
  • 网络The Mark on the Wall
  1. 你看到墙上的斑点了吗?

    Did you perceive the mark on the wall ?

  2. 哦,墙上的斑点!

    Ah , the mark on the wall !

  3. 意识流小说文体探究&对《墙上的斑点》的功能文体分析

    A Functional Stylistic Study on Stream-of - consciousness Novels

  4. 弗吉尼亚伍尔芙《墙上的斑点》中的意识流(英文)

    The Stream of Consciousness in Virginia Woolf s The Mark on the Wall ;

  5. 可是墙上的斑点不是一个小孔。

    And yet that mark on the wall is not a hole at all .

  6. 从人际功能的角度分析《墙上的斑点》

    The Analysis of The Mark on the Wall from the Perspective of Interpersonal Function ;

  7. 她于1919年写的意识流小说《墙上的斑点》就是一个成功的范例。

    Her novel The Mark on the Wall written in1919 is a successful novel of stream-of-consciousness .

  8. 抓住人类生存的节点弹奏现代生命的心音&《墙上的斑点》解读

    Ideology of Modern People : from the Node of the Existence of Man & Understanding of The Mark on the Wall

  9. 从《墙上的斑点》谈弗洛伊德潜意识理论对于意识流小说的影响

    The influence of Freud sigmund 's subconsciousness on the stream of consciousness : virinia woolf 's The mark on the wall

  10. 墙上的斑点是一块圆形的小迹印,在雪白的墙壁上呈暗黑色,在壁炉上方大约六七英寸的地方。

    The mark was a small round mark , black upon the white wall , about six or seven inches above the mantelpiece .

  11. 不过,我们也不妨注视墙上的斑点,来打断那些不愉快的思想。

    Still , there 's no harm in putting a full stop to one 's disagreeable thoughts by looking at a mark on the wall .

  12. 我一定要跳起来亲眼看看墙上的斑点到底是什么&是一枚钉子?一片玫瑰花瓣?

    I must jump up and see for myself what that mark on the wall really is & a nail , a rose-leaf , a crack in the wood ?

  13. 本文从主题思想、人物刻画和叙述范式三方面入手,系统比较《阿拉比》和《墙上的斑点》。

    This article will compare their short stories Araby and The Mark on the Wall in three aspects of the theme , the portrayal of individuals and the narrative paradigm .

  14. 惠特克是知道的。大自然忠告你说,不要为此感到恼怒,而要从中得到安慰;假如你无法得到安慰,假如你一定要破坏这一小时的平静,那就去想想墙上的斑点吧。

    Whitaker knows , and let that , so Nature counsels , comfort you , instead of enraging you ; and if you can 't be comforted , if you must shatter this hour of peace , think of the mark on the wall .

  15. 结合意识流小说的总体特征和写作技巧,从小说的题目、篇章结构和叙述方式等方面探讨弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的短篇小说《墙上的斑点》的艺术特点和独特风格。

    Combining the characteristic and writing technique of the consciousness stream novel , discusses the artistic characteristic and unique style of Virginia Woolf 's well-know short story Spot on the Wall from such aspects as the title , structure , and the way of description .

  16. 大约是在今年一月中旬,我抬起头来,第一次看见了墙上的那个斑点。

    Perhaps it was the middle of January in the present that I first looked up and saw the mark on the wall .