
  1. 麦秸墙体保温材料与硬石膏板的复合可以采用连接件结合或粘接的方法。

    And the combination of heat insulation wall material of wheat straw with hard plasterboard could be done by means of connecting parts or a proper adhesive .

  2. 随着建筑业的高度发展,各种新型墙体保温材料和节能住宅建筑体系也随之发展起来。

    With the height of the development of the construction industry , a variety of new wall insulation materials and energy-saving residential building system has grown with it .

  3. 试验结果表明:用平压法工艺市以生产出性能较好的麦秸墙体保温材料,其导热系数随着麦秸墙体保温材料密度的增加而增加;

    The test results showed : the heat insulation wall material of wheat straw produced by flat-press process had better properties , among which the heat conductivity increased as the density rised ;

  4. 硅酸盐墙体保温材料具有导热系数低、抗压强度高、成本低、阻燃及无污染等特点,具有广泛的应用和发展前景。

    The silicate thermal insulation material for wall not only has low thermal conductivity and high compression strength , but also low-cost , non-poisonous and non-combustible . It will have widespread use and a great foreground .

  5. 围护结构的耗热量要占建筑采暖热耗的1/3以上,而目前的保温材料不是在性能上有不足,就是成本较高,因此,研制新型的墙体保温材料有着重要的现实意义。

    Retaining the structure of consumption of calories to account for heat consumption of building heating 1 / 3 or more , and the present insulation material is not less than in performance , that is high cost .

  6. 主要针对围护结构,通过选择不同的墙体保温材料、屋面保温材料以及玻璃材料,对每一个单项绿色技术进行模拟计算,且根据每项技术的经济性指标分析各项技术的优缺点。

    Our study focused on the structure of enclosure , we evaluated individual green technique , through choosing different wall-enclosure insulating material , outside insulating material , and glass materials . And we further evaluated the economy of these techniques according to their individual costs .

  7. 陶粒增强加气砌块是一种新型墙体自保温材料,有着广阔的应用市场。

    The ceramsite-reinforced concrete block is a kind of new self-insulation wall material with broad application market .

  8. 因此,在建筑维护结构中使用免蒸压加气混凝土墙体自保温材料,具有显著的经济和社会效益。

    Therefore , using the Non - autoclaved fly-ash concrete wall as thermal insulation material in the building maintenance structure , has significant economic and social benefits .

  9. 建筑领域的节能已成为我国节能的重点,目前实现建筑节能最主要的措施使用建筑隔热保温材料,陶粒和保温腻子是目前研究较为广泛的墙体隔热保温材料。

    Building energy conservation is the focus of energy conservation in our country . Currently the most important measure to achieve building conservation is use of building thermal insulation materials .

  10. 加气混凝土是一种绿色环保材料,具有集新型墙体材料和保温材料于一体的独特优点,是目前所有外墙材料中唯一能够满足节能50%要求的单一外墙材料。

    The aerated concrete is a kind of green environmental protection material which has unique advantage of incorporating new wall material and heat-insulate into an organic whole . It is the only one that can meet requirements of 50 % energy-efficiency in all exterior wall materials at present .

  11. 近年来建筑火灾的频繁发生,与建筑墙体保温层的有机材料不无关系。

    In recent years , the frequent occurrence of building fire accidents cannot be irrelevant with organic heat preservation materials of building wall insulation layer .