environment of SCADE is presented summarily , and the traditional development and the development based on SCADE are analyzed and compared , the general designed scheme is determined .

  13. 开发者们都致力于消除软件开发流程中的低效之处。

    Developers are focused on eliminating inefficiencies in their software process .

  14. 瀑布式过程则是经典的软件开发流程。

    The waterfall process is a classical software development process .

  15. 研究软件开发流程中体系结构的角色

    Explore the role of architecture within the software development process

  16. 但是这些先进理念却受到官僚的企业软件开发流程的限制。

    But these advances were hamstrung by bureaucratic corporate software development processes .

  17. 从架构师的观点来看软件开发流程

    Viewpoint Software Development Process from an Architect 's Perspective

  18. 熟悉软件开发流程和测试流程;

    Good software test methodology ; - Familiar with software development and test process ;

  19. 最后给出了软件开发流程以及单片机实现程序的关键代码。

    Finally the software development process and the key code for single-chip implement program are given .

  20. 最后,您分析了体系结构和架构师的角色在软件开发流程中所处的位置。

    Finally , you examined where architecture and the role of the architect fit in the software development process .

  21. 其次,根据软件开发流程对系统开发进行可行性研究及需求分析。

    Secondly , the software development process based on a feasibility study on the system development and requirements analysis .

  22. 在此基础上,设计出网络系统硬件及软件开发流程。

    According to the Knowledge , We can design the software , hardware and development program of MIS network system .

  23. 在软件开发流程中,从设计到编码到编译为最终的可执行代码,任何一个阶段的安全隐患都可能导致最终软件的安全性问题。

    During the software development process , from design to coding , any phase with security deficiencies can lead to insecure software .

  24. 阐述了硬件设计思想、软件开发流程及人脸检测算法的实现。

    The designing ideas of the hardware and developing flow of the software and the algorithm of human face detection are expounded .

  25. 在项目成本管理体系设计时,将成本管理按软件开发流程分为需求分析、软件设计、具体实施和结束四个阶段。

    The design of the project cost management system four specific stages needs analysis , software design , implementation and the termination .

  26. 但是,在新的软件开发流程中,迭代周期变短,要求对代码进行频繁地重构。

    But , in the new software development flow , the iteration cycle shortens , requests to carry on to the code restructures frequently .

  27. 从对日外包软件开发流程出发,提出了对需求变更的度量方法,实现对变更要求的有效管理。

    From Japanese outsourcing software development process , this paper proposed a measurable method of the changing demand , to realize the effective management of the changing demand .

  28. 本文基于混沌系统与小波变换的基本理论,深入研究了混沌理论在图像加密中的应用,提出了两种图像加密方法,设计了基于混沌加密算法的硬件系统及软件开发流程。

    Based on the basic theory of chaos theory and wavelet transformation , this article made an in-depth study of the application of chaos theory in image encryption .

  29. 您希望使用扩展来更新软件开发流程和方法,这些扩展是以协作方式构建的,并且可以在专业人员使用方法时以动态方式进行填充。

    Ideally , you want to be able to extend software development processes and methods with extensions built collaboratively , and dynamically populated at the time practitioners use the method .

  30. 业务建模既可以是独立的也可以作为业务流程再工程的一部分,两种情况下它都向软件开发流程中添加了价值。

    While business modeling can be done either independently of or as part of a business process reengineering effort , it adds value to the software development process in either case .