
zēnɡ yè tānɡ
  • Fluid-increasing Decoction
  1. 清·吴瑭所创增液汤用以治疗数日不大便而偏于津亏液干者,其所立“增水行舟”法为津亏便秘的治疗提供了新的途径。

    Wu-tang of Qing Dynasty created Fluid-increasing Decoction to nourish yin , clear away heat and loose bowel to relieve constipation .

  2. 增液汤对阴虚热盛证家兔血液流变学的影响

    Effect of Zeng Ye Decoction on Hemorrheology in Yin Deficiency and Heat Syndrome ′ s Rabbits

  3. 在成功建立阴虚热盛证动物模型的基础上,观察了增液汤对阴虚热盛证家兔血液流变学的影响。

    To observe the effect of Zeng Ye Decoction ( ZYD ) on hemorrheology in Yin deficiency and heat syndrome ′ s rabbits .

  4. 结果表明,糖尿病各个证型的血糖和尿糖检测值均有不同程度的差别,其中主要表现为热证的燥热伤津和胃热津亏两型。增液汤治疗便秘(津亏液竭)实验研究

    The result showed that the blood and urine suger values in each type of dia-betes were different . The Experiment Study on Fluid-Increasing Decoction in Treating Constipation Due to Exhaustion of Yin Fluid and Body Fluid

  5. 补肾益气中药消除运动性疲劳的研究进展从补液谈解暑益气增液汤在夏训中的临床运用

    The Overall Statement of Chinese Herb for Invigorating Qi and Tonifying the Kidney on the Effect of Anti-fatigue in Sports Exercise ; Clinical application of clearing summer heat , supplementing Qi and increasing fluids decoction in the aspect of fluid infusion on the summer training

  6. 后世温病大家吴鞠通创设增液承气汤,似与少阴三急下证颇合。

    Members of future generations WuJu-tong created fluidincreasing decoction for purgation , seemingly accord with three urgent purgation with Shaoyin quite a radical .

  7. 方法:用中医辩证论治方法,选用增液承气汤随证加减治疗65例便秘患者。

    Methods : According to dialectical treatment of TCM , 65 patients with constipation were taken with Jiaweizengyechengqi decoction and vary the composition with syndrome .

  8. 结论:陈旧性肛裂患者术后应用自拟的增液通便汤较好的改善了大便质地,减轻了术后排便疼痛,促进了切口愈合,临床有较好地应用价值。

    Conclusion : The application of chronic anal fissure patients were prepared by liquid from the soup better laxative improved stool texture , reduce postoperative pain and bowel movements , promotes wound healing , clinical application of better value .